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‘Will you tell her?’ I whisper.

‘I’ll tell my dad. He’ll know what to do.’

Suddenly tears fill my eyes when I think of Britney. How misunderstood she was. ‘Poor Britney,’ I whisper.

‘Hey, why are you crying?’ he asks, shocked.

‘Damn onions,’ I sniff.

‘What onions?’ he asks, as he scrambles over to my side of the bed, making some of the food tip onto the duvet.

‘You’re destroying the bed,’ I mumble, embarrassed that I cried in front of him.

He pushes me onto my back. ‘Your tough guy attitude is just an act, isn’t it? Inside you’re as soft as a marshmallow.’

‘No, I’m not,’ I deny.

‘Don’t,’ he says softly. ‘You’re beautiful when you cry for someone else.’

Chapter Twenty-one


After I put the food away we go for a walk in the lovely grounds with their flowering bushes and tall majestic trees. There are rabbits everywhere and I put the salad and cut carrots that I found in the picnic basket on the ground, and watch delighted as the tame creatures come up to us and eat them right in front of us. They are so cute that I make a video of them on my phone to show my niece.

When every last bit of food is gone and nose twitchers have scampered away, I suddenly spot a strawberry plant with a single, bright red strawberry nestled in the bushes.

‘Look at that,’ I cry. ‘It looks like a jewel.’

‘I’m going to get it for you,’ Cash says.

‘No, just leave it. You don’t know what’s hiding in the bushes,’ I warn.

‘I’m bigger than whatever’s hiding in there,’ he says, as he walks towards the plant. He stands in the middle of the bushes next to the strawberry plant and takes a bow.

‘And now to win the coveted prize for my lady,’ he says, and bending down plucks the strawberry with great flourish.

I shake my head and laugh. He brings it back to me and places it on my lips.

‘Your eyes are such an unusual green,’ I say, looking into the swirling green depths.

He shrugs carelessly. ‘When I was a baby they were like yours, bright blue. Then one day when I was about five they became green.’

Looking into those green depths, I open my mouth and take a bite.

‘Oh yeah, babyyyyy,’ he says in a deep sexy voice, as my tongue comes out to lick at the juice squirting down my lips.

Then his face changes, he blinks.


‘Oh fuck,’ he curses, and sitting on the grass starts ripping his shoes off and tossing them away. Then he stands up and starts unbuttoning and unzipping his jeans before yanking them urgently down his legs. He kicks the pants off and I see them.

Ants. Angry red ants. All over his legs.

Cursing, he begins slapping at them and frantically brushing them off his legs and I feel laughter bubbling up inside me. I can’t help it. I laugh so much I have to drop to the ground and hold my stomach. He collapses beside me.

‘I risk life and limb to get you a strawberry and you laugh at me,’ he says with mock petulance.

‘Excuse me, Mr. Act First Think Later, but I did warn you. Remember? I’m bigger than whatever’s hiding in the bushes? Though you were right about that bit.’

‘Funny girl. You can at least kiss me better,’ he says.

‘Let’s go back and get some ice on it,’ I suggest.

He laughs. ‘It doesn’t hurt that much. I was just trying it on.’

I punch his shoulder.

‘Awww,’ he screams.

I shake my head. ‘You’re such a drama queen.’

‘And you’re sour as balls.’

I look at him. ‘I’m sorry you got bitten by ants,’ I say, and spoil it by giggling.

He raises his eyebrows. ‘Doesn’t look like it.’

‘I tell you what. Let’s get your mind off your … er … injuries.’

‘I know exactly what’ll get my mind off the damn bites,’ he cuts in.

‘No, not that,’ I say quickly. ‘I’ll ask you a question and you answer me, but really fast without thinking about it.’

‘How is that going to help?’

‘It’ll be fun. Then you can turn around and ask me whatever you like, OK?’

He rubs his hands. ‘Cool.’

‘Right. First question. Name your favorite actor.’

‘Matthew McCononaughey.’

‘Favorite actress?

‘Angelina Jolie.’

I nod. ‘Name the actress that you fancy the most.’

‘She’s like god knows how old now, but Cameron Diaz.’

‘For real?’

‘Oh yeah, for real. And can I have one more?’

I grin. ‘Go on.’

He grins. ‘Jennifer Lawrence. Now she …’

‘A celebrity you wouldn’t want to do?’ I interrupt quickly.

‘Kim Kardashian.’

I look at him curiously. ‘Why?’

‘Have you seen her sex tape? Man that’s one lazy woman.’

I laugh. ‘Seriously?’

‘Seriously, someone showed it to me.’

‘Right, favorite color?’

‘Lucky blue.’

‘Favorite food?’

‘Macaroni and cheese.’

‘Favorite musical artist?’

‘Aww, babe. That’s like asking me to choose between my ribs. They’re all necessary.’

I smile. ‘Give me a few.’

‘Led Zeppelin, Prince, Chuck Berry, Pink Floyd, Bob Dylan, Tupac, Michael Jackson, The Beatles, Oasis, Coldplay, Green Day, The Killers, Maroon Five. The list goes on.’

‘Are you secretly gay?’

His eyes widen. ‘Come here, you little …’

I giggle. ‘Favorite word?’


I shake my head. ‘Do you have

to be so predictable?’

He opens his palms out. ‘What’d you want from me? I’m a man.’

‘Biggest regret in life?’


‘Biggest mistake in life?’


We stare in each other’s eyes and I realize he has a huge regret that he doesn’t want to talk about.

‘Favorite TV show?’ I ask.

‘Fresh Prince of Bel Air. Is it my turn yet?’

I grin at him. ‘Yes, it’s your turn.’

‘Your smile is killing me.’

I feel myself blush at the intensity in his eyes. ‘That’s not a question. You’re supposed to be asking questions.’

‘Can I have your number?’


He laughs. ‘Favorite movie?’

‘How To Lose A Guy In Ten Days.’

He nods sagely. ‘Ah … Now it all makes sense.’

‘You’re supposed to fire the questions really quickly,’ I remind.

‘Favorite animal?’


His eyebrows rise. ‘Favorite color?’


‘Favorite person?’

‘My mom.’

‘Favorite singer?’


He freezes. ‘I thought you didn’t like my songs,’ he says slowly.

‘I love your voice, I just don’t dig your music,’ I reply quietly.

He stares at me. ‘I’m done playing. Let’s go back to our room.’

My heart flutters as he takes my hand. Then we are running back to our room. We arrive breathless, laughing.

I love this man. God, I love him so much.

I was so tired after we had sex I nodded off. One moment I’m lying in Cash’s arms and the next I’m gone. When I wake up again it is dark and I am alone in the bed. I remember we went into the vast bathroom and bathed in the stunning glass roll top bath. Our bodies slipped and slid over each other.

How I had giggled.

I wrap myself up in the bedsheet and go outside. I find Cash on the terrace. He is sitting on the floor wearing his jeans. The picnic basket is open and there is food all around him.

He turns his head to look at me, his lips greasy, a chicken drumstick grasped between his fingers.
