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Aulay was halfway across the clearing to the lodge when the sight of Mavis coming out of the woods with a basket over her arm made him slow. She was a bit damp, but not soaking, so he supposed she must have found shelter from the worst of the storm. Aulay waited for her and nodded in greeting when she glanced up and noticed him.

"Ye're back, m'laird," she said solemnly as she approached. "Got caught in the storm I see."

"Aye. It hit just as we started back," he admitted.

Mavis nodded. "Fortunately, I was on me way back and near a large old oak when the storm started. It kept the worst of the rain off of me," she told him and then gestured to the basket she carried. "I went to see if I could find some eggs for lunch," she explained, drawing his gaze to the eggs nestled in the basket she carried. "I happened on a quail's nest and thought I'd make some papyns for the lass, and then I found several more nests so there is enough fer all o' us."

Despite having just eaten, Aulay smiled faintly at the thought of poached eggs in a golden sauce.

"I take it Simon found ye?" she commented, regaining his attention.

"Aye. He said ye told him where to find us?"

Mavis nodded. "He arrived just as I was leaving to look fer eggs. I refused to tell him where ye were at first. Did no' want him to ruin the lass's first excursion out o' the lodge, but when he told me what had happened, I kenned I had to send him yer way. Did Rory leave with him?"

"Aye," Aulay murmured. "Simon arrived just after we finished breaking our fast and Rory left right away with him."

Mavis nodded and then sighed wearily as she led the way to the lodge door. "'Tis a terrible thing about young Katie."

"Aye," he agreed solemnly, following her inside and pulling the door closed behind them.

"Is the lass back in her room?" Mavis asked, glancing around as she crossed to the cookstove.

"She must be," Aulay murmured, noting that the main floor was empty. He glanced toward the upper landing and saw that the door to their room was closed.

"Did she get as wet as ye are?" Mavis asked with a narrowing gaze.

"Unfortunately, aye," Aulay admitted, not happy at the fact. "I told her to warm herself by the cookstove, but--"

"She probably wanted to get out o' her wet clothes quick as she could," Mavis said, bringing him to a halt. Aulay had been heading for the stairs intending to check on her, but paused at that, quite sure walking in on her naked would not aid him in keeping his promise to his brother.

"I'll just set these aside for now and go check on the lass ere I cook 'em. She may want a bath to warm her up after her soaking," Mavis said, placing the basket on the table. She turned toward the stairs, and then paused and shook her head sadly. "Poor, wee Katie. Such a pretty lass with all that long black hair, and such a sweet girl too. Hard to believe anyone would want her dead."

"I'm sure 'twas an accident," Aulay said, surprised that she'd think otherwise. "A stray arrow from a hunter."

Mavis turned to peer at him with amazement. "A stray arrow from a hunter? She was shot just as they reached the drawbridge. What hunting would anyone be doing there?"

Aulay stiffened at this news. "The drawbridge?"

"Aye, that's what young Simon said," she announced firmly. "And whoever shot could no' be aiming at young Geordie either . . . unless they thought to shoot right through young Katie and into him. She was hit midback and straight on, Simon said." Mavis shook her head again and started up the stairs, muttering, "Nay, someone has it in fer our Katie. Someone who kens their way around a bow and arrow too. Lord help us, I do no' ken what the world is coming to when sweet young lasses like Katie are . . ."

Aulay didn't catch the rest. The woman had continued up the stairs as she spoke, her voice fading with each step. Frowning, he turned and moved to peer out the window, thinking that if what Mavis said was true, then Katie's getting shot was attempted murder. And, as laird, he should be looking into it right that moment. He should be finding the culprit and seeing them punished. The safety of the people of Buchanan was his responsibility, and he should be on his way back right that minute. Not loafing about at the lodge, trying not to make love to a woman who thought she was his wife, but wasn't.

Hands clenching into fists, Aulay whirled from the window and hurried upstairs, arranging things in his mind as he went. He couldn't take Jetta with him. She had no clothes. But he wouldn't leave her alone out here either. He'd leave Mavis with her for now, but he'd also send his uncle and half a dozen soldiers to guard them both until he could return. Or until he could find some damned dresses for the lass and bring her to join him at Buchanan. And he'd be quick about finding the culprit behind shooting Katie with the arrow. It shouldn't be that hard. As he recalled, she was a sweet young girl. In fact, the only motive he could think of for anyone wishing her harm was jealousy, either of her beauty, or of the attention Geordie showed her. His brother had proven himself quite taken with the lass these last couple months. In fact, he wouldn't be surprised if Geordie told him he wished to marry the girl.

Aulay frowned at the thought as he stepped off the stairs and started along the landing. He wasn't sure what he would do if and when that time finally came. Geordie was a nobleman, son of a baron, and Katie was the bastard daughter of a kitchen maid. That kind of union simply wasn't considered acceptable as a rule. At least not by most. The idea didn't bother him, though, but he did have to consider Geordie's future and how others would accept such a union.

Pondering that as he reached the bedroom door, Aulay opened it, strode inside and then came to an abrupt halt as he recalled why he'd been waiting below in the first place. Because Mavis was helping Jetta change. They weren't done with that task. Jetta was standing completely naked by the bed. The shift and plaid she'd been wearing were a soggy heap on the floor at her feet, and Mavis was approaching with a clean, dry shift for her to don. For one moment, Aulay let his gaze travel over all that beautiful naked flesh. He noted that she'd filled out a bit this last week and a half since she'd woken up, and that the bruises that had still been a faded nasty yellow when last he'd seen them were now completely gone, and then his gaze lifted to her face and he saw that she had spotted him and was staring at him wide-eyed and obviously embarrassed.

Jetta wasn't trying to cover herself though, he noted. And why should she? She thought him her husband with every right to look on her naked, he realized.

"I have to go," he said finally.

"Oh, m'laird," Mavis said with surprise. She peered at him wide-eyed and then glanced from him to Jetta and back, and simply dropped the shift over the lass's head and helped her get her arms through the arm holes. The maid then turned to him and asked politely, "Ye were saying?"

"I have to go," Aulay repeated, still staring at Jetta. In his mind he could still see her standing there gloriously nude.

"And where're ye going, m'laird?" Mavis asked patiently.

Aulay finally shifted his gaze to the maid. Only then was he able to regather his thoughts. Giving his head a shake, he cleared his throat and said, "I am returning to Buchanan to look into this matter with Katie. But I'll send Uncle Acair and some soldiers back to guard ye until I return."

Risking a look at Jetta, he noted her upset, and sighed. "I'm sorry, lass. I'd take ye with me, but we have no clothes fer ye yet. I'll see to that too while I'm there and bring ye back some pretty dresses to wear so ye're no' stuck here."

He watched several emotions cross her face; upset, worry, even fear and disappointment, but then she schooled her features into a calm expression, straightened her shoulders and nodded. "Very well, husband. Safe travels."

Aulay nodded and turned to the door, but then hesitated. It simply didn't feel right leaving her like this. Whirling back, he crossed the room and bent, intending to press a quick kiss to her forehead. She, however, tipped her head up at the last moment and his kiss landed on her mouth. The moment his lips met hers, Aulay gave up the idea of a quick kiss, and instead claimed her mouth properly.


bsp; Jetta needed no coaxing. Her mouth opened at once on a little sigh and when he felt her hands creep around his neck, he slid his own around her waist and pulled her close, then let his hands glide down her body until they cupped her bottom. Squeezing, Aulay lifted her slightly and straightened a bit, the action rubbing her groin against his, and then he eased her back to the floor and reluctantly broke their kiss.

"I have to go," he murmured again. "The safety of me people is me responsibility."

"Aye," she whispered solemnly. "Be safe, husband."

"And you, wife, stay safe until I return," he ordered huskily, and then, ignoring Mavis's raised eyebrows, he turned and strode quickly from the room before he changed his mind and took her to his bed instead. The woman was like some kind of madness in his blood. He walked around wanting her all the time. These last days of refusing to allow himself to touch her had been an agony. He really needed to find out who she was and set things to rights there. If he didn't soon do that, he feared that--despite his promises to Rory--he would end up bedding the lass and trapping her into having to marry him.

And don't think that idea didn't hold a hell of a lot of appeal to him. Having Jetta in his life always. A warm, welcoming wife who seemed blind to his scars and greeted him with eagerness. The only problem was, he suspected all of that would disappear did she learn they weren't really married. He suspected she was just making the best of the situation she found herself in, and that if she learned they weren't married and she could leave . . . she would.
