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“No fucking way. Fiancée? Jackass didn’t tell me he was with anyone, let alone engaged.”

“Yeah. Don’t say anything about me to her, though. She just knows I’m the nurse.”

“She doesn’t know you ripped my brother’s heart out?”

“Please stop saying that.”

“Why? It’s the truth, isn’t it?”

My eyes felt watery. This was not an opportune moment to get emotional. It had been a really long day.

“Why do you look like you’re about to cry?” He squinted. “You still have feelings for him?”

“No,” I lied.

“You single?”

“Yes.” I needed to escape this conversation. I rushed to open my car door. “Uh…I have to go. Enjoy your time with your family.”

I slammed it shut and started the ignition as fast as I could.***My date ended up being a dud. Not that I expected a success story, considering I was incapable of focusing on anything other than Gavin getting married. But this guy spent the entire time talking about himself with no interest in anything I had to say. He was definitely interested in having sex, though. That he made very clear when he tried to come home with me. Sadly, that was the same experience I’d had the last few times I’d tried online dating.

The following day, I found myself hanging out by the pool with Mr. M so he could spend time outside with his kids. I’d avoided encouraging it, but when he requested to join them, I sucked up my pride and accompanied him.

The second I appeared at the French doors leading outside, Weldon smirked. I hoped to God he didn’t out me to Paige.

I could feel Gavin’s eyes on me as I helped Mr. M into his lounger. I took the seat next to him and gazed out at the pool, trying not to make eye contact with anyone.

“Gavin, why don’t you take Raven and go for a two-hour Starbucks run? I feel like some coffee.”

Weldon was clearly just as much of a shit stirrer as he’d always been.

My heart pounded.

Gavin glared at him. “If coffee were all you were drinking today, I’d be very surprised.”

“Touché, brother.”

At one point, Paige moved from her seat onto the edge of Gavin’s before placing her head on his chest. Seeing the two of them like that made my skin crawl. Her golden hair was splayed out across him, and she looked so content. A flashback of myself doing the very same thing during our one weekend alone here came to mind. I had to turn away.

Paige’s voice startled me. “So, Raven, how long have you worked here?”

I answered without looking at her. “A little over six months.”

“Renata worked for us for many years before returning,” Gavin clarified.

Paige grimaced apologetically. “Well, it’s nice to see Gavin’s dad so well taken care of.”

Weldon chimed in, “I might say the same about my brother. Seems like you’re taking care of him just fine, Paige. Who knew he had an old ball and chain back in England? Certainly not me. Guess I’m the last to know anything around here.”

“Well, if you’d answer my fucking calls maybe I’d be able to fill you in on my life,” Gavin snapped.

Paige looked surprised. Needless to say, their volatile dynamic came as no shock to me.

With a smug look, Weldon turned his attention toward me. “So, Renata, do you have plans tonight?”

What’s he getting at? “Excuse me?”

“I have tickets to see School of Rock at the Kravis Center. A friend of mine is starring in it. I have no one to go with. And seeing as though you’re single, and I’m single...”

“How do you know she’s single?” Gavin barked.

“She told me last night during our chat outside, right after she pinned me to the ground because she thought I was going to carjack her.”

Gavin looked over at me, and for a moment I could have sworn he was pissed.

“Renata has better things to do than accompany a drunk to a musical,” Gavin snapped.

Then the weirdest thing happened. Weldon looked downright sad, like he’d taken Gavin’s comment to heart. It miffed me a little that Gavin had answered on my behalf. I knew he was just jabbing at his brother, but the more I watched Paige all over him, the more I lost my mind.

I probably needed my head checked, but I said, “Actually, School of Rock is one of my favorites. I wouldn’t mind going to see it.”

Weldon sat straighter. “Yeah?” He smiled. “Well, alright, then.”

What am I doing?

“I’d say pick you up at seven, but I’m carless at the moment,” he said.

“You won’t be picking anyone up drunk,” Gavin scolded.

“I’ll drive,” I said.

Weldon flashed a satisfied grin. “Cool.”

Gavin wore a scowl for the remainder of our time outside.

After he and Paige went upstairs, Weldon turned to me and said, “He’s probably gone to fuck you out of his system.”

Oh my God. “Could you lower your voice if you’re going to say stuff like that? Your father might hear.”
