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"Derek's mother was the head spinner," Seonag said solemnly. "And her sisters and nieces made up the weavers and em


"Oh, aye, I forgot," Giorsal said on a sigh, and then explained to Annabel. "Derek was our cousin. When Father died, he rose up and tried to wrest the title of clan chieftain from Ross. He even ambushed him and his men one night, intending to kill him and take the title, but instead, Ross killed him."

"And the women?" Annabel asked with a frown. "Surely Ross did not banish them for what your cousin did?" It would explain why there were no spinners, weavers or embroiderers here, but it also seemed unfair, and not something she hoped her husband would do. Much to her relief Giorsal shook her head vehemently.

"O' course not. Ross would ne'er blame anyone fer someone else's actions. He told them he held no ill will toward them because o' Derek's actions and that they were welcome to stay."

"But Derek's mother, Miriam, hated Ross fer killing her boy," Seonag put in. "She spat in his face, she did. Then she packed her goods and left. The rest followed."

"Ross could ha'e ordered them to stay, as clan chief, but he let them go," Giorsal added.

"Aye, and we've no' seen nor heard from them since."

"Hmmm," Annabel murmured, wondering where they'd gone.

"So, I suppose finding new spinners, weavers and embroiderers falls on yer shoulders now too," Giorsal said apologetically.

"Aye," Annabel muttered, wondering how the devil she was to do that. For that matter, how exactly was she to oversee the others? Did she hover over each servant ensuring they did it right? And if they were doing it wrong, what was she expected to do?

"Seonag and I'll help ye sort it all out," Giorsal said reassuringly. "I shall tell ye what I can now, and visit often to see how ye're getting along, and Seonag's been here a long time. She kens what's what. She can help a great deal when I'm no' here."

"Aye," Seonag agreed at once. "I'll help ye. It'll be fine."

"Thank you," Annabel said sincerely and smiled the first true and relaxed smile she'd enjoyed since reaching MacKay. She no longer felt alone in this. She had allies.

Chapter 10

"The laird said ye were to stay indoors, and indoors is where yer staying."

Annabel scowled at Gilly's stubbornness, but tried to remain patient as she reasoned, "But Jasper needs to get out and run off some of his energy else he shall get destructive out of sheer boredom, and I need to go to the village and speak to a woman who may be able to help us with sewing. Surely with the two of you accompanying me, 'twould be all right?"

"Jasper can go out if he likes, and Seonag can go talk to this woman in the village fer ye, but yer not," Gilly said firmly.

"Sorry." Marach shrugged when she turned to him for help. "The laird was very specific that ye were to stay in the keep."

Annabel wanted to stomp her feet and have a screaming fit. Instead, she turned on her heel and marched across the great hall to the stairs and up. Aware that the men were behind her, she picked up speed as she reached the top and nearly ran to the bedchamber door. She then rushed inside and slammed the door closed, narrowly missing hitting Jasper with it when he raced in on her heels.

"Sorry, Jasper," she murmured, sliding the bolt home to prevent the men from following. She'd barely done so when one of the men tried to open the door.

"Me lady?" Gilly called out. "Open the door. Ye ken we're supposed to stay with ye at all times while the laird is out."

"Nay. I do not know that," Annabel said sweetly. "My husband did not tell me so."

"Aye, but we did," Marach pointed out.

"Hmmm. Aye, you did. But how do I know 'tis true? After all, surely my husband would have mentioned something of such import to me himself?" she pointed out grimly. "Besides, I am sure if he did give such an order, he did not mean you were to enter our private chamber and watch me"--she paused briefly, searching for something he wouldn't want them to witness, and then said--"strip and bathe myself."

There was a brief silence and then Marach cleared his throat and pointed out. "Me lady, ye've no bath in there just now."

"Nay, you are right," Annabel agreed. "So mayhap you would be kind enough to go ask Seonag to have it brought up: the tub, water, soap, linens and so on."

If it would gain her some privacy, she would take a bath despite not really needing one yet. In fact, Annabel suspected if that was what it took to gain some time without tripping over the two men presently outside her door, she would be taking a lot of baths. After just one morning of this nonsense, they were already driving her wild.

Grimacing, she turned and paced to one of the windows to peer down at the busy bailey below. The visit with Ross's sister had gone very well indeed. Rather than go below and join the men once the first gown was done, the three of them had eaten their nooning meal in the bedchamber and mended a second gown as Giorsal and Seonag had given Annabel more advice and information on her duties as chatelaine. They had only gone below when Ross had come up to say that Bean was ready to leave.

Despite the hours together, Annabel had been sorry to see Giorsal go and had gone below to see her off. The two had hugged affectionately and Giorsal had promised to come back soon. Bean and Ross had watched this with raised eyebrows, but had not commented. It wasn't until they'd returned inside that Ross had said anything at all, and then it was a simple, "Ye seem to like me sister."

"Aye. She is lovely," Annabel had responded at once. "I like her a great deal."

Ross had grunted at that, scooped her up in his arms and carried her back up to their room to finish what his sister had interrupted earlier. By the time they'd gone back downstairs the great hall was filling with people claiming seats at the trestle table in preparation of dinner. Afterward, Annabel had sat by the fire with Seonag and continued sewing while Ross, Gilly and Marach had sat at the table discussing some business or other.

Annabel had sewn until Ross had appeared at her side. He hadn't said a word, simply reached out to take her hand. She'd set her sewing aside and allowed him to walk her up to their room where he'd taken full advantage of it being Thursday. It wasn't until afterward that Annabel even thought to be grateful that he hadn't given her time to pack. She was glad not to have to wear the chemise carouse that had been left behind. She liked it when her husband touched her. On that thought, Annabel had drifted off to sleep with a smile on her face.

She wouldn't have been smiling had she realized what today would hold, Annabel thought grimly. Ross was gone when the watchman on the donjon had blown his bugle to wake the castle. She'd hurried to wash and dress and had stepped out into the hall to find Gilly and Marach waiting there. The two men had been leaning against the wall on either side of the door, but had straightened abruptly at her appearance.

Annabel had murmured a perplexed, "Good morn," and headed for the stairs, aware that they were following. The men had taken up a seat on either side of her as she'd broken her fast, and then had stood on either side of her as she'd attended mass in the chapel.

"Where is my husband?" she'd asked when mass ended without his making an appearance.

"He had some business in the village," Gilly had answered, following her along the hall toward the great hall. While the chapel at Waverly was across the bailey by the gatehouse, at MacKay it was in the keep itself, down a long hall off the great hall.

Annabel hadn't commented, but had allowed the men to escort her back to the great hall. She'd been relieved, however, when they'd both settled at the table and let her continue alone when she'd spotted Seonag and had commented that she would have a word with the woman.

Mostly, Annabel had wanted to ask Seonag what she should be doing that day. She had a general idea, but was feeling uncertain enough to want a suggestion. She'd been glad she had when Seonag had told her that she'd found out that there was a woman in the village said to be handy with a needle. So handy, in fact, that many of the men were going to her when they had items that needed mending. She'd wondered if the woman might be interested in a position at the keep as an embroiderer if the pay was sweet enough.

Excited by the pros

pect, Annabel had assured Seonag she would speak to the woman and had headed for the keep doors intending to travel down to the village at once. She was vaguely aware of Gilly and Marach standing to follow when she passed the trestle tables. However, she was still stunned when they'd suddenly hurried around to block her way as she reached the keep doors. And she'd been positively shocked when they'd told her that she wasn't allowed to leave the keep until her husband settled this business of the man who had attacked her.

Annabel now propped her elbows on the window ledge and rested her chin in her hands. This business with the attacker was a great nuisance. And restricting her to the keep just seemed silly to her. The man had only ever appeared outside of the castle walls. She was perfectly safe in the bailey. Of course, the village was not within the walls, but she was perfectly happy to allow Gilly and Marach to accompany her there, only they wouldn't allow her to go. How was she to do her job as chatelaine if they would not allow her to do what needed doing?

Sighing, she watched the stable master lift a hand and call out a greeting to someone she couldn't see. Curious, she leaned out to see who he was hailing. She had to lean out quite a ways to see the priest standing in a doorway further along the wall on the ground floor. It was the second door to the chapel, she supposed--one entrance to the keep for the lord and lady to use and one leading out into the bailey for those coming from outside.

Annabel stilled briefly, and then straightened and turned for the door.

Gilly was alone when she stepped into the hall, and Annabel raised an eyebrow as she pulled the door closed behind Jasper. "Where is Marach?"

"He went below to tell Seonag yer wanting a bath."

"Oh aye." She nodded. "I shall take it after confession."

"Confession?" Gilly barked with surprise, and then scrambled after her when she headed for the stairs.

"Aye. I have not confessed since leaving England, and have a confession or two to make," Annabel said mildly.

"Well, that's fine, but it'll ha'e to wait until Marach returns," Gilly said with a frown.

"I do not need Marach for confession," Annabel said with amusement. " 'Tis a priest I need."

"Aye, but--Oh there he is," Gilly said with relief and Annabel glanced ahead to see Marach stepping into the great hall from the kitchens.
