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"Because most of the furniture was gone," he pointed out with a grin that suggested it hadn't bothered him. "It was sold off first to pay creditors and get us by. After that she sold her jewelry, one item at a time. Fortunately, most of it was quite good quality pieces she'd received from her parents while growing up, but there were a couple of lesser pieces my father had bought her as well and all of it went over the years . . . including her wedding ring and engagement ring from my father."

"No," Suzette cried with dismay.

"She sold those to pay for my schooling," Daniel admitted and couldn't keep the sadness from his voice. These last years as his return on investments had increased his wealth, Daniel had ensured his mother had anything she wanted. But the one thing he could not replace were the rings signifying his parents' love, and he knew those had been the hardest sacrifice she'd made. The engagement ring and wedding ring his father had given her had been irreplaceable. His mother had truly loved his father, and still did. His being dead these last twenty years had not made that love fade. Daniel knew without a doubt that parting with those rings had been one of the most heart-wrenching things she'd ever done.

"How sad," Suzette said softly. "It must have been hard."

"Yes, my mother had it very hard for a long time there. She suffered horribly for her love of my father."

"It was a willing sacrifice," Suzette said quietly, and then added, "But I meant you. It must have been hard for you too."

Daniel's eyes widened, but he shook his head. "As a child I didn't understand that we were poor or lived any different than anyone else, and then I was away at school and that certainly wasn't hard. I had a warm bed, more plentiful meals than I'd ever before experienced and good friends. Richard was the best of them."

"I thought you said you were not friends with Richard," Suzette reminded him, her eyes growing narrow.

Daniel stiffened, hesitated, and then said carefully, "We were the best of friends as children. But I am certainly not friends with the man who has been the Earl of Radnor since the fire that burned down his townhouse."

Suzette relaxed a little and then sighed. "So the death of his twin really did affect him?"

Daniel hesitated again. He really didn't want to lie to Suzette about this, and had actually managed not to so far in this conversation by speaking very carefully. Finally, he said, "The fire in the townhouse and George's death both changed everything. However, now the Earl of Radnor is his old self and a man I am proud to call friend."

"Hmm," Suzette muttered, not looking fully convinced. She turned back to the chest and changed the subject, saying, "Your mother sounds an interesting woman."

"I suppose she is," he said thoughtfully. Daniel had never really considered it much, he'd just loved her as a son should love the woman who had sacrificed so much for him. But he acknowledged her traits, saying, "She's strong, smart, and charming. And she didn't allow her circumstances to make her bitter. While the loss of Father struck her hard, she said every day of sorrow since was worth those few precious years they had together."

Suzette released a little sigh into the chest. "She must have truly loved him."

"Hmm," Daniel murmured, but he was now wondering why he'd told her all that. Even Richard didn't know so much about him and his family.

"So your mother's family never forgave her?" Suzette asked suddenly, distracting him. "They didn't welcome her back on your father's death?"

"No." Daniel's mouth tightened, but he admitted, "My mother's mother apparently sent us food and money and such, whatever she could sneak out to us through her maid. However, she died while I was still in school and her husband, my grandfather," he added with disgust. "Apparently he is a bitter old bastard and has never relented."

"Perhaps he will someday," Suzette said quietly.

"I wouldn't care if he did. It's too late now," Daniel said firmly. While the man could have eased his daughter's troubles had he tried years ago, he hadn't, and now Daniel had. He didn't need or want anything from the coldhearted old fool.

Suzette heaved a sigh into the chest. "So much sorrow and struggle. In comparison, I had an ideal childhood. While my mother died shortly after Lisa was born, I never went without, and grew up with lots of fresh air, lots of love and laughter and with my loving sisters and a doting father."

"Who has managed to work his way into a position where you are forced to marry to save your family from ruin," Daniel pointed out dryly. "For some, sorrow comes young and for others later. Life evens out in the end."

When she glanced over her shoulder in confusion, he pointed out, "I had my sorrow and struggles while young, while yours are happening now at the end of an idyllic childhood. Frankly, I'd rather have the young sorrow. I was a child, and didn't miss much. This must all be a terrible shock for you, however. I doubt you grew up imagining being forced to marry to save the family."

"No more than you probably did as a child," she said quietly.

Daniel remained silent. He wasn't being forced to marry for money, but couldn't say that. Besides, if not for Richard he would have been.

"Is it awful of me to admit I am glad?" she asked suddenly.

Daniel blinked in surprise and glanced to her. "Glad?"

"That you need an heiress and are willing to marry me," she said quietly. Suzette then turned to grimace and admitted, "I was worried you wouldn't and then I would have to find another prospective groom."

The thought didn't please Daniel and he frowned as he recalled Garrison dancing with Suzette the night before. His mind then filled with a long line of bachelors who would have been happy to marry Suzette for her dower alone, and in his mind, each of them was leering happily at the thought of getting their hands on sweet, passionate Suzette.

"I didn't like the idea of that though," she continued on a sigh. "When you touch me, I feel . . . Well, I feel alive as I have never felt before," she admitted. "I didn't like the idea of any of the other men touching me that way."

Neither did he, Daniel thought grimly as she set a pale blue dress beside the nightgown, before digging through the chest once more. His mind was now full of those leering bachelors tossing Suzette to the bed and lunging on her one after the other. Bastards!

"And your kisses quite steal my breath," she informed him, her behind bobbing about again. "My lips tingle even now just at the thought of it." Suzette shook her head. "Although had you said no, I suppose I would have had to have let someone else kiss and touch me like that." She paused and said uncertainly, "Though perhaps I am wrong and it would have been fine. I mean, I hardly knew you when you kissed me and yet you stirred amazing passion in me. Perhaps a kiss is just a kiss and any one of the other men might have made me feel all hot and wanting too." Suzette glanced over her shoulder and asked, "Do you think that's possible?"

"No," Daniel growled deep in his throat, anger and jealousy filling his thoughts as he imagined her with all of those men at once.

"Hmmm." She turned back to the chest. "Then I am not sure why you had such an effect on me. Perhaps it was the punch the Landons served. It was quite a bit stronger than I am used to. Perhaps it was really just that which affected me so."

Daniel stiffened, his eyes narrowing at the suggestion. She thought her response purely a result of drink? That it

was the punch that had made her tingle all over? He'd see about that. She hadn't been drinking this morning, and he'd damned well make her tingle until she exploded. Suzette would never again think it was just the drink or that just any man might cause it, he determined and stood abruptly to stride toward her.

"I didn't think I'd had much of the punch, but perhaps I indulged more than I realized and--" Suzette's words ended on a gasp as she was suddenly caught by the waist and lifted off the floor. In the next moment, she was on her feet and being turned to face Daniel, and then his mouth was on hers, stirring up those tingles she'd mentioned and sending them shooting to every corner of her body.

Suzette responded at once, her hands slipping around his neck and her mouth opening eagerly. They still had much to discuss, but she was willing to wait to do so if it meant enjoying his kisses and touch again. Besides, she was beginning to find his kisses addictive, the first one making her immediately greedy for more. When Daniel suddenly picked her up again and carried her around to the side of the bed, Suzette merely moaned as his body moved against hers. He laid her on the bed, and then started to straighten, and rather than protest, she tightened her arms around his neck, trying to keep him with her, but Daniel easily freed himself and then stood upright.

Confused, Suzette watched silently at first, but some of her confusion cleared when he quickly shrugged out of his jacket and vest and removed his cravat. She watched the movement and ripple of his muscles as he set the items carefully on a chair by the window, marveling at the sheer beauty of his muscled chest, and then he moved back to the side of the bed. Daniel crawled to kneel next to her and urged her to sit up.

Suzette did so at once, glad when he kissed her again, but it was a brief light kiss, pressed to the corner of her mouth before his lips traveled to find her ear. She tilted her head for him, her eyes drifting closed and then popping open again when she felt his hands at her back. In the next moment her gown dropped off her shoulders, and he was urging her to remove her arms.

Once he had her upper body bared, Daniel kissed her mouth again, this time a deeper, more demanding kiss as he urged her back on the bed once more. Suzette went willingly, her arms around his neck at first and then she began to move her hands curiously across the skin stretched taut over his shoulders, and down his back, before shifting them around between them to explore his chest. He was hard and soft all at the same time, his muscles moving under her curious fingers and she sighed into his mouth. Daniel allowed it for a moment, and then broke their kiss to allow his lips to trail down her throat, his chest moving away from her touch as he paused to nibble at her collarbone.
