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Mr. M then turned to me. “Can I have some ice cream?”

I smiled. “That can be arranged.”

I ventured downstairs to get him a bowl of butter pecan from the freezer. But by the time I returned, it looked like he’d fallen asleep.

“He’s asleep, huh?”

“Yeah.” Gavin stared at him. “I know you said he’d gotten worse, but it’s hard to experience it.”

“I knew it would be.” I sat on Gavin’s lap and kissed his forehead.

He looked up at me. “I love you.”

“I love you, too.” I fed him a spoonful of ice cream.***That night, Gavin drove us over the bridge to West Palm Beach after dinner. The sunset over the water was breathtaking. How lucky I was to live in such a beautiful place; I was even luckier to have this man by my side tonight.

“Where are we going?”

“It’s a surprise.”

“Let’s see...we’re heading toward my house. Are you taking me home to ravage me?”

“In your bedroom there? The one I used to sneak into? That actually sounds like fun. Don’t give me any ideas. But no, that wasn’t the plan.”

We ended up pulling into the old improv club. The parking lot was pretty full.

“What’s going on here?”

“Take a look.”

The sign was illuminated. Ravin’s Improv Club.


Raven and Gavin.

“Oh my gosh. What did you do, Gavin?”

He led me toward the entrance. “Let’s go inside.”

I followed him, and he introduced me to a man named Sam, who was apparently the manager. The club looked almost exactly the way it used to. A spotlight shone on the center of the stage. Even the red linens on the tables were the same. The bar in the corner was illuminated in bluish lighting.

“Congratulations. Everything looks awesome,” I said.

“It’s always been my dream to reopen this place,” Sam explained. “Thanks to Gavin, it’s a reality.”

When Sam excused himself to tend to something, Gavin explained what was going on.

“I did a little research, located the former owners, and found out they’d been trying to reopen the club for some time. They had the will, just not the way. So I became a silent investor. The only thing I was adamant about was the name.”

“It’s perfect. I’m so glad you did this. I know how much this place means to you.”

“It’s the memories here that mean something, not so much the place. You know what I mean?”

It hit me all of a sudden.

“You’re gonna make me perform tonight, aren’t you?”

“Of course. It’s open mic night! I’ve booked us a slot.” Gavin looked over my shoulder. “I think you’ll like the audience.”

Turning around, I saw Marni and Jenny approaching.

“Oh my God!” I ran to them. “Hey!”

“Rich Boy assured us we’d be in for some good entertainment tonight.”

“I don’t know about that if your entertainment is me, but I’m glad you came.”

Jenny turned to Gavin. “On the way here, Marni was telling me about the night she first met you when she dropped Raven off at this place.”

“She was such a joy to me that night,” Gavin teased. He hugged Marni.

“Yeah. I might have wanted to kill you. For the record, I’m glad she defied me.”

The four of us got a table and ordered drinks, enjoying the first couple of acts before it was Gavin’s and my turn to perform.

“You’re not scared are you?” he asked.

Goosebumps peppered my skin. “It’s been a long time.”

“But I’ll be with you.”

The emcee took to the stage to announce us. “Ladies and gentleman, our next performers are two love birds who had their first date at this club more than ten years ago. Give it up for Gavin and Raven!”

The crowd applauded as Gavin took my hand and led me on stage.

He handed me a microphone and immediately started.Gavin: Oh my God. It’s you!

Raven: Me?

Gavin: I can’t believe it.

Raven: Who am I exactly?

Gavin: Can I have your autograph?

Raven: Clearly you’re mistaken. I’m no one important.

Gavin: They’ll never believe it when I tell them.

Raven: Tell who?

Gavin: The dwarves.

Raven: The dwarves?

Gavin: Aren’t you Snow White?Oh my. This one is crazy.

I hesitated, and then laughed along with the audience.Raven: Okay. You caught me.

Gavin: They told me you left—went to get milk, never came back. They’ve been posting your photo everywhere. Now I find you in front of this tattoo shop, living your life as if you haven’t left seven good men devastated.

Raven: The truth is…they became too overbearing.

Gavin: I’m offended on their behalf. Overbearing in what way?

Raven: You know…overly dramatic…grumpy…dopey.The audience was in stitches. Even Gavin had to pause to laugh.Gavin: I never took you for such a diva.

Raven: And who are you exactly to judge me?

Gavin: I’m Prince Charming.

Raven: Cinderella’s man?

Gavin: Ex man.

Raven: I didn’t recognize you at all.

Gavin: Yeah, well, someone put a spell on me. I look a little different now.

Raven: I’m sorry to hear that. Can I do anything to help?

Gavin: Well, there’s only one way the spell can be broken.
