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"Really?" she asked with a smile.

"Aye," he said solemnly. "Ye're reckless and too brave fer yer own good, and 'twill probably take all the coin I would ha'e spent on building a castle to keep ye in gowns, but I love ye."

She laughed at his words, then hugged him tightly and whispered, "I love ye too, husband."

Dougall remained still for a moment, and then pulled back and raised his eyebrows. "That's it?' I love ye too, husband' is all ye have to say?"

Murine hesitated, concern filling her that she'd done something wrong. Perhaps she should say why she loved him, or when she'd realized it. Her worries faded away, however, when she noted the teasing glint in his eyes.

Schooling her expression, she offered, "I love ye too, husband, and I am no' wearing braies under me gown today."

When his eyes widened incredulously, she tilted her head and asked, "Will that do?"

"That'll do, love," he growled and urged his mount to start moving again as he bent to kiss her.

An Excerpt from Immortal Unchained

Want more Lynsay Sands?

Keep reading for an excerpt

from her next Argenau family novel,


Coming April 2017 from Avon Books


"I begin to think they are going to be late," Domitian murmured, hefting his duffel bag higher on his shoulder so that the microphone hidden in his sleeve would catch his words.

"Perhaps it is a sign." Lucian Argeneau's voice was surprisingly clear. The earpiece they'd given Domitian was so small that it was unseen once inserted, but the sound came through loud and crystal clear. "We should scrap this now and--"

"Still trying to talk me out of going, Uncle?" Domitian asked with amusement, and then suddenly impatient, added, "I do not know why you are so resistant to my doing this. Especially with Uncle Victor, Lucern, Decker, Nicholas, Aunt Eshe, Mirabeau LaRoche and Santo Notte now among the missing. I would think with all of them having been taken--"

"That is precisely why," Lucian interrupted him in a growl. "This is dangerous. We have already lost several hunters, people armed and trained to handle situations like this. You, Domitian, are going in there unarmed, and you are not a hunter."

"True, but I was a warrior once. I can handle myself," Domitian argued. "Besides, none of your hunters were invited, I was."

"Yes, but was it because you are a chef and Dressler wants you to work for him? Or because you are an immortal who he wants to add to his collection?"

"I told you. He does not know I am an immortal," Domitian said slowly and firmly, stressing each word. They'd had this conversation several times already, but it seemed they would have it again. "If Dressler knew, he could have taken me at any time. He has been a regular in my restaurant for five years. He obviously does not know."

"Or perhaps he did not wish to kidnap an immortal so close to home," Lucian countered. "It might have led us straight here to Venezuela."

Domitian shifted impatiently at the suggestion. "One immortal missing in Caracas would hardly have brought you here when so many have gone missing in the United States."

"Perhaps. Or perhaps we would have--"

"Is that helicopter headed this way?" Domitian interrupted, raising a hand to shield his eyes from the sun as he watched the vehicle approach. It was flying low and seemed to be headed straight for where he stood at the base of the large dock . . . which was where he'd been directed to wait for his ride. He'd expected a boat, but--

"Are those pontoons?" Lucian asked sharply in his ear.

Domitian knew that Lucian and the others wouldn't have as good a view from the small boat where they waited further along the docks. Aside from that, they were staying out of sight in the small cabin in the bow, which had only tiny windows that were glazed and screened. Their view would be highly obscured compared to his.

"Yes. The helicopter has pontoons," he confirmed, his gaze on the skids with the floatation devices affixed to them. It was fitted out to be an amphibious helicopter so that it could set down on water or land, which made Domitian suspect that this was his ride. Apparently he wasn't the only one to think that, he realized, wincing as a loud curse sounded in his ear.

"You are not to get on that helicopter!" Lucian ordered firmly. "Make an excuse. Tell them you have changed your mind. We did not plan for this. The boats out in the bay might lose the helicopter. Do you hear me?"

His thoughts racing, Domitian watched the helicopter slow and begin to drop by the end of the dock. To get onboard or not was the question. If he said he had a fear of flying, Dressler might send a boat for him and then Lucian's men could follow from a safe distance to find the island. Then again, he might not. Dressler might suspect something was afoot and simply cancel the job offer altogether . . . and Domitian couldn't risk that. He had to get on that island. His life mate was there and could be in danger.

"Domitian? Can you hear me?" Lucian barked sharply, and then his voice faded as he asked someone else, "Is this thing working? Why is he not answering?"

"Perhaps the noise from the helicopter is drowning you out," another voice responded. Domitian was pretty sure that voice belonged to the young hunter, Justin Bricker and was grateful for the suggestion. He would pretend it was true and he couldn't hear his uncle. He was getting on that helicopter. He might be risking his life doing it, but not getting on risked his chance of any kind of a happy future.

"Dammit! Domitian! Do not get on that helicopter! Domitian?"

Ignoring the voice in his ear, Domitian watched the helicopter set down, not on the water, but on the end of the dock. He then started forward.

"Domitian Argeneau!" Lucian's voice roared in his ear.

"It's Argenis, Uncle. Not Argeneau," Domitian reminded him gently before unobtrusively plucking the earpiece from his ear and tucking it into the front pocket of his tight

jeans. It didn't matter what anyone said. He was going, Domitian thought as he watched the back, side door of the helicopter open.

Instinctively ducking, he rushed quickly under the rotors to the entrance. A man in a suit was waiting with his hand out to take his duffle bag. Domitian handed it over with a nod of thanks, and then grasped the doorframe and climbed in. The window seat was the only one available, so he settled into it and pulled the door closed without having to be told.

Domitian then started to turn to get a better look at the other men in the helicopter, but stiffened in surprise as he felt a sudden sharp pain in the side of his neck. He lost consciousness almost at once.
