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“You’re not off base,” I said. “There’s something I haven’t been honest about.”

“Does it have to do with Raven?”

I paused. “Yes.”

She blew out a breath. “The vibe from the moment I met her has been weird. Plus…the name. I mean, come on. Who is she really, Gavin?”

“She’s my ex-girlfriend.”

Paige’s face turned crimson. “Why didn’t you tell me?”

“I didn’t want you to be uncomfortable. Because there’s nothing to be uncomfortable about.”

Her eyes roamed my face. “I don’t understand. What is she doing here working for your father?”

“You may have to sit for this. It’s a long one.”

I spent the better part of a half hour telling Paige the story of how I met Raven, what had happened between us, and how she came to work here after a decade.

“It was stupid not to immediately explain who she was. I regret it, and I’m sorry. Please forgive me.”

Paige rubbed her temples. “I don’t even know what to say. This is a lot to take in.”

“I know. Ask me anything.”

She met my gaze. “Do you still have feelings for her?”

How could I answer that in a way she’d understand?

“My feelings for Raven will always be complicated. She was my first real heartbreak. I never expected to see her again, let alone to find her working so closely with my dad. It definitely rattled me. I hadn’t had a chance to really absorb it before you arrived. So that’s the weirdness you’re sensing. But please don’t read into it more than that.”

“So you’re sure she’s really here for your father and not you?”

“Absolutely. She feels like she owes him. At this point, he’s so attached to her, there’s no way I could interrupt that relationship. I hope you understand that.”

She still looked unsure, and she didn’t say anything.

“What happened was a long time ago, Paige.”

She looked up at me. “Such a long time ago that you were still thinking about her years later when you named the prototype?”

That question was only fair. I had to try to explain, even if I didn’t fully understand it myself. I sighed. “It was an impulsive decision. At the time, I still had some resentment toward her. In a strange way, naming it after her was my way of coming to terms and moving on. It was before you.”

In my heart, I knew my feelings for Raven were more complicated than I’d made them sound. They ran deeper than I’d ever be willing to admit. Despite that, Raven lost my trust the day she walked out of my life. I could never be with someone who’d switched her tune so fast like that. I’d always worry it would happen again. So there was no future for Raven and me. I had to do whatever it took to assure Paige she didn’t have to worry. Because Paige was my future.

She walked over to the vanity and began to brush her hair in short, frustrated strokes. “So I’m supposed to just spend the rest of my time here interacting with her like nothing’s changed? Like you weren’t in love with her at one time?”

“We can handle it however you want. You don’t have to admit I told you, or we can tell her together that you know. I’m good with whatever you’re comfortable with.”

She finally put the brush down. “Okay. Thank you for being honest. I know you didn’t ask for this situation. The whole trip hasn’t been easy for you.”

Paige was my comfort, my rock. I needed to respect her feelings and show her how much she was appreciated.

Taking her hand, I kissed it. “I’m glad you decided to come.”

She leaned in and placed a chaste kiss on my lips. “Me, too.” She stared down at our intertwined fingers. “And I do think I want you to tell her I know—with me there. I want her to know you’re not hiding things from me. No more weird vibes around here. No one needs that with everything going on with your dad.”

Inhaling a deep breath, I nodded. “Okay. We can tell her tomorrow.”

Raven typically brought my dad down to have lunch with us. We all ate together as a family. So at lunchtime tomorrow, this would be our topic of conversation. Can’t say I was looking forward to it.***Paige nodded off early; she still hadn’t adjusted to the time change. And though I’d vowed to keep my nose out of Weldon and Raven’s “date,” it was still all I could concentrate on: what they were doing, what they were talking about. It was getting late, and he still wasn’t home.

While Paige slept, I went down to the kitchen. I made some tea and sat at the table, listening for the front door.

When Weldon finally returned, just after midnight, I stood up and leaned against the counter as I waited for him like a hawk.
