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I dry off, pressing my face to the towel, relishing the smell of Everett... the smell of a real man. Looking in the mirror I realize I don’t have a purse or toiletries... or any concealer. I was naked before him and I didn’t feel exposed, but now with my makeup washed off and my face bare... I feel naked.

I towel dry my hair and tuck strands behind my ear. Everett had given me a flannel shirt and a pair of boxers before I went to the shower. Slipping them on now, I like the way his large shirt cuffs fall over my hands. It makes me feel smaller than I usually do and that feels good. I pull on his boxers and roll down the waistband a few times, then I look at my butt in the mirror and smile.

At least my rear looks cute.

I step out of the bathroom, not quite sure what the rest of the night will hold. We’ve already fucked one another up and down, but I admit to already wondering if there could be more of that.

I wouldn’t resist.

In the kitchen, Everett is stirring a pot and as I enter, he smiles in that stoic way of his.

“You look beautiful,” he tells me.

“Oh, shut up,” I brush him off, peering over the counter see what he’s making. Chili and cornbread. Perfect meal for a night like this.

“I’m pretty impressed with your homemade bathroom products,” I tell him. “You do a lot of arts and crafts?”

“Arts and crafts? Not exactly.” He doesn’t offer more and that annoys me.

“What?” he asks, apparently recognizing my facial expression.

“It’s just... the way you don’t fill the gaps on your own? It’s kind of annoying.”

That makes Everett laugh again. It’s like every time I blurt something out that’s maybe not exactly appropriate, he gets a kick out of it. He gets a kick out of me.

“Sorry, Evie. I’m not trying to be difficult. I’m just not sure what exactly you’re looking for in terms of an answer.”

“How about just an explanation. S, you’re this hot mountain man who lives all by himself, but why? What do you do all day? Do you ever get bored? And where do get your groceries?”

“So you’re saying you want to know the whole damn story?”

“Yeah, I do. I mean, I know about your you know what.” I circle around his cock --which is pretty epic in terms of proportions. “But besides being amazing in bed, who is Everett? What’s the story?”

“Got tired of the bullshit so I moved out here. Five years ago.”

“You just quit your life?”

“Sometimes things don’t go as you expect, and it kinda changes the way you see the world.”

“And what changed your world?”

Everett dishes up the bowls of chili and brings the cornbread to the table. He turns and grabs a few beers from the refrigerator and uses his hand to take off the caps.

“Well, my parents died, my sister too. A car crash on the way to see me in my big ass job in the city. And after they all died, all I wanted was to have had more time with them.

“Life felt sacred suddenly... with no guarantees. I spent a lot of years wearing three-piece suits, working for the man. Not saying there’s no value in that, I mean we’ve all got jobs to make the world go around, but I just realized that wasn’t what I wanted.”

“So you cashed out and bought this place?”

“Pretty much. I write books now, about...” Everett’s cheeks redden, and I swear he’s blushing.

“Oh, my gosh what are you writing about? Are you writing some smutty erotica? Tell me everything.”

“No.” Everett shakes his head, grinning. “Though after today, I think I’d have plenty of good material.” Everett’s twinkling eyes meet mine , both of us seeming to remember the way our bodies felt inside of one another, his hands on my breasts, my hand on his cock, his come on my face.

“Okay then, what are you writing about, mountain man?”

“I just write about my life. You know how you write a blog? I guess it’s kinda like that, only e-books. I journal my whole year out here on the mountain and then publish it. People seem to like the day in the life sort of thing.”

My hands fly to my mouth. “Oh my God. What are you going to write about today?” Now it’s my turn to have a reddened face.

Everett laughs, dipping his spoon into his bowl and takes a bite before answering.

“Well, as much as I’d like to detail our time together for my rabid fans, I can easily gloss over it by saying I got nostalgic this morning missing my family, being as it’s Christmas time, and grabbed my ax, headed into the woods to chop down a Christmas tree. It’s up to you if you want me to add that I found a present when I was up on Mistletoe Mountain.”
