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“What do we do now?” I asked quietly. “He’s not going to speak to either of us anytime soon.”

Josh blew out a long breath and pulled back the ice pack. “I think we have to give him a little time, then I’ll talk to him and explain.”

“Maybe I should talk to him. At least until your jaw is healed.”

“Nah, it’s fine. I’ll tell him to hit the other side if he has to.”


“I’m kidding.” He squeezed me. “He’ll come to me when he’s ready, and probably not until you two have spoken. He really couldn’t have found out at a worse time.”

Of course. He’d finally broken up with Amber. “I’m going to kill Agatha and Mabel.”

“I think our grandparents might already be on it. I’m not gonna lie, I thought it would have been Rosie who’d spill it.”

I made a non-committal noise. “This is going to be a nightmare, isn’t it? He’s so hurt and angry and—”

“And you can’t change the way he feels,” Josh said softly. “As much as I know you wish you could. This was always going to hurt him, and he was always going to be mad. We knew that.”

“And we did it anyway.”

“Not lightly.” He hooked his finger under my chin and tilted my head back so our eyes met. “Yes, we did it anyway, but not with the intention of hurting him. We thought this through and talked it over a thousand times. I don’t regret this, Kinsley. I don’t regret you.” He touched his lips to mine in a light brush. “We can’t change what’s happened, so there’s no point in getting ourselves worked up about it right now. He’s more likely to talk to you than he is me, so you can always try tomorrow.”

“I can’t. I have Ivy’s baby shower. It starts at eleven-thirty, and I’m not sure when it ends.”

“Then try and find him after,” he said reassuringly, releasing my chin. He kissed my forehead, and I dipped my face to press it into his neck. Being wrapped up in him was my new favorite place to be, and even though I was full of swirling, conflicting emotions, just being with Josh dulled them somewhat.

“I know. I just—”

“Ssh.” He pressed his thumb to my lips and pulled me in tighter to him. “You can’t change it. Remember that. Colton will get over it, I promise you.”

I hoped he was right.

Because if he didn’t, I didn’t know what I was going to do.CHAPTER TWENTY-THREE – KINSLEYrule twenty-three: nothing worth having comes easily. like relationships. or losing that last seven pounds off your butt.Ivy was glowing. Despite the fact she was bemoaning her swollen ankles and was exhausted, her happiness shone in her eyes. She and baby Tegan Rose had been spoiled, and there were piles of books and clothes and toys and all kinds of wonderful little baby things on the two large tables in the backyard.

The whole area was an explosion of pink and lace and frills, and there was a long table along the back of Ivy and Holley’s parents’ backyard that was filled with gorgeous white and pink flowers and a delicious array of food.

If only I were hungry.

I’d barely eaten a thing since the incident at the duck parade yesterday. I’d only eaten some soup last night because Josh told me he was going to force-feed me it if I didn’t, but he’d left this morning while I was in the shower saying he was going to go back to the retirement home and see his grandma to find out what happened after we left.

“How you feeling?” Holley slipped up behind me with Tori on her heels.

I shrugged and leaned back against the tree trunk I’d been hiding by. “I don’t know.”

“He’ll get over it,” Tori said. “You know he will. Don’t beat yourself up.”

I gave her a weak smile. “I know, but it doesn’t mean I don’t feel guilty for keeping it from him.”

“Yeah, but is the sex good? Because I’d keep good sex from your brother if I were you, too.”

My cheeks flamed red hot. Oh, my God.

“Tori!” Holley choked back a laugh.

“What? It’s a valid question.” She looked at me and smirked. “And judging by that blush on your cheeks, Josh knows his way around the old g-spot.”

“Okay, seriously.” I held up my hands. “We are not discussing this right now.”

“How boring.”

Holley shook her head. “I don’t know how she’s never been arrested.”

“The secret is to not get caught.”

“Or do anything illegal,” Ivy drawled, joining the conversation. “Oh, it’s quiet over here. I like it.”

“How are you feeling?” I asked her.

“Tired. Overwhelmed. Wishing everyone would let me go back to bed with my cheese puffs.” She grinned, cradling her swollen stomach. “How are you after yesterday?”

“Wishing I could see my brother and at the same time, wishing I would never have to again,” I admitted.
