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Satisfied, she withdrew her sword again and faced him. "Come on then. 'Tis time I trounced ye."

"Ah lass," he said with a slow smile. "I made me living wielding me sword. 'Tis you I fear is about to be trounced."

"We shall see," Saidh said, unintimidated, and lunged at him, swinging.

Greer met her sword with his own, his eyes wide with surprise at the attack. He fended another swing easily, but said, "Mayhap we should be using wooden swords fer this. I'd no wish to see ye hurt."

"Or mayhap yer afraid yer the one who will get hurt," she suggested, swinging again. As their swords met, she added, "But ye'll not. I ken how to control me sword, and this is just fer play, no' to injure ye."

"I'm glad to hear it," Greer said with amusement, getting in a couple of swings of his own that she had to block. Saidh fended him off easily enough and was winding up to swing at him again when her skirt suddenly came unraveled and tangled around her legs.

Startled, she stumbled back to avoid hitting Greer in an uncontrolled swing as she struggled to maintain her balance, and then gasped with surprise as cold water rushed over her foot one moment before she tumbled back into the lake. Saidh landed on her bottom, her head and chest briefly falling backward under the water. She gulped a mouthful of the stuff as she cried out in surprise, and then quickly pushed herself into a sitting position so that her head and neck, at least, were out of the water.

Spitting out more curses than water, Saidh floundered briefly and flailed about with both hands, slapping her sword wildly about as she tried to maintain some balance and keep from falling back in the water again. Then she stabbed her sword into the wet dirt beside her and clung to it to get to her knees as the loch tried to wash her out and away from shore.

Pausing on her knees, Saidh released the sword with one hand to push her hair off her face and scowled around until she found Greer standing several feet back, his chin hanging down onto his chest and his eyes as wide as chicken eggs in his head.

"Well?" she growled, glaring at him. "Are ye going to help me or no'?"

Greer's mouth snapped closed and he smiled that infuriating smile of his. "I'm no' sure. Are ye done waving yer sword about like a madwoman?"

"Ye can see 'tis buried in the dirt," she growled furiously.

"Aye. And tis a piss-poor way to treat such a fine weapon," he said at once.

"I shall clean and sharpen it when I get back to the castle," Saidh said grimly, frowning at the hilt of her sword now. Truly, thrusting it into the ground was no way to treat a sword as fine as hers, but she'd been desperate. She still was. Her gown was heavy, and the braies underneath were just weighing her down more. Aside from that, it felt like the waves washing around her were trying to take her out to the middle of the loch with them as they rolled away from her.

"Do ye ken the proper way to clean and sharpen a blade?" Greer asked with interest.

Saidh didn't bother to respond but simply shook her head and staggered to her feet in the water. It was much harder than one would think. The ground was soft beneath her, shifting with her movement and her gown was hampering her horribly. But she got upright and immediately pulled her sword from the ground. The moment she'd returned it to its sheath, Greer was there, scooping her up into his arms.

"I can walk," she said with irritation as he turned to carry her back out of the water.

"It did no' look that way to me," Greer said with amusement. He set her on her feet on dry land and then stepped back to look her over, before meeting her gaze and arching an eyebrow. "I think this means I trounced ye."

"Ye did no'," she argued at once. "Me gown unraveled and tripped me."

"I tugged yer gown from its mooring so that it would trip ye," he countered with not an iota of shame. When she gaped at him, he shrugged. "All's fair in battle, love. Ye use what's available to ye."

Saidh let loose with a string of curses that would have made even her brothers blush, though they were the ones she'd learned them from.

Greer, however, merely smiled more widely, shook his head, and murmured, "That mouth o' yers, lass."

"What about it?" Saidh barked, glowering at the man.

"I like it," he said so softly she almost missed the words.

Saidh stared at him with bewilderment. She was wet and cold, but for some reason his words and his expression sent a warm shiver through her body, and she was aware of the rise of those bewildering sensations that only he seemed to raise in her. A strange want and need that culminated in frustration and aggressive action. Responding to it, she reached for him.

Greer's eyes widened and he reached for her too, then released a startled curse when she suddenly hooked her foot behind his ankle and pushed with her hands to send him crashing onto his back on the ground. At least that was her intention. However, Greer had already caught her arms when she pushed and rather than just send him to the ground, she was dragged down with him.

Saidh landed on his chest with a grunt of surprise and then pushed herself up to glare at him, her damp hair hanging down, a dark curtain around their faces. But then she just lay there staring at him. She should be pummeling him with fists and words, berating him for cheating and making her trip and fall in the lake. Or alternatively, she should be getting up and leaving him lying there in the dirt while she rode back to the castle. Instead, she just lay there, staring into his beautiful dark eyes, her upper body half raised and her lower body flat against him, feeling every inch of heated flesh through their clothes.

Greer stared back briefly, but then his gaze dropped and she gave a start as he ran a finger lightly along the neckline of her gown.

"Ye must be cold," he growled.

"Aye," she agreed, surprised to find herself sounding breathless.

"I'll warm ye."

"Aye," Saidh murmured as his hand moved up to cup her head and draw her face down to his. His lips were warm and soft yet firm as they brushed over hers, and she held her breath at his first touch. When his tongue slid out to run along the seam where her lips met, she made a startled sound, her mouth opening involuntarily, and then gasped when his tongue immediately slipped past the open gates to explore her depths.

This was uncharted territory for Saidh. She had grown up with seven bossy, nosy brothers who seemed to follow her everywhere. No boy or man had ever dared to even try to kiss her ere this. It left her feeling awkward and uncertain now as to how to respond. Should she suck on his tongue as she suddenly wanted to, or was she supposed to stick her tongue in his mouth too? Saidh didn't have a clue, so did neither and simply held herself still above him until her arms began to tremble.

Greer suddenly broke the kiss and shifted, turning them both until she lay on her back on the ground and he rested on his side. He didn't go back to kissing her though. Instead, his gaze drifted down her body. Saidh watched his face, but then glanced down with surprise when he pinched one nipple through the wet cloth of her gown.

The material was old, which was why she'd changed into it. She hadn't minded if it got damaged during their battle. But, she saw now that the cloth was thin with wear and rather sheer when wet, she noted as she saw the dusky rose of her nipple through the material. Before she could be embarrassed by that, Greer ducked his head and covered the nipple with his mouth.

Saidh sucked in a deep breath, her back arching in response as heat encompassed the sensitive nib. She then moaned, and clasped his head with some vague intent of pushing him away when he began to suckle her through the material. Instead of push at him, though, she found her fingers tangling in his hair and clasping him closer, urging him on. She even moaned her disappointment when he broke off the caress and raised his head, but she relaxed and wound her arms around him when he kissed her again instead.

This time she did suck on his tongue when it invaded her. She simply couldn't resist it, and he did not seem to mind. At least, he didn't stop kissing her. Instead, they became more demanding, almost violent as he slanted his head over hers and thrust his tongue in and out and in and out. Saidh was so consumed by his kisses that she wasn't even aware that his hand was working busily at the neckline of her gown until he suddenly broke their kiss and shifted to close his mouth over her breast again, this time without the cloth there between them.

Saidh cried out at the rush of excitement shooting through her and curled around his head, her legs squeezing together as the heat hit her there. She felt his hand on her leg and then clasping her bottom, squeezing, but didn't care. And then he tore his mouth from her breast and kissed her again as his hand slid around to cup her between the legs and Saidh cried out into his mouth. Her legs clenched around his fingers, squeezing even as her hips shifted in response, and then that strange want, need, frustration welled up inside her like a cyclone and she was moved to violence again.

Catching Greer by surprise, she thrust him onto his back and quickly scrambled to straddle him and then simply stared down at him, bewildered as to what to do next. Saidh knew she definitely didn't want to punch him and suspected she never had, but she had no clue what she should do instead. So simply sat there on him, her hair a tangled mess around her shoulders and her breasts bared by her open gown.

Greer watched her expression warily for a moment, and then offered her a crooked smile. "I surrender. Do with me what ye will."

Saidh hesitated, knowing she should gather her dignity, cover herself up, get on her horse and return to the castle, but she didn't want to. She wanted more of what he'd shown her so far. She'd never known it could be like this between a man and a woman. And she'd never been a shy young thing. With seven brothers she'd had to fight for every little thing she wanted, and she wanted Greer.

His hands were on her legs, simply resting there. Saidh caught them and raised them, placing them over her breasts. "Show me what to do."

Greer's eyes darkened, and his hands tightened briefly on her breasts, but then he took a deep breath and started to shake his head.
