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Chapter Fourteen

"You are sure Robert is not up yet?" Lisa asked Bet for the third time as the maid finished with her hair.

"Aye. Handers said Lord Langley was up pacing in the office most of the night, and Lord Radnor said to let him sleep. He's sleeping. "

Lisa nodded on a relieved sigh. "And Richard is gone already. "

"Aye. He was up with the dawn and gone," Bet repeated, also for the third time.

Lisa nodded again, but this time with a grimace. She had hoped to talk to him about hiring a guard today so that Robert could leave. But there was nothing she could do about that now if Richard was gone. Still, she wasn't going to sit about here for Robert to lure her into bed again.

Perhaps she should go hire a bodyguard herself. The Bow Street runners did that kind of thing. Or at least she hoped they did. If not, surely they could tell her who would. She would have Handers hire a hack and take care of the matter herself, she decided.

"There you are," Bet murmured, stepping back as she finished with her hair. "Is there anything else?"

"Nay," Lisa murmured, standing to head for the door. "I have to go out for a bit. I shall - "

"Not by yerself," Bet said firmly. "That suitor fellow is still out there somewhere. "

Lisa hesitated, recognizing the stubborn set to Bet's shoulders. "I was going to have Handers hire a hack. In fact, I am heading out to hire a bodyguard so that Lord Langley needn't bother with the task himself anymore. "

Bet relaxed a bit and nodded with understanding. "Between me and the driver we should be able to keep ye safe. But we'll take one of the footmen just to be sure. "

Lisa smiled wryly at the other woman as she moved to join her.

"I take it you are not going to let me go alone?"

"With yer tendency to land yerself in trouble?" Bet asked with a snort. "Not bloody likely, miss. "

Shaking her head, Lisa didn't bother to argue, but simply turned and led the way out of her room. They were descending the stairs when a knock sounded at the front door. Lisa slowed, but continued forward, watching curiously as Handers appeared in the entry to answer it. Her eyes widened, however, when she saw a grim-faced Findlay on the doorstep, a bouquet of flowers in one hand, and books and a small bag in the other.

"I came to - " Charles started and then paused when he saw Lisa coming down the steps. His face brightened at once, a wide smile replacing the slight frown that had been there before. "Lisa. I mean Miss Madison," he corrected himself quickly, his glance sliding to Bet and Handers.

"It's all right, Handers. I shall see Lord Findlay," Lisa said after a hesitation.

"Very good, miss. Shall I show him to the parlor?"

She smiled wryly at the question, but shook her head. "I think I can manage to lead him there myself. But perhaps some tea could be sent to us?"

"Very good, miss. " The butler gave a half bow and turned to head up the hall.

"Shall I talk to Harry in the stables about hiring a hack for us?"

Bet murmured behind her.

Lisa glanced over her shoulder and nodded. "Yes, please. "

The maid nodded and slipped around her to follow the butler as Lisa stepped off the stairs and approached Charles.

"Please, come in," she said with a laugh, realizing the man was still standing on the front step.

Returning her smile, he stepped inside and pushed the door closed. "These are for you. "

"Thank you," Lisa murmured, accepting the flowers he held out.

"They're beautiful. "

"Not as beautiful as you," he said solemnly, and then added, "I am glad to see you looking so well. I was worried when you didn't attend the Norstroms' ball last night. Your sister said you had a cough after getting caught in the rain. That's all my fault. I should have been paying better attention to the weather. I am sorry. "

"Don't be. I am fine today," she murmured, trying to ignore the guilt his apology stirred in her. Sighing, she turned to lead him up the hall to the parlor, adding, "And it wasn't your fault, anyway. "

"Still, I shall take more care in future," he assured her and then they both paused as a maid rushed out of the kitchens with a vase of water.

"Mr. Handers said ye'd be wanting this, Miss," the girl explained, holding up the vase.

"Yes, thank you, Joan," Lisa murmured, setting the flowers in the vase and then taking it from the girl to carry into the parlor. She set it on the table in front of the sofa as she settled on it and immediately began to fuss with the flowers, arranging them more attractively as Lord Findlay settled on the chair across from her. "These are for you too," Charles murmured, leaning forward to offer her the books and the bag he carried once she was satisfied with the flowers.

"Thank you," Lisa said, accepting the offerings. Peering quickly over the titles, she smiled wryly, "You have discovered my weakness, my lord. I do love to read. Though I haven't had much chance to enjoy books since coming to London. "

"It is always busy in town," Charles said, waving that away, and then added, "There is much more time to read in the country. I actually prefer life in the country for just that reason. "

"So do I," she admitted. While this was her first trip to town, Lisa found the constant round of balls and teas a bit taxing. Of course, the rest of her time was not exactly relaxing, what with the kidnapping attempts, and with Robert's constant attentions.

"There is something else we have in common then," Charles said with a smile.

"Yes," she agreed with a smile, setting the books aside and turning her attention to the bag he'd handed her. Opening it, she peered inside, her eyes widening as she spotted the hard candies inside. The sight startled a "My favorite!" from her, and Charles grinned.

"Really? They are mine too. "

"Something else we have in common," Lisa said with a laugh, and then glanced past him to the door as Bet appeared with a tea tray in hand. The maid set the tray on the table beside the flowers, and then bent to whisper by her ear, "Harry is arranging for the hack, and Handers has selected one of the largest footmen to accompany us. "

"Thank you," Lisa murmured.

Nodding, the maid straightened and left the room, leaving them alone.

Once she was gone, Lisa hesitated and then busied herself pouring the tea.

"Thank you," Charles said as he accepted the cup she then offered him.

"Shall we have a candy too?" Lisa asked picking up the bag. "Yes, that would be nice," Charles said, reaching in to take one when she held out the bag. Smiling faintly, he sat back and contemplated the little candy with a shake of the head. "I cannot believe we like so many of the same things. It's rather nice. "

"Yes," Lisa agreed, popping one of the candies into her own mouth and considering him as she moved it around with her tongue. They did appear to have a lot in common. That had to be a good thing. Now if he could just manage to stir some passion in her . . . "What are you thinking?" Charles asked suddenly, a curious smile curving his lips. "You have a very odd look on your face. "

Lisa hesitated, and picked up her tea. She took a sip, and then rather than answer, asked, "My lord, what were you asking me when Robert interrupted us the other day?"

When he hesitated, she said, "I thought perhaps you were in the middle of asking me to be your wife. "

Charles glanced down to his teacup, and then set it down with a sigh and nodded. "In truth, I was. "

Lisa relaxed a bit and nodded. "I thought so. "

They were both silent for a moment and then he raised his eyebrows. "And will you?"

Lisa bit her lip and dropped her eyes. She should have realized this would follow the question, but she didn't appear to be thinking terribly clearly at the moment. Which was a good deal of the problem. If she could just get some time without Robert hovering nearby, or seducing her, or even just sleeping across the hall from her, she was sure she could figure out what was best to do in this situation. Bu

t to get that time she needed to hire a guard and remove any reason for Robert to be at the house. Until she did that, she wouldn't be able to think and wouldn't trust any decisions she came to not to be simply knee-jerk reactions to Robert's effect on her.

"Lisa?" he prodded.

Sighing, she raised her eyes and asked, "Would you mind

terribly if I asked for time to consider before answering?"

"Time to consider," Charles echoed quietly, sitting back.

"It is a very big decision," she said apologetically. "It decides the course of the rest of my life. And yours. "

"Yes, it does," he agreed solemnly.

"And while I do enjoy your company and we do seem to like the same things, I - " She hesitated and then blurted, "Do you think you could kiss me again, my lord?"

Charles rocked back in his seat with surprise, his tea sloshing in his cup and slipping over the side to fill the matching saucer it sat on. "I realize it is bold of me to ask," she rushed on, aware that she was blushing. "But it does occur to me that before deciding something so important, it might be good to learn if we could . . . I mean, if we suited each other in . . . er . . . less intellectual ways. "

His eyes were wide now, his eyebrows halfway to his hairline and Lisa knew she was bright red with embarrassment.

Grimacing, she struggled on. "It is just that a lifetime is a very long time and while you have kissed me before, the first time I think you were being gentle with me and the second time was punishing at my own request, but I - " Lisa shook her head and then said, "I just thought if you kissed me passionately and . . . " She stared at him helplessly, and then stood abruptly, too embarrassed to continue. "I'm sorry. It was not well done of me to even suggest such a thing. I should probably - "

"No, no. " Charles was on his feet at once and moving around the table to claim her hands. "You took me by surprise, but you are absolutely right. "

"I am?" Lisa asked uncertainly.

"Yes, of course. Surely a proper kiss or two to ensure we . . .

er . . . suit each other in other ways would be a sensible idea," he said with a crooked smile.

Lisa felt herself relax at his words and nodded. "Yes. It does. " "Very well. " Charles hesitated briefly, and then released her hands to clasp her elbows and draw her into his arms. Lisa managed not to stiffen up. It was difficult though. This wasn't Robert and her body seemed very aware of that.

Charles smiled at her, and then lowered his head to press his lips to hers lightly, before beginning to nibble and nip.

Lisa waited for something to stir in her . . . and waited. Then his tongue brushed along her lips and she automatically opened to him, allowing his tongue to sweep in. Much to her relief, passion finally, slowly stirred to life within her. Sadly, it was only a weak echo of the passion Robert brought to life in her. On the other hand, Charles's hands were remaining chastely on her elbows, not traveling over her body as Robert's did when he kissed her, so perhaps that was the difference, she told herself.

A footfall at the door made them break apart then and Lisa glanced toward it, cursing herself for not closing the door when she saw Robert standing there.

"Langley," Charles said in greeting, releasing Lisa. He hesitated and then said, "You may be the first to congratulate us. I just asked Miss Madison to marry me. "

Lisa bit her lip, but otherwise didn't react. He did ask her to be his wife. However, she had asked for time to think and the way he had phrased it made it sound as if she'd accepted. But then they had just been caught in something of a compromising position and she didn't doubt he was trying to protect her.

"Perhaps you should go for now," Lisa suggested when Robert didn't comment and simply continued to stand staring at them. "Of course," Charles murmured, but asked, "Will you be at the Brewsters' ball tonight?"
