Page 57 of Say It's Not Fake

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At the bottom of the stairs, the house opened up into a large open space. The kitchen and breakfast nook were at the back where there was a large glass door that led out onto what looked like a stone patio. I could see Katie sitting in her highchair, shoving food into her mouth. Kyle was at the stove flipping eggs.

I stood there awkwardly watching them, not sure if I should be intruding. This had the feeling of a well-worn routine, and I didn’t know how to integrate myself into it. Or if I even should.

We have to sell this. Might as well start now.

“Good morning,” I called out, patting Katie on the head as I came into the kitchen. She looked up at me and babbled away, holding out a piece of toast.

“She wants you to have some,” Kyle interpreted for me. When I hesitated, he laughed. “You just have to pretend to take a bite then hand it back to her. But I encourage her sharing, so I usually play along.”

“Oh. Okay then.” I took the toast and made a big show of pretending to take a bite. “Mmmm. It’s the best toast ever!” Katie clapped her hands, clearly enjoying my efforts. I handed the toast back to her. “Your turn, Katie Boo.” She took the toast from me and shoved it in her mouth, enthusiastically imitating the noise I had made.

“Is it okay if I make some coffee?” I asked, standing there, not sure what to do.

“I’ve already brewed a pot, so help yourself.” Kyle pointed to the coffee maker on the corner of the counter. “Mugs are in the cabinet there.”

I was usually a whiz at small talk. Put me in a room of strangers, and I’ll leave with five friends. But now, in this situation, I didn’t know what the hell to say. I was at a loss. I was pouring coffee in this house I was sharing with my new fake husband and felt as if I were drowning.

“How do you take your eggs?” Kyle asked.

“Um, well, I don’t really eat eggs,” I told him.

Kyle frowned. “Oh, okay then. You’re not vegetarian, though; you ate meat when we went out.”

“No, it’s more of a texture thing for me. Not a fan of the slime factor.” I took a long drink of coffee. I sat at the table next to Katie, who promptly handed me her toast again. I repeated what I had done earlier, much to her delight.

“How about toast then? Or yogurt? Granola?” Kyle opened the refrigerator, looking inside.

“Honestly, don’t worry about me. I don’t usually eat until later. I’m not hungry first thing in the morning.”

“First thing? It’s after nine.” Kyle laughed.

“Nine?” I groaned. “Way too early for me on a weekend.”

“You like to sleep in, I take it?” He put the eggs he had been cooking on his plate and sat down across from me on the other side of Katie.

“Well, on a movie shoot, I sometimes didn’t go to bed until the early hours. My sleeping pattern is all messed up. It’s hard enough having to get up and be at Adam’s office by nine five days a week. I’m usually in bed until noon on the weekends.” I handed Katie back her toast.

Kyle ate fast. I wondered how he didn’t get heartburn ingesting food like that. He was finished before I had even finished my coffee. “This one gets up at five every morning. She hasn’t learned that weekends are for sleeping in.” He ruffled Katie’s hair with a fond smile.

“Five o’clock? AM?” I gaped.

Kyle chuckled. “Oh yeah. I’m afraid while you’re living here, this one won’t let you sleep in. She’ll want you watching cartoons with her before the rooster crows.”

“You need to learn to let your daddy sleep, Katie Boo.” I grinned, wagging my finger in her face. She grabbed hold of it and shook it, laughing.

“It’s okay; I get a lot done in the day now that I don’t sleep.” Kyle smirked. “Speaking of, how did you sleep last night? Was the bed okay? The mattress is new, so it might be stiff. And I tried to air out the paint smell as much as possible, but I noticed it last night—”

“I slept great. Honestly. The bed is great. After the day we had yesterday, I needed a good night’s rest,” I assured him.

“Not much of a wedding night, huh? Both of us passed out before ten.” When Kyle smiled, the corners of his eyes crinkled adorably, and that dimple I had noticed all those years ago became visible.

“Ah well, it wasn’t your typical wedding. We’re just sticking to brand,” I joked, which fell a little flat. Kyle’s smile was quick and strained, and then he was up, rinsing off his plate and putting it in the dishwasher.
