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She stares at me as if she can’t believe I mean what I say.

‘In fact, I wish I had half of what you have,’ I tell her honestly.

‘No you don’t.’

‘Actually I do. Do you know that you are luckier than anyone else I know? Everything falls into your lap. Designer clothes and shoes, music classes, expensive holidays. You just have to open your mouth and ask for it and it’s yours. It’s not like that for me. I’ve had to take summer jobs to get the things I want. When I go back I’ll have to take out a student loan just to complete my studies. A debt that I will spend a great deal of my working life paying back.’

She doesn’t say anything, but I can see she is thinking about what I said.

‘When I was young my dad told me a story and it kind of changed the way I thought about things. You want to hear it?’

‘Yes, please,’ she says quickly.

‘It was about this set of twins. One of them was an eternal optimist. No matter how bad the situation he would find a reason to be happy, and the other was the eternal pessimist. He would do the opposite and find something to be sad about no matter how good the situation was.

‘So one day their father decided to see if he could change their attitudes. On the boys’ birthday he filled the pessimist’s room with every imaginable toy. He practically bought his son a toy store. Then he filled the optimist’s room with donkey dung. Just a big stinking pile of dung right in the middle of the poor kid’s room. When the boys came home from school the father said, ‘Boys your birthday presents are in your rooms.’

‘The pessimist ran into his room and began to berate his father for buying so many toys. He complained and cried about how he would never have enough time to play with all of them. In the other room the optimist began skipping around the dung heap, laughing. ‘Woo hoo,’ he sang happily. ‘There’s a pony around. There’s a pony around.’

Britney laughs. ‘I’d like to be the pony boy in your story. He’s cute.’

‘You could be,’ I tell her softly.

‘Thanks for the story. It’s a good one.’

‘You’re welcome.’ I look at my watch. ‘I have to go. My aunt will be waiting for me. Let’s talk again when I get back on Sunday, OK?’

‘OK,’ she says slowly.

I start to walk to the door.

‘Tori,’ she calls. ‘I’m sorry you have to take out a student loan just to finish your studies.’

I smile at her. ‘It’s OK. Most people have to, Brit. Just be grateful for everything you have.’

‘My brother likes you, you know.’

‘What? Why?’ Whoa, that had come out like high pitched squeaks. I clear my throat. ‘Er … what makes you say that?’

‘Everybody knows you only get pushed into the water by a girl who’s jealous of you, or a guy who has the hots for you.’


‘Do you like my brother?’

‘Um … I never really thought about it.’

‘Really? Most girls can’t stop thinking about him.’

‘Well, he must be very bored of it all then.’ I look at my watch. ‘I should get going.’

‘Have a nice time with your aunt.’

‘I will. You have a lovely lunch with your dad.’



Chapter Seventeen


I take the tube to Waterloo and get on the train to Virginia Water station. The train is almost empty and I sit in a carriage with one other person and stare out of the window unseeing. My mind churning with thoughts. Sometimes I catch my reflection smiling like some lovesick fool. I wonder what he must be doing. Probably still in bed. I think of his lips going down my stomach, kisses fluttering like butterflies.

When the train gets to Staines I call my aunt, and by the time I exit Virginia Water Station she is already waiting at the car park. I fling my knapsack into the boot of the car and get into the passenger seat.

‘You all right?’ she asks, smiling at me and turning the key in the ignition.

I smile back. ‘Yeah. Did you have to wait long?’

‘No, I just got here.’

‘So where is this antiques fair then?’

‘At the Runnymede Hotel. It’s only ten minutes away. Hopefully we’ll find something special for your mom’s birthday.’

‘I hope so too,’ I say, and suddenly miss my mom. I take my mobile out and send her a message.

I love you, mom.
