Page 44 of Inferno (SKALS 4)

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He supposed he deserved the suspicion. He’d killed people for far less. Elaine posed a potential threat to his family, and that was the worse act a person could commit. Taylor was precious to him, sacred. When it came to protecting her, he had zero tolerance. At all. Lowering his head, he tried to shield his reluctance.

“No one will touch her, Taylor. Not yet. The information she shared might be our only hope of ending this situation, and I don’t take that gesture lightly. As long as she continues to help us instead of harm, she will be safe.”

“What’s in Hawaii?” she asked. “You keep avoiding that question.”

“Baby, please. I love you, but the less you know about everything, the better. You already know far too much as it is.”

He watched the curious shimmer in her eyes dull. Shutting down, she tried to turn her head.

“Stop it,” he warned, forcing her attention back to him. “All you need to know is we’re going on vacation, Taylor. That’s what’s in Hawaii: beaches, white sand, the roar of the open surf and nothing but you and me.”

“And whatever it is you’re looking for.”

He sighed. “I have to. I’ve been on this trail for a long time and it’s the only lead I’ve got. Thinking on it, it makes sense. The islands offer some of the few places where people can still live completely off the grid, but now that I know where to look, it won’t take long. I’ll bring some of the security team along and they can keep you company while you catch up on your sleep or spend a few hours at a spa.”

“When are we going?”

“It’s short notice, but unless you have any objections, it would be a perfect way for us to spend the fourth of July. Who knows,” he murmured, holding her gaze. “Maybe you’ll decide you’re tired of waiting and we’ll elope.”

“I think I’d like that,” she whispered.

A teasing smile played on his lips as he gently butted his head against hers. “You think?” he asked. “You might want to reconsider that answer, sweetheart. Rough night or not, I haven’t forgotten the promises I made.”

“I know I would like it,” she corrected, her breath starting to shallow and quicken.

He smiled to himself knowing he had his little minx exactly where he wanted her…on the hook, her mind spinning, and her body heating with need. It was a delicious game. He lifted his eyes to hers.

“So you claim.”

She wiggled slightly beneath him. The contact spurred his desire and the friction made his cock swell and ache. Contemplating his next course of action, he crooked his finger and ran it along the line of her jaw.

“Stop trying to get away from me. You’re only going to make things worse.”

“I wasn’t.”

“Open your legs. I want to enjoy what’s mine.”

Pulling the towel free, he bared her to his hungry gaze. Her breasts were already growing fuller and more round. His erection strained hard against the seam of his shorts as he watched her pink nipples tighten beneath the cool air whispering across them. Unable to resist, he cupped the plump globes in his hands and laved his tongue back and forth across the stiff peaks. He circled the sensitive tips, teasing her, until her fingers trenched in his hair. Kissing each rosy blossom, he then drew one into his mouth and sucked hard enough to wring a pleading gasp from her lips.

She arched to relieve the pressure but the movement bowed her into him. Eager, he ground against her, loving the way the heat between her legs radiated against his zipper seam. The pressure and the friction were enough to drive him mad. His cock throbbed, aching with the desperate need to bury deep inside her. Fumbling between them, he popped the button on his shorts and kicked free. He crushed his mouth against hers, demanding and hungry, as Taylor hooked her legs around his waist.

All thoughts of making her suffer fell by the wayside. She was hot, willing, and slick with desire. Her juices coated him as she eagerly rubbed against the ridge of his shaft, drawing a tortured groan from his throat. He saw no reason to prolong his torture. Aligning himself, Sebastian pushed deep. Scorching heat enveloped him and the tight, velvety clamp of her body caused delicious waves of goose bumps to ripple across his skin. She was sheer heaven. Sweeping his tongue past her lips, he surrendered himself to the feel and shuddered.

He ached to pound into her with everything he had, to consume her inside and out. It was easy to lose himself in the violent throes of passion. He often surrendered, letting himself fall into a frenzy so intense it wiped away thoughts of anything else, but that wasn’t what Taylor needed from him. Not this time.

Cupping her face, he kissed her deeply. He thrust hard, relishing the feel as he bottomed out several times against her womb. Then, lacing his fingers through hers, Sebastian lessened the pressure of their mouths until their lips barely touched, only teased, hinting at what could have been in a gentle brush. His heartbeat skidded in his chest as if trying to synch to their movements. He eased back, then pushed back, repeating until she rocked to the sway of his slow, steady thrusts and his skin tingled with greedy anticipation.

He bordered on the brink of something foreign and unknown. The connection they had, the sensations running through him different this time, new somehow, but God did they feel good. He reveled in them, in her, and the intense bursts of pleasure that shot through him like bullets barreling out of a chamber. Sliding a hand beneath her ass, he angled her up to him. A low groan hummed in the base of his throat as his cock stabbed deeper. Every pulse, every quiver running through her was his for the taking. Her delirious pleas rang in his ears, egging him on, the sound and the sight of her flushed and sprawled beneath him drove him wild.

He kept going, kept pushing them both to the brink until his balls ached and his exhausted muscles couldn’t take anymore. Numbing, euphoric bliss seized hold and the maddening need for release rose. Taylor’s breathless cries echoed in his ears as he picked up the pace. Her nails raked his back hard enough to draw a pained hiss. Head falling back, Taylor cried out. Her body quivered and locked around him like a vice, clenching, squeezing, and milking until the world exploded. Darkness threatened as he pistoned faster. Slamming himself deep against her cervix, he came, the air leaving him in a winded roar.

Shivers wracked him as his cock throbbed and emptied. Gasping for breath, Sebastian trembled as the delighted aftershocks continued to dance across his skin. Closing his eyes, he savored the moment and waited for the furious pounding of his heart to still.

“I love you, baby,” he whispered hoarsely.

“I love you, too, Sebby.”

He nodded, wishing he could lend voice to his thoughts, but he wasn’t a poetic man. He didn’t have the words to convey his feelings. He never would where this woman was concerned. She was the heaven to his hell, the only thing capable of piercing the darkness where he dwelled. There was no way to thank someone for something like that. He couldn’t make up for the deficits or damage his life had caused, but on nights like this where his mind wasn’t plagued with thoughts of work, he prayed for the strength and courage to be the man she deserved.

Rolling onto his back, he drew her against his side and brushed a kiss across her temple before letting his head fall back to rest against the pillows. He hoped, somewhere, someone was still listening despite his many sins. Neither he nor Taylor could outrun their pasts. The future and the promise it held was all they had.


Rolling his shoulders, Sebastian grunted when his upper vertebrae cracked and loosened with a stiff pop. Josh cast him a sidelong glance, his sharp features broadening with amusement. In no mood for small talk, he ignored his partner’s antics and continued down the hall. His skin prickled and he resisted the urge to rub the tiny bumps lifting along his arms as they wound their way deeper into the heart of SKALS’ headquarters.

He’d arrived to grim news this morning. Marx had taken a hit in a car crash the night before and though banged up, the commander was still very much alive. One of the new guys hadn’t been as fortunate and

Bradley was sporting a few cracked ribs. Part of him regretted the involvement of innocent lives. The other was too damn disgusted with Marx’s survival to care.

The overhead lights dimmed then flickered, casting him into darkness for the briefest of seconds and making his stomach churn. The building itself seemed to hum with the sudden swell of electricity pulsing through its lines. He knew all too well what that meant. Someone was getting a healthy dose of reality. The air grew heavier, and Josh’s stride faltered. Pausing, his partner glanced around, his body stiffening in response.

When Marx rounded the corner, they both froze and Josh cursed beneath his breath. A heavy gauze bandage still circled the director’s head. Deep shadows of red and purple brandished his skin and stretched beneath the swollen scape of his eyes. His face looked bumpy, distorted, as if viewing it through a fun house mirror. Sebastian fought a smile seeing several short rows of stitches. If nothing else, they were a small form of payback for the scars Taylor now bore from the accident and attack. A step in the right direction, perhaps, but not nearly enough.

Stopping, the commander leaned heavily on his cane and regarded them with an arrogant tilt of his lips. “And just where might the two of you be headed?”

Steeling himself against the tortured screams ripping down the halls, Sebastian returned the man’s lethal stare. Hell and condemnation lurked in those dark, unending pits.

“We were going to see if we had any new hits on Patrick James. Is that a problem?”

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