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“Yes. Thank you for the offer,” I reply politely, taking my arm back. But not fast enough. On the dance floor, my girlfriend has stopped dancing, those young hormones blasting from the barrel of a gun. Color creeps into her cheeks and she appears to be contemplating removing one of her high heels and stabbing it into Adrian’s neck. “If you’ll excuse me?”

I leave Adrian’s side and intercept Veda halfway between the clueless mother and the dance floor, shushing when I reach her, sliding a hand around her elbow. A signal that everything is fine and we would talk about what upset her later. Several parents are within earshot, and while I don’t hide our relationship from anyone, I don’t think a high school-age party is the time or place to kiss her jealous streak back into submission. Although, believe me, I’d love nothing more.

“Who was that?” Veda whispers. “Why did she have her hands on you?”

I’m not fooled by her compliance in being quiet. There are sparks going off in her big, blue eyes, and I can sympathize because I spend half my life now wanting to do harm to anyone who breathes the same air as her. I’ve had to tone down my tendency to maneuver and isolate her, though. She resents it because her father was overprotective of Veda and her mother before the woman passed away. Making decisions without consulting her is what made her leave me, and if I have to suffer for the paradise she provides me, so be it. “Just one of the mothers, angel. It was nothing.” I give her elbow a squeeze. “I think she’s had a little too much champagne.”

Veda glances past my shoulder, presumably at Adrian. “Women don’t need to be drunk to come on to you, Ramsey. They just need a pulse.”

I can’t help but laugh, and when I do, I notice she stares up at my mouth, as if she likes the sound. I’ve become adept at figuring out when she likes things and giving her as much of it as possible. Before Veda, I never laughed, but if she likes proof of my happiness, all she has to do is stick around. “What about you?” I ask, dropping my voice. “Do you have a pulse?”

“Yes. Everywhere.” Her smile is catlike as she sidles closer, tilting her head to the side. “Beat beat beat.”

Here it is. The bite of Veda’s green monster. Same as I would do with her, she wants to let everyone know we belong to each other. And I’ve been on the tracks before while this particular train roars down the tracks, so I know there’s very little chance of stopping it. I bend down and speak just above her ear. “I’ll take care of your pulse when everyone goes home for the night. Just a little while longer.”

Her fingers tease the button of my dress shirt, right against my stomach. “Aren’t you going to give me a birthday dance?”

Fuck. I’d love for her to ask me this downstairs in the living room or at the foot of our bed. I’d give her a dance that would have her trying to rip my pants off by the time it ended. And I would gladly let her. “Veda.” My tone holds a warning. “These people aren’t as discreet as my employees. I won’t have them talking behind your back or hurting your feelings.” I breathe in and out. “No one upsets my girl.”

“I don’t care if they talk.” Her fingertips drift down lower, beneath my belly button, and my stomach muscles shudder, my dick growing heavy with hunger. “Just once dance? I’ll be good.”

“No, you won’t.”

Her lips jump. “Probably not.” She shrugs one shoulder, drawing attention to how thin the strap of her dress is. So thin I could rip it with a quick bite. “Maybe you’re a bad influence.”

If a territorial Veda is my catnip, a flirtatious Veda is my kryptonite. There’s no way I can resist her when she’s doing that subtle body twist, side to side, telling me she’d be stroking me through my pants if we were alone. I resent everyone at the party for making me wait to have her hands on my cock. Over the last two weeks, she’s gone from letting me initiate sex to trying to get my zipper down when I’m barely in the door. Virgin to vamp in no time flat, and I love it. Because she’s all mine.

“Please, Ramsey? One birthday dance.” She wiggles her index finger. “I’d hate to have to ask one of those fathers.”

She knows she’s gone too far, because I can hear her gulp in reaction to the dangerous vibe that flexes my muscles. I don’t think she realizes I’d go berserk if another man laid a hand on her or what that would look like. Frankly, I have no idea what it would look like either because I’ve never been possessive over another human being in my life. We’re both learning to deal with jealousy in our own ways. Veda’s method is acting out. I hope we never have to discover what mine would be.

As soon as the invisible grip loosens around my neck, I manage to smile and offer her my hand. “I can’t say no to you.”

Our fingers lock together, and I lead her to the dance floor, her relief that I’m maintaining my good humor palpable. There are a few girls left dancing, but a slower song begins to play when Veda slides into my arms, locking her wrists behind my neck, and the floor is vacant in seconds, apart from us. Over Veda’s shoulder, I give the nearest security guard a nod and he strides off, correctly interpreting my command. Get everyone the hell out.

There’s a very good reason I’m calling the celebration to a halt, and she’s got her head tossed back, blonde hair hanging down to her waist, gazing up at me with bedroom eyes, right there for everyone to see. My cock loves it. Loves the way her tits are pressing against my upper abdomen, plumping over the pink silk, her cunt rubbing on my thigh with each sway of our bodies. This is not how a man dances with his ward—it’s foreplay—and I’ll never be able to control myself, even in front of an audience. So the guests have to go.

“Are you enjoying your party?”

“Yes. I love it. Thank you.” The chemistry between us sizzles and pops as she drags her curves up my body by going up on her toes, her lips pressing a kiss to the bottom of my chin. Behind her, I watch the departing guests elbow one another as they get an eyeful of us dancing, my hands inching lower and lower toward the ass I’ve been dying to hold since the damn party started. “I’m glad we didn’t go with the circus theme. It could have gotten messy with all those animals,” Veda murmurs. “I probably would have fed that touchy-feely mother to a lion by now.”

My touch drops the final remaining inches, snagging an ass cheek in my right hand, and fuck, I can’t help but give the taut flesh a rough squeeze. She could sell tickets for a single grab and probably make a fortune. “She told me if I ever need advice dealing with young girls, I could ask her for advice.” Veda stiffens, but relaxes slowly when I pet her bottom and hum against her ear. “I told her I only have one young girl to worry about. And I keep her happy by licking her sweet, warm pussy before I leave for work in the morning.”

Veda half gasps, half laughs. “You did not say that to her.”

“I might have, if you’d given me a chance.” Security has just about finished ushering out the guests, but the handful of stragglers are staring so hard as they head for the exit, their eyes are going to pop out of their heads. One of the fathers is massaging his dick through his pants, and if I wasn’t determined to give Veda the best birthday of her life, I might have tossed him over the side of the roof. “Come on, let’s take a walk through the garden.” Keeping her back to the departing audience, I guide her into the small maze of trees that hide us from prying eyes. “It’s time to celebrate properly.”

Chapter Two

As soon as we’re swallowed up by the garden, unable to be seen by security, retreating guests or surrounding buildings, I take the hem of Veda’s dress and slip it off over her head, leaving her clad in nothing but a white thong, a matching strapless bra and sparkling high heels. She wastes no time unhooking the bra in front and dropping it to the ground. It’s not about seduction, though. No, she’s trying to get me inside her as fast as possible because my girl is impatient, and by making her orgasms my life, I’ve turned her into a certified fuck junkie.

Two afternoons prior, I had to leave the office to meet Veda on her school lunch break because she’d called me begging, her voice throaty

with need. She rode my dick so hard and fast in the back seat of my limousine, plaid skirt in a tangle around her waist, I almost lost my seed before she hit her peak.

However, thinking of how wide she’d spread her thighs isn’t the best idea when I’m intent on giving her long and satisfying instead of rough, fast and sweaty. Taking a seat on one of the hanging two-seater swings, I crook a finger at Veda, satisfied when she doesn’t hesitate to put herself within reaching distance.

I take her wrist and turn her sideways, allowing my gaze to stroke over her backside, before I yank her forward, draping her face down over my lap.

“Ramsey,” she gasps, excitement threading through her tone. “What are you doing?”

My index finger hooks into the back of her thong, and I slowly, slowly drag it down her ass, leaving the work of art completely bare. “Didn’t your father ever give you a birthday spanking?” I tuck my middle finger between her cheeks, testing that little pucker I’ve yet to conquer. Soon. “One slap for each year.”

“No, he never did.”

Satisfaction hums in my blood. “Must not have trusted himself.”

The first smack of my hand is light, right against the underside of her right cheek, sending the flesh into a tight wobble. Christ, the low, cracking sound mingles with her soft moan to undo me. Her tits are resting on the swell of my hard-on so I know she feels how much I’m enjoying punishing her. I slap her twice more, crackcrack, landing one blow on each side, and she jerks on my lap.

“Pretty little birthday girl. All dressed up for her party.” Slap. “What a spoiled princess you are, Veda. Wrapping me around your pinkie finger and getting anything you want.” I try to keep track of how many times I’ve spanked her, but it’s damn difficult when she starts to tilt her hips back as if she’s asking for it. Loving it. And after I’ve given her another six glancing blows, I can’t stop myself from pushing a finger into the wet home between her thighs. “Ahhh, God. You know this pussy gets you anything you want, don’t you, angel? It’s so very tight for Ramsey, so Ramsey spends his money. I love doing it, too.”
