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“T-bone!” Bruce said, patting the man heartily on the back. “It’s been a while, brother.”

“Too long, too long,” Bruce said. The man opened the door, gesturing for us to go in and nodding at me and Marie.

“It’s getting wild in there,” Terrance said, “you folks have a good time.”

We walked into a lobby that was lined with huge mirrors and were greeted by two more security guys who also knew Bruce and Bear. They guided us through a heavy, intricately carved wooden door and then opened a heavy, black velvet curtain that opened up into another room.

The scene was like something out of a movie.

“Oh my god!” Marie squealed beside me. My mouth dropped open as I surveyed the room, trying to make some sense of what was going on. First of all, it was packed and the room was dimly lit, which mad

e it kind of hard to tell what was going on at first, but once I could see through the crowd and my eyes adjusted, I couldn’t believe what I was seeing.

The room was painted a deep burgundy, with beautiful Victorian-style furnishings everywhere. Lush, low slung velvet couches and chaises were pushed up against the walls, with life-sized oil paintings of naked women hung over them. Dozens and dozens of people in various stage of undress were draped over the couches, trailing through the room, or making out in dark corners. It looked like a parlor room of an old mansion.

If the old mansion belonged to Hugh Hefner, that is.

In the middle of the room was a glass box that most of the people that weren’t making out with someone were intently focused on. We walked closer and the crowd parted, allowing me to see inside for the first time.

My eyes widened in shock.

A woman and a man were inside the box. The woman was on all fours, her entire body covered in a leopard print rubber suit. I spotted the collar around her neck and the leash attached to it, her owner holding the end of it. I reached up, fingering the choker around my neck as a strange thrill shot through my body. The man towered over her, his body criss-crossed with the straps of an elaborate harness that left him completely naked, his cock sticking out of a hole in the middle, fully erect and throbbing freely in the air.

His hard cock bounced as his sculpted arm rose and fell, the whip in his hand landing blows on the woman’s rubber covered ass, the distinct smack of leather on rubber ripping through the air.

My body jumped with each resounding blow. I swallowed hard, my body remembering the feel of leather on flesh, remembering the sting, remembering the delicious pain. Within seconds, I was soaked. I squeezed my own bare thighs together, trying to keep my wetness from trailing down my legs.

Bear was standing beside me, his hand resting lightly on the small of my back. The four of us stood watching the show in front of us silently, as if it was the most natural thing in the world, as if we were watching a movie, or a tennis match, or something else equally as mundane.

I couldn’t help it.

I started to laugh, the laughter bubbling up inside of me nervously, until it burst forth.

“What is going on?” I asked, through my laughter.

“Anything goes, darling,” Bear leaned down, whispering in my ear.

“I see that, but what are we doing here?” I whispered back. “With Bruce? Marie?”

“Lighten up, babe,” Bear whispered. “I don’t have any secrets from Bruce. It’s all in good fun.”

“If you say so,” I said, glancing over at Marie. She was enthralled with the scene in front of us, her eyes glued to the couple. With each blow the man rained down on the woman, Marie’s chin lifted ever-so-slightly, her mouth slightly open, her eyes wide with desire.

“This is amazing,” she whispered.

“There’s more,” Bruce said. “Follow me.”

We trailed through the club and my eyes darted around like a ping-pong ball, drinking in everything I could. Everyone was so different, yet so beautiful. Men kissed men, women kissed women, couples were splayed out on the couches and huddled up in corners together. But they weren’t just kissing. Fingers slid inside waiting pussies, people were fucking on a dark staircase as people stepped over them. There were many closed doors we passed, some of them opening and allowing us a glimpse inside to view the tantalizing scenes inside.

In the first one, a tiny woman was surrounded by six different men, all of them standing around her with their huge hard cocks in their hands. She licked them, one at a time, her eyes cast upwards at them as they towered over her.

Another room held four more men surrounding another man who was tied up on a table on his back, his cock and ass completely exposed to them. I watched with wide eyes as one of the men kept zapping him some sort of electric contraption that looked like a long skinny dildo. With each zap, he cried out, his head writhing around wildly.

We kept walking, stopping when we heard cries of pleasure pouring out of another room. We peeked in, and saw two dwarves, a man and a woman, both being stuffed full of cock, two men fucking each of them as they held hands and kissed each other, their faces thrust into each other by the powerful pounding they were receiving from behind.

“Wow,” Marie whispered.

“I know…” I whispered back. The guys led us further down the hall, and we came to another big room with a stage covered with huge velvet curtains and a bunch of recliners set up in front.

“What is this?” I asked.

“Showtime!” Bruce said, as we stood in the back and watched. The curtains opened and the crowd began clapping. The scene was already set and it seemed to be some sort of medical room. There was a big white leather medical table in the middle with stirrups on either side and a credenza behind it with all kinds of medical equipment on it. Scalpels and oxygen masks and long, rubber tubes lined the counter.

A door on the side opened and out walked three people dressed head to toe in rubber. The first woman was dressed in a rubber suit that looked like a white nun’s habit, with the hood and veil and everything. In front of her, a man on a leash, wearing a black rubber suit that like the rubber dressed people from before, opened only between his legs. His cock swung below him as the nun led him around on a leash.

“What the hell…” I whispered. I heard Bear laugh beside me and he rubbed my back reassuringly.

“On the table!” the nun yelled. The man on the leash scrambled onto the table, placing his rubber covered feet up in the stirrups.

“Very good, slave!” the nun yelled again. The third person trailed behind her, and I couldn’t tell if it was a man or a woman. Their entire head was covered in the rubber suit, even their eyes, and tiny cat ears poked from the top. A long tail stuck out of the back like a cat’s tail. The nun turned to this person and whispered in it’s ear. It sank to all fours, purring and rubbing against her leg.

“Good pussy!” she cried loudly, leaning down and petting its head. She grabbed a long corded wand from the table and flipped a switch, the vibrations so strong I could almost feel them. It almost looked a dremel, with a big rotating head and I cringed when I saw her place it against the slave’s exposed balls.

The slave stayed stoic and still as the nun murmured approval. My eyes scanned the crowd and I saw that everyone else seemed to be just as mesmerized as I was. The nun pulled the vibrator away and the slave whimpered. We all watched as she walked over to the counter, grabbing a long, thin tube of plastic and a bottle of lube. She poured lube all over the slave’s balls, using her fingers to slide it lower, sliding her rubber covered fingers into his ass. His cock twitched wildly as she pulled her fingers out and began stuffing the tube up his ass.

“What the hell?” I whispered again. She pushed the tube up his ass until it was almost all the way up there and I shook my head in disbelief. When she suddenly began pulling it out, fast and forceful, my mouth dropped when I saw his cock explode, the orgasm rushing from his body like a dam had burst.

The crowd cheered and the nun looked out at us and gave a little curtsy.

Marie burst out laughing and I couldn't help but join in.

“Come this way,” Bruce said, grabbing Marie’s hand and leading us away from the show and back down the hallway.

We were bombarded by the musky smell of sex all around us and I couldn’t help but inhale deeply. My pussy quivered as the smell went right to my head, intoxicating me. I’d never watched anyone having sex before, outside of porn, and to see it like this, so wild and unusually and so casually on display for anyone here to see was amazing.

I loved it.

I wanted to watch everything, see every wave of pleasure cross every face, hear every cry and moan, watch every cock push into every hole. I was fascinated at the sights, the sounds, the smells.

It was like I’d walked into a crazy sex dream.

“You okay?” Bear asked, his lips brushing against my ear, sending shivers down my


I nodded, speechless, my nipples hard as rocks.

“Good girl,” he growled. My eyes shot up to his eyes and I saw the darkness I’d grown so fond of staring back down at me. I smiled slowly, nodding. I reached up, fingering the velvet collar on my neck and Bear smiled approvingly.

“That it, Beauty,” he said. “You just relax. We’re going to have a good time.”

Anticipation shot through me. I’d been enjoying watching everyone so much, that I hadn’t really thought about how we might participate until now.

I pushed away the thread of anxiety that was snaking through me and reminded myself of my vow.

My vow to loosen up. My vow to have fun. My vow to say yes.

Bruce and Marie were stopped up ahead and we caught up to them. They were standing outside of a room that had one wall completely made of glass and looking in. The couple inside were fucking, the man behind the woman on all fours.

I watched their faces as the man sped up his thrusts, his breathing becoming shallower and shallower as the woman began crying out, her face wrinkling up in pleasure as she thrashed wildly, a pink blush spreading across her face as she came.

She opened her eyes slowly, gazing out the window with heavy hooded lids and seeing the four of us watching. A slow smile spread across her face and she met my gaze, staring deeply into my eyes, as the man thrust harder and harder inside of her pussy.

He pounded into her from behind, his breath ragged and rough as he thrust harder and harder. With each smooth glide of his cock into her pussy, she cried out, but kept her gaze locked with mine.

I felt hypnotized, her pussy becoming mine, her body becoming mine, and with each hard slam of his cock inside of her pussy, it was my pussy he was fucking. I panted as he began fucking her harder and harder, his cock flying in and out of her, out of me, like a freight train. He slammed into us hard, his cock swelling larger and larger with each second, until he froze, slamming his cock inside of our pussy forcefully as he exploded inside of us. I gasped for breath, my body seizing in pulsing waves of pleasure.
