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“Oh, gosh, maybe this morning? I’m not hungry, though. I only came in here to get a glass of water before I get back to it.”

Sean pulled the heart medication bottle out of a cabinet and swore aloud after counting them and realizing his dad had missed taking two doses since his last visit. “I swear, Dad, I’ll hire you a full-time keeper if this keeps up.” He pulled out his phone and pressed the heart doctor’s number while handing a pill to Paul.

“Who’re you calling?”

“Your doctor, to make you an appointment. Do. Not. Argue.” After explaining the situation to the receptionist, he jotted down the time she managed to squeeze him into the next day. “Thanks, I appreciate it.” Hanging up, he ripped off the note and placed it on the fridge with a magnet. “Tomorrow, one o’clock. I’ll call you in the morning to remind you.”

A rare look of remorse crossed Paul’s face with his nod. “I’m sorry, Sean. I’ll do better, I promise.”

Sean had heard that line from his father more times than he cared to recall, going all the way back to his youth when Paul would say the same to his mother. “I know you’ll try, Dad.” And that’s all he’d ever been able to hope for, he thought as he set about fixing his parent something to eat.

He should have asked Alessa if he could bring some of her pulled pork to his dad’s. The tender barbequed meat proved to be some of the best he’d eaten, and he’d enjoyed her cooking almost as much as pampering her. And a heck of a lot more than she’d appreciated his efforts to make her feel better. Recalling her grumbly attitude lightened his mood again. He’d be sure to take her in hand next weekend for that snarly attitude that alternated between amusing him and pissing him off. She called on her irritable disposition when she wanted a shield against something troubling her; he’d caught that during her second office visit. Well, no matter. Sean enjoyed all the ways he could torment her into opening up to him.

Tuesday’s schedule was fuller because Barbara had added the two patients he’d cancelled the day before to the afternoon. Sean phoned his father during a morning break and left a message, reminding him about his appointment, then placed a quick call to Alessa just because he wanted to hear her voice. Yeah, the woman was burrowing a slow tunnel under his skin, he admitted, waiting for her to pick up. He would have to figure out what to do about it soon.

“Hey, sweetheart,” he said when she answered. “You sound better today.”

“Yes, I’m fine. It’s usually just the first twenty-four hours that are that bad. I’m headed to Sandie’s. We’re carpooling out to Jackson’s for girls’ night where I plan to complain about your high-handedness.”

Her teasing tone came through the line and Sean liked how she volunteered her plans without him asking, another sign she was getting more comfortable with talking to him. “Be careful. That’s a long drive out there.”

“Yes, Dad,” she answered, her voice dripping sarcasm.

“Well, that’s a kink I’ve never indulged in, but hey, I’m open to it if you are.”

“What?” He gave her a moment to think about it then grinned when she stuttered, “Oh, uh, no, I think I’ll pass on that one. I gotta run.”

“Keep Saturday afternoon open. We’ll be going on an afternoon cruise.”

ALESSA SNAPPED her phone shut with a shake of her head. Could she honestly say this was what she wanted? As usual, Sean hadn’t asked, just instructed. If she were honest, she had to admit being submissive to his demands took the pressure off decision making, which, overall, made life a heck of a lot easier. The only real problem she had with their relationship now was how fast she’d grown accustomed to his dictates, and him. Where would she be when he finished this? She might have a clearer view of what she wanted in a relationship, but if she ended up craving that only with her current Master, she could end up in worse straits than when they’d started this.

Snatching her keys, she locked up and drove to the penthouse apartment Sandie and Zach lived in. Krista and Hope had made arrangements to cut their day short so the four of them could pick up pizzas in the smaller town of Piedmont on their way out to Jackson’s veterinary clinic and rescue. The ten-acre plot of land he’d inherited from the veterinarian who’d sponsored Jackson through college lay miles from the city, the isolation just as he liked it. Although friendly with their small group, the tall, good-looking animal lover much preferred his solitude and Julie to a lot of people. It would be a perfect way to spend the evening, to distract Alessa from fretting over Sean’s lack of interest in adding intercourse to the scenes he plotted and the cliff she worried her feelings were careening toward. She couldn’t do anything about either at the moment, so she vowed to enjoy the time with her friends.

“It looks like Jackson has a full house again,” Sandie commented when Hope turned the SUV into the rescue’s entrance and a chorus of barking greeting them as they pulled to a stop in front of the two-story, clapboard house. Miles insisted she drive the four of them in his vehicle because it was bigger and safer than Hope’s much older, compact car.

“I’d like a little dog,” Alessa said, her gaze going to the kennels of smaller dogs as she climbed out of the back. “One that would cuddle on my lap.”

“Boris will do that.” Krista’s wicked grin drew chuckles from all of them. The Great Dane she’d adopted from the rescue was a lovable sweetheart.

Sandie snorted. “And how much does that big baby weigh now?”

“Over one twenty. Dax won’t let him on the bed anymore. Bully.” Krista fingered the row of small diamonds adorning her pretty collar with a sigh of regret.

“I love your dog, Krista, but I’d rather sleep with Dax than him,” Hope teased her.

The front door slammed, and Julie came flying out, a beaming smile lighting up her dark purple eyes, her long black hair flying around her shoulders. “You’re here! Thanks so much for offering to come all the way out here tonight.” With an exaggerated show of her hand, she brushed her hair back when she met them at the bottom of the porch steps.

“Oh my God!” Sandie squealed. “Let me see.” Grabbing Julie’s hand, she inspected the large diamond engagement ring as the others crowded around with congratulations.

“That’s beautiful, Julie.” Alessa thought the small amethysts surrounding the diamond changed the ring from standard to unique. “Jackson did an awesome job picking it out. Did you set a date?”

“Not yet. We’re arguing over it,” Jackson interrupted as he strolled over from around the back. “I want to have it on the yacht, just our group, but our parents want a big shindig.” He scowled at the very idea.

Julie laughed and patted his arm. “We’ll work it out, I promise. Now, g

o away.”

“Happy to. Hope, I’ve finished training Sadie, if you want to take her home tonight.”

They all knew how Miles had insisted Hope get a guard dog for the homeless shelter she ran downtown, even though she’d moved into his apartment above the gym, located a few blocks from the shelter. The argument the two of them got into when Hope picked out a German Shepherd mix that was so friendly, Jackson had to peel him off people, including strangers, had amused everyone.

“Oh, I can’t wait to bring her home. I’ve already located the closest dog parks, and everyone’s volunteered to walk her.” Hope leaned up and kissed his cheek. “Thank you.”

“You’re welcome.” Jackson turned and hauled Julie against him, kissing her with enough forceful passion they all looked on in envy. “I’ll be back in a few hours. Behave.”

They went upstairs, sprawled out in the living room with wine and pizza, and talked weddings. After they’d finished off the pizzas with loud groans of misery, Julie brought out more wine, which brightened them up. Talk revolved around the guys, all of them curious to know how things were going between Alessa and Sean.

“I told you, he offered to introduce me to the lifestyle, to settle my curiosity.” Alessa omitted the part about her desire to take the sexual submission she craved a step further. “There’s nothing personal between us.”

Sandie threw back her head in hysterics that appeared to be contagious when Krista, Julie and Hope joined in. “Oh, I can so remember thinking the same thing when I stowed away on the boat with Zach.” She held up her glittering ring. “And now look at us.”

“Well, we’re not you guys,” Alessa denied, ignoring the constriction in her chest and the renewal of laughter. “Damn it, pour me another glass.”

“Me too!” rang out around the room and by the time Jackson returned from his emergency call, the five of them were sprawled out enjoying a pleasant, wine-induced stupor.
