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"No. But I know of you. Actually, I hadn't realized you were here as well or I would have sought you out before this," he admitted with a wry smile.

"Why?" Lord Madison asked at once.

"Well, I thought we had some business," Jeremy admitted, but then quickly added, "but I think now we can forget that."

"What business?" her father asked sharply.

"It is nothing to be alarmed about, my lord. I--" Jeremy paused and frowned, his gaze sliding to Suzette and then he shook his head with a laugh. "I apologize, Miss Madison, I was about to suggest your father and I discuss this in private, but I've just recalled that you know all about it."

"About what?" she asked uncertainly.

"Your father's gambling," he said apologetically, and then turned to her father. "I happened to have a lucky streak at the tables the other night. Unfortunately, Cerberus did not have the cash on hand to pay my winnings and instead gave me your marker and suggested I collect from you. Of course, now that Suzette has agreed to marry me, I would feel an ass demanding the payment and--"

"Marry!" Lord Madison gasped, his eyes shooting to Suzette.

For her part, Suzette just glanced from one man to the other uncertainly. She felt as if the ground were shifting under her feet and wasn't certain what to think. Settling on Jeremy, she asked, "You gamble?"

"Not usually, no. But some friends convinced me to accompany them and as I say, I had a streak of luck." He shrugged, and then added apologetically, "I had no idea your father would have trouble paying until you explained why you needed to marry, else I surely would never have accepted the marker in lieu of payment from Cerberus. I understood your family was well off."

"There is no trouble paying," her father said grimly. "And there's no need for Suzette to marry. I have the money at the inn."

Suzette glanced at him with surprise. "You have the money? Where did you get--"

"I sold the townhouse," he admitted grimly.

"Oh Father," she said with dismay.

He shrugged. "We don't use it much anyway, and it is better than seeing another of my daughters forced into a bad marriage."

"Well," Jeremy said wryly. "All's well that ends well then."

"Yes," her father said grimly. "Come back to the inn with me and I shall pay you at once and finally be free of the damned thing."

When Jeremy nodded agreeably, Suzette's father took her arm and turned to lead her back to the path.

"I cannot tell you how relieved I am that it has all gone so well," Jeremy commented, falling into step behind them. "I will admit I was a bit concerned that you would balk at paying the marker and the interest."

Her father froze at once, his fingers digging into her arm.

Suzette glanced to him worriedly. "Father?"

Turning slowly, he narrowed his eyes on Jeremy. "Interest?"

"Yes." Lord Danvers appeared surprised at his reaction.

"What interest?" her father asked grimly.

"Well, let me see, when I won the marker two nights ago it was worth double what you originally signed for. I suppose it would be more than that now. However, I think I can dispense with the interest earned since then. It does seem ridiculously exorbitant for just a week's time. So just the amount I was to win would suit me fine. It shall keep the creditors at bay and give me plenty of time to find another bride."

"Double?" her father asked, sounding faint.

Jeremy's eyebrows beetled with concern. "Surely you aren't surprised? You did read the marker before you signed it?"

Lord Madison dropped her arm and Suzette peered at him with concern. It seemed obvious that her father hadn't read the marker, but then if he'd been drugged and basically robbed, she supposed he wouldn't have. Certainly, the amount had taken him by surprise and left him looking pale and old. He didn't have enough money from the sale of the townhouse to cover it, Suzette realized.

"It's all right, Father," she said quietly. "Jeremy said he would forgive the marker if we married and that is what we shall do."

"I am most amenable to that, my lord," Jeremy said quietly.

"No," her father said faintly, and then grabbing her arm again he said more strongly, "No. Come. We will talk to Richard first." He had only taken two steps before he paused abruptly and muttered, "They aren't here. They have gone to make Daniel--they should be back soon."

"They should have been back two hours ago," Suzette said grimly, silently finishing off the sentence in her head. They have gone to make Daniel marry her? Fulfill his promise? She had thought they had gone to ask him why he had rejected her, but instead she was suddenly sure they had gone to basically force him to wed her. What a choice. Life with a man who seemed nice enough, and whom she might grow to feel affection for eventually, or a man she loved with all her heart, who was forced to marry her and would then resent her for it all the days of their lives while her love died a thousand deaths? Hard choice, Suzette thought bitterly and raised her chin. "Obviously, Daniel is not eager to be made to do anything. And frankly, I wouldn't want him at this point anyway if he was forced to marry me. I shall marry Jeremy. The marker will be paid off through my dower and never be brought up again."

"Suzette," her father said worriedly, but she shook off his hand and turned to Jeremy.

"If you are still amenable, of course, my lord," she added more quietly.

"Of course," he said at once.

She nodded and turned to start onto the path.

"Please, Suzette," her father said, following. "Don't do this. Just wait until Richard and Robert return and see what they have to say."

"So that I can be told again that Daniel doesn't want me?" she asked bitterly.

"You aren't thinking clearly," he insisted, taking her arm and forcing her to a halt. "At least take the time to consider things."

"Actually, Father, I am thinking clearly for the first time since meeting Daniel," she admitted quietly. "He--I could not think at all when he was near. I did things I know better than to do before marriage." She flushed with shame as comprehension and sorrow entered his eyes and felt her throat close up as tears filmed her own. She was forced to whisper when she pointed out, "There might be consequences. This takes care of everything. The markers and those consequences if there are any."

"Oh Suzette," he said sadly.

She was frankly sick of hearing those two words together in that tone, and said with feigned unconcern, "I was an idiot. I wasn't foolish enough to think he loved me, but I thought at least he wanted to marry me for the dower."

"That's all Danvers wants," he pointed out quietly, glancing toward the other man who had paused several feet away to allow them privacy.

Suzette shrugged. "Then he can have it. I no longer care. And there are the consequences to think of. If I am with child . . ." She sighed. "It is best if the child has a name other than bastard."

"Does he know?" Lord Madison asked, glancing back toward Jeremy again.

"Yes," she said simply, and then shrugged. "It is essentially a business transaction, Father. Both of us gave our hearts to others and this is a marriage of convenience. It will be fine. He seems kind enough and I think it may work out all right in the end. I will marry him."

His shoulders slumped in defeat. "Then I shall come with you."

"You do not have to--"

"I am your father, and you are an unmarried woman; you need a chaperone. I will accompany you and stand beside you as you are married," he said firmly.

Suzette merely nodded. She was oddly numb now, empty. The decision had been made and her future was set and she felt nothing.

Chapter Thirteen

I never realized I had raised such a fool."

Daniel stiffened at his mother's words. "A fool?"

"Yes, a fool," Lady Woodrow said firmly, and then shook her head and muttered, "Letting the girl think you wanted her only for her money. What could you have been thinking?"

"It was what she wanted in a husband," he protested at once.

