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I just have a week to make this all happen, while also making absolutely certain we do everything we can to get me to San Francisco and win for our future.

“Whatever you say, Pal. You know Birdie better than I do.” Bodhi finally shrugs, punching me in the arm when I try to take the bill as soon as the waitress sets it down and leaves.

You’re damn right I do. And now I’m going to head back to SIG and enjoy all my knowledge.Palmer: I think I have a problem.

Birdie: Not this again…

Palmer: You’re the one who left me with the worst case of blue balls I’ve ever had in my life after sticking your hand down my pants in the men’s bathroom this morning and then walking away like you had a job to do or something. Pffft, whatever. I couldn’t take a piss for twenty minutes after that. But no, I do not have a jerking off problem this time.

Birdie: You want to clue me in on what this problem is, or am I supposed to guess? I’m trying to finish up this paperwork so I can get the hell out of here. My mom is back, and I finally don’t have to run Owen to baseball for Wren, and I’m exhausted. I don’t know where everyone went, but of course right when I need a few questions answered so I can finish up this food order, there’s suddenly not one employee to be found. They all freaking went home and left me here! I even checked the parking lot.

Birdie: Sorry, I’m a little annoyed. I know you’re tired and had a long day too. How did training go? I wish I didn’t have to work so I could see you. This responsibility stuff sucks.

Palmer: Training was awesome. I’m hitting better than I have in a while, and I’m pretty sure it’s because of you and all the magic and good luck you bring me. I also saw that candid picture you took and posted of me on the driving range. Lots of good comments on that one, so thank you for getting a great shot of my amazing, firm ass. California, here I come! Anyway, I’m texting you, because I could see how frazzled you were running around all day, so there are two treats in your office to perk you right up and to thank you for everything you’re doing to help me. Look in your bottom right drawer. Not the left one where you keep an alarming amount of cat nip, and I’m wondering if maybe you’re partaking in a little bit of The Chevy Tahoe’s stash.

Birdie: Cat nip stops them from attacking people when they’re trying to golf, and OMG you left me Dolphin Donuts in my desk drawer! You’re the best guy I’ve ever had sex with once and then never slept with again, because, you know, a little stingy with the cookies and all.

Palmer: Well then, I guess you don’t want your second treat…

Palmer: Open your office door, Birdie.

Standing on the other side of the door against the wall and away from the small window in Birdie’s office that looks out over the quiet, pitch-dark pro shop, I hear Birdie’s gasp on the other side as soon as my last text gets to her, and I smile. And then my hands start to shake as I toss my phone to a small table with a plant on it right under her window and move to stand in front of the door, so goddamn desperate for her I can’t think straight.

When I told Tess my plan earlier, she was more than happy to help, giving me a spare key to the bar so I could sneak into SIG through that entrance and walk through the pro-shop without needing to walk by Birdie’s office window and chance her seeing me. I wanted to have a little texting fun with her first instead of just barging right in and scaring the shit out of her, since my plan included Tess getting everyone the hell out of here a half-hour ago and Birdie’s been here alone for a bit.

Her office door is immediately flung open, all the light from inside spilling out into the dark pro-shop behind me as she stands in the doorway, a look of surprise on her face and something else as she looks at me. I watch her finish chewing the bite she must have taken out of one of the donuts before she got my last text, her eyes trailing down my body while she licks her lips, something telling me she’s just as hungry as I am, and not for the donuts I ran over to the mainland and picked up on my lunch hour today.

“So that’s a no from you on the second treat?” I tease, wondering how in the hell I can even make jokes at a time like this.
