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“I know you didn’t come,” he murmured against my lips, once again moving his mouth to kiss my neck. “But I’m greedy and want that all for me.”

My breaths were all heavy and needy, and I gladly took the next kiss he offered me.

“Condom,” he whispered.

I inhaled deeply through my nose. “I’m fine if you are.”

Groaning, he kissed me again, moving one hand down my body and gripping my thigh. The deepness of his kiss enthralled me, and I moved with him as if I was made to.

In reality, it was messy and hungry, nothing remotely romantic about the way we both fought to be closer to one another. It was pure passion and desire, and when Josh finally pushed inside me, I cried out desperately, a cry he swallowed with his kiss.

It was so good.

We moved together, him thrusting deep inside me and me responding to it all. We were almost completely in sync. My fingers dug into his shoulders, and I was sure my nails were leaving marks in his skin where I grabbed him so enthusiastically.

He pounded into me, every single thrust pushing me closer to the edge. Every single thing about this was almost carnal, and I was loving it all.

My orgasm hit so ferociously I could barely breathe through it. All my muscles clenched, and I cried out loudly as it rippled through me. The pleasure built again before I could stop it, and another rush of euphoria spread through me. Josh’s groan only just broke through the pounding in my ears, and the only clue I had to the fact he’d also come was the fact he was buried deep inside me and had his face pressed into my neck.

I was covered in sweat and barely able to breathe. He was heavy and muscular, and I slowly released my vice grip on his shoulders so he could move.

He rolled over, pulling out of me, but didn’t let me go.

Happily, I snuggled against his naked body to feel the heat from him. The heat we’d made together, the heat that meant we’d really done this.

The heat that said there was no going back from this.

This line could never be uncrossed.

But here, in his arms, I felt completely safe and wanted and content.

I never wanted to leave them.

“Jesus Christ,” he whispered against the top of my head.

I moved one knee between his thighs and paused as my foot scraped his. “Josh?”

“Mhmm?” he responded sleepily.

I was glad he was sleepy—I wasn’t sure I’d ever be able to move past this moment.

“You left my socks on.”CHAPTER SIXTEEN – JOSHrule sixteen: it’s never, ever like it is in the books.I was going to Hell.

There was no doubt about it. I’d booked a one-way ticket to whatever level of Hell Dante decreed you should go to after you’d had sex with your best friend’s sister.

Clearly I’d been thinking way too hard with my dick.

That was all I could think of as I washed off in the shower, leaving Kinsley lying in my bed and getting my pillow soaking wet. She’d already showered, but since I didn’t own a hairdryer because I had no use for one, my pillow was now acting as if it were one.

It was a good thing I had extra pillows.

On one hand, this was all a good thing. Kinsley finally knew how I felt about her, and she clearly had feelings for me she was trying to work through. It was everything I’d wanted for a long time, and maybe that was why I felt so fucking shit.

There was no going back from all of this. I’d broken my promise to my best friend, and I wasn’t sure he’d give a damn how I felt about her if and when he found this all out.

The only good thing I could think of right now was that we’d both agreed to ignore it until tomorrow and for now, we’d just pretend we weren’t the eye of an impending storm.

There was nothing like a little post-sex avoidance to solidify a relationship.

I rinsed the soap from my body and shut off the water. I wished I could shut off my brain as easily as I could the shower. All it was doing was sending stupid little ideas to my emotions that instead of feeling happiness and satiation, all I was allowed to feel was guilt.

Soul-deep, never-ending motherfucking guilt.

This situation was so fucked up.

I’d finally done what would make me happy, and all I could feel was that damn guilt.

And I was already over it. Unfortunately, I didn’t think it was going to go away anytime soon.

I wrapped a towel around my waist and went back to my bedroom. Kinsley was leaning against the headboard with both pillows propped up behind her, her phone plugged into my charge cable, and a pizza box on her lap.
