Page 21 of Blind Reader Wanted

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She wasn’t going to be playful for long. I was planning on hearing her scream the house down. I yanked off my jeans and set my cock free. I straddled Lara's slim body and slid my fingers down it so they would act as my eyes.

My cock grazed her stomach. Her instinctive reaction was to reach down, grasp my hardness between both hands, and stroke it. Her hands were warm and soft and I thought I’d come right there in her grip. I leaned forward and with surprising accuracy, caught her bottom lip between my teeth. I swallowed her gasp of surprise. I was getting good at knowing my lover.

Using my hands, I stretched her legs apart as far as possible and fed my cock into her open pussy. I felt like a beast claiming its mate.

''Jesus Lara, you're so fucking tight,'' I whispered into her mouth.

“I can feel your cock throbbing and pulsating inside me,” she said in wonder. You know what. I could feel her pussy walls grabbing me like a vice. It was fucking beautiful. She was mine. All mine. I didn't need to see to know that. Her body told me all I needed to know with every tremor, every sigh, every beat.

Surrounded by the sound of our bodies slapping against each other and our heartbeats in my head I, pumped into her. The smell of sex filled my nostrils as I rammed my bone as far into her as possible. My Lara found space for every inch. I rocked, twisted and plunged into her as she shouted. “I'm coming, Kit.” we both held on tight as she milked me of every last drop of seed I could muster. Her hot juices drenched my thighs.

I stayed inside her, enjoying the sensation of our mating, until the sweat had dried on my body and our breathing returned to normal. I didn’t take the blindfold off even after I pulled out of her body. We lay with my big leg across her stomach, and my arms around her. Lara turned to me.

“Whoa Kit, that was magical. I think I'll keep you blindfolded a lot more often.”

“I think I'd like that.”

We laughed into the quiet night.



“Elaine, I’m going on a date.”

“Amputate your timber!” she squealed gleefully.

I laughed.

“Where to?” she asked eagerly.

“I don’t know yet, but somewhere out of town.”

“What’re you fixin’ to wear?”

“I don’t know. Mom always said the dress with the square neckline suited me best.”

“The green one with the A line skirt? Yeah, I like that on you, but I think we probably need something a bit more special than that. My sister has got something really nice. I’ll ask her if you can wear it. I’m sure she’ll say yes.”

“What is it?”

“It’s a knee-length, long sleeved, red dress, but it’s form fitting and very glamorous. You’ll look great in it. What about shoes? You’re not going to wear your usual clodhoppers, are you?”

“I’ve ballet flats.”

“Nah, they won’t look good with the red dress. Haven’t you got those delicate kitten heels that we bought together at Wapleys?”

“I do, but I could also fall and break my neck if I wear them in this weather.”

“Okay, scrap that idea. How about the boots that you wore for Bobby Dearfield’s funeral?”

“They kinda pinch my toes.”

“So what? It’s not like you’ll be walking to the restaurant. You’ve never suffered for beauty. It’s time you did,” she said callously.

“I guess I could wear that if you think it will look best.”

“I do. Are you putting your hair up?”

“Should I?” I asked uncertainly.

“Hmm … down. It’s sexier.”

I giggled. “I’m actually getting a bit nervous about it all. I’ve never been out on a date before.”

“Aren’t you forgetting Peter Wheeler?”

“Peter? Have you forgotten? His mother forced him to take me to the dance because she thought it was the Christian thing to do. I don’t think he even wanted to be seen with me. It was so awkward. Poor guy couldn’t wait to drop me off.”

“The nerve of some people. It’s not like he’s the catch of the century. There was a reason why everybody called him Picket Fence Peter in school.”

I missed out on so much by being homeschooled. “Picket Fence Peter?”

“With buck teeth like his he could have eaten apples through a picket fence.”

I smiled. “Really. I didn’t even know he had buck teeth.”

“Worse than Bugs Bunny. Anyway, there’s nothing to be nervous about. It’s not an exam. Besides you’ve already done the deed. Just relax, eat some chow, down a couple of glasses of wine, and have fun.”



“Will you come over and slap some make-up on me?”

“Oh, honey. Of course I will,” Elaine said, an odd catch in her voice.

“The thing is I don’t have any,” I confessed.

“I know that, ducky. Don’t you worry none. I’ll bring my whole collection of Maybe it’s Maybelline for you,” she assured immediately.

“Thank you, Elaine.”

“Remember all those times I made you jump puddles that weren’t there?”


“Tonight I’ll make you look so beautiful, it’ll make up for all that jumping for no reason.”

Elaine came more than an hour before my date. She let herself in with her key and came upstairs to sit at the edge of my bath.

“What’s that smell?” I asked.

“Shine,” she replied with a laugh.

“Where on earth did you get that from?”

“Got it for a steal from Catfish Colter.”

“Is it any good?” I asked holding my hand out.

She fitted a glass into my outstretched hand and I curled my fingers around it. “It’ll burn your insides and probably damage your liver for good, but it’s darn good stuff.”

She was right about burning my insides, hopefully not about the second part. Still, we had a giggly glass together while she painted my face. I was not used to drinking and I was quite tipsy by the time she stood back from me and said, “Poor Sawyer. He sure got the wrong pig by the tail by picking Kayleigh over you.”

“Sawyer was never sweet on me,” I denied immediately. Even though I was angry with Sawyer I didn’t want the whole town gossiping about him and me.

“Never sweet on you? Don’t piss on my leg and tell me it’s raining,” she scoffed.


bsp; “Anyway,” I said firmly. “He loves Kayleigh now and all is well that ends well.” I was never revealing to Elaine how savagely he had threatened “to show” Kit. Even I found it hard to believe that I hadn’t just dreamed it all up.

“Well, good luck to him is what I say,” she muttered darkly. “He’s climbing a barbed wire fence naked.”

“Why do you say that?” I asked, very curious as to why she would say something so ominous.

“Last I heard Kayleigh has her Daddy all twisted up around her little finger, and Rhett Haverbrooke is one tall barbed wire fence. If Sawyer’s got any plans of not being the dream husband Kayleigh wants, he’ll be in shreds by the time he gets over on the other side.”

“What makes you think Sawyer wants to get to the other side?”

“His edgy smile,” she said confidently. That was the thing about Elaine. Not much escaped her sharp eyes.

“You think he’s marrying her for her money, don’t you?” I asked slowly.

“Sawyer Buchanan wants Kayleigh Haverbrooke as much as you’ll be wanting your nightshirt tonight.”

In spite of a nagging worry about Sawyer and his furious hiss, I had to laugh at her extremely accurate comment.



Elaine left about ten minutes before Kit was due to arrive.

I practiced walking about in my black boots, and it wasn’t so bad. Elaine had persuaded me to wear stockings so it didn’t chaff too bad. When the doorbell rang I could hear my heart pounding in my ears as I walked to it.

I opened it to Kit’s sharply indrawn breath, and the smell of clean soap and mothballs. He must have dug out some long unused clothes from his cupboard.

“Wow,” he exclaimed.

“Elaine, you know, my best friend, I told you about her, made me up,” I babbled with a big grin.

“You look amazing.”

I wrinkled my nose. “You smell of mothballs.”


“I don’t know. I’ve always been a bit of sucker for the smell of mothballs. Mmmm.”

He reached forward, and cupping my buttocks with his large, calloused hands, pulled me close to his body. His body was warm, and the buttons on his shirt pressed into me. “Did somebody say something about sucking?” he asked.
