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"'Twill make her furious," Evelinde's maid, Mildrede, said solemnly, drawing Merry's gaze to where she sat. The woman looked grim and knowing, and Merry glanced down unhappily, finding it difficult to imagine that the sweet dear woman who had been so kind to her and made her feel welcome at d'Aumesbery could be the same one these women knew.

"I can see what we are saying is not sitting right with what you know of Edda," Evelinde said sadly, and then added, "But mayhap you could err on the side of caution for now? For Alex's sake?"

"Aye," Merry agreed. She would be happy to err far on the side of caution to keep her husband alive. Her feelings for the man were growing by leaps and bounds since the night before they'd set out on this trip. She was now certain he wasn't a drinker, but had been suffering the effects of some drug, and having got to know him as she had, Merry was starting to think she could be as happy with Alex as Evelinde was with Cullen, and that was saying something. The day she'd arrived at d'Aumesbery she was sure she'd been landed in hell, but now her future was showing the possibility of being closer to heaven.

If her husband could care for her in return, Merry thought suddenly, knowing the future might not be so bright if he didn't. It would be hard indeed loving someone who did not love her back, but he did seem to like her, and always showed her courtesy and consideration, and she hoped over time that could turn to love.

Merry's main concern at the moment was this business of the dosing and the attacks. While she feared losing him before they could enjoy the happiness Evelinde and Cullen had found, she also feared the possibility that Alex might believe Gerhard's accusations and suspect she was behind it all. Love did not come without trust, and she wanted that love and trust.

"What do you suggest?" she asked quietly, determined to do anything she could to earn Alex's trust and love.

"Mayhap you could just be cautious and when you return to d'Aumesbery, suggest Alex send Edda away."

Merry nodded unhappily at the suggestion, willing to do so to earn her husband's trust, but displeased with the possibility of hurting the woman who had been so kind to her.

"Not forever," Evelinde said quickly, apparently spotting Merry's reluctance. "After all, she may very well have turned a new leaf."

Merry couldn't help but laugh at the doubt Evelinde couldn't hide.

Grimacing, the blond rushed on, saying, "Perhaps you could just suggest she go to her sister's for a visit."

"She has a sister?" Merry asked with surprise.

"Aye. Lady Helen. She married Lord Alfred Duquet some twenty years ago, long ere Edda and my father were ordered to marry," Evelinde told her, and then added, "I do not think the two get on well, though. At least Lady Duquet never visited d'Aumesbery and Edda never went to visit her. Actually," she added dryly, "Edda has never visited anyone at all in all the time I have known her. I suspect she has no friends. I have always put it down to her unpleasant demeanor."

Merry murmured something of an acknowledgment, but she was wondering to herself why Edda had never mentioned having a sister. They had spent a lot of time talking the three weeks before this journey had parted them, and Alex's stepmother had told her much about her childhood and life at court, but had never once mentioned having siblings. Strange, she thought, but then shrugged the matter away. From what Evelinde had just said, it seemed obvious the two were not close; perhaps that was why.

"Sending her to visit her sister would not give her offense did you frame the suggestion right," Evelinde went on. "And it need not necessarily be permanent. Once you and Alex have sorted out this mess and caught her ally--I mean, the one responsible, and determined whether he worked alone or with someone else." She shrugged. "If 'tis not she he was working with, you could have her back."

"Aye," Merry agreed, but she was still wondering why Edda had never mentioned having a sister. It seemed an odd bit of information to leave out. The woman had always given the impression that she was alone in the world but for Alex and herself. Strange, Merry thought, and then glanced around in question when Godfrey suddenly appeared at her side, a fretful look on his face.

"What is it, Godfrey?" she asked, concerned by his expression.

"My lord Alex is up," he announced in an exasperated tone. "I told him you would not be pleased, but he insisted I help him dress. I did, but then came directly to you to tell--"

His words died, and the boy turned away with alarm as a crash and commotion sounded behind Merry.

She followed suit and swiveled abruptly on the bench in time to see her husband tumbling down the stairs, Merry was on her feet at once and rushing toward him.

Alex landed at the bottom of the stairs with a curse, followed by a groan as his body announced the various new aches and pains he could add to the one in his head. He then thanked his lucky stars that he had been clever enough to hold on to the banister as he descended. He'd done so just in case his legs weren't as steady beneath him as he'd hoped, but that hold on the sturdy wooden rail had probably saved him breaking his neck. When his foot had slipped on something on the stairs, his grip on the rail had kept him from pitching headfirst to the bottom. Instead, he'd slid down the steps on his behind and back, gaining more bruises, but keeping his neck intact.



He cursed under his breath again as he recognized the worry and upset in his wife's and sister's voices as they rushed across the great hall toward him. Godfrey and the maids were following. Of course, they had witnessed his clumsy moment. No doubt this would simply reaffirm their view of him as an invalid, and that was the last thing he wanted at this moment. Alex had determined to dress and rise this morning with the express purpose of appearing capable and in charge so that no one would kick up a fuss when he once again exerted his position as Lord of d'Aumesbery. He was determined he was not going to sleep alone again tonight, but knew he had to appear strong and able to be sure his decisions were not overridden. This was not a good start.


"I am fine," Alex said firmly, forcing himself to sit up as Merry dropped to her knees on one side of him and Evelinde on the other. "Truly. I merely slipped on something on the stairs. It could have happened to anyone."

"Mayhap your legs are not yet quite strong enough to carry you," Evelinde suggested quietly. "We should return you to your bed for another day or two and--"

"Nay," he said sharply, and then forced himself to smile to ease the effect of the snap in his voice. Getting to his feet, he spoke more calmly as he added, "Nay. That is the last thing I need. I need to be up and about. I am not an invalid, Evie."

She smile

d faintly at the old nickname, but also tried to put herself under his right arm, even as Merry moved to wedge her shoulder under his left. Alex sighed inwardly, but merely stepped back from them both.

"My legs are perfectly fine. I am just clumsy," he assured them both solemnly. Though that wasn't absolutely true. After the tumble he'd taken his legs were a little shaky, but he'd die before admitting that and being forced back to his bed. "Allow me to escort you back to the table, ladies."

Alex crooked out his elbows so that both his wife and his sister could slip their arms through his, and after a brief hesitation, each did. He let out a relieved breath then and walked them back to the table where they'd been seated when he'd made his grand entrance.

"How are ye feelin'?" Merry asked anxiously as they paused at the table and each began to reclaim her seat.

"Fine," Alex assured her as he settled to sit on the end of the bench between his wife and the chair where his sister sat. "I have a bit of a headache, but otherwise I feel fine."

"I shall mix ye up a tonic to ease it and--" Merry had started to rise, but paused and glanced to him in question when Alex caught her arm.

"I do not want a tonic," he said firmly, noting the worry and hurt this brought to her face.

He didn't understand it until she settled to sit again and said a bit stiffly, "Then perhaps Evelinde or her Aunt Biddy would be kind enough to mix one up fer ye."

Alex realized then that she thought he was refusing because he didn't trust her and might suspect she was behind the dosing. He didn't wish to address the issue there in front of everyone so merely said, "I do not wish a tonic at all. The headache will pass in its own good time, and I wish to maintain a clear head for our journey."

"Journey?" Merry and Evelinde asked together.

Alex could feel them peering at him wide-eyed from either side of him, but didn't glance to either woman. Instead, he smiled at the maid who had arrived with some mead, bread, and cheese to break his fast and merely said, "Aye. Gerhard is gathering the men together right now so that we can return to d'Aumesbery."
