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“It’s late. Bruce will be asleep already, because he never misses being on the slopes before sunrise. We’ll see him tomorrow when he gets back.”

“Does that mean I don’t have to wait?” I smiled.

“Don’t worry, baby, I’m going to fuck you until you’re begging me to stop as soon as we get there.”

“Good luck with that,” I laughed. “I never seem to want you to stop these days.”

“Well, then maybe I’m not doing my job,” he said, winking at me. “I’ll have to fuck you a little harder.”

“Promises, promises,” I said, smiling over at him.

It was already dark, the sun completely faded over the horizon, the tall pines dancing in the breeze overhead as we whipped up and around the curves, the headlights of the Jeep the only light around for miles.

“I’m so glad we’re doing this,” I said, leaning back in my seat.

“Me, too, Chloe.” Bear reached over, grabbing my hand and intertwining his fingers with mine.

“Do you think Bruce will be shocked about the baby?” I asked.

“No,” he said, thoughtfully.

“You don’t think he’ll think we’re going too fast?”

“No, he knows how much I love you. He won’t care about that. He’s not that kind of person.”

“Marie seems to really like him.”

“Everyone loves Bruce, it’s impossible not to,” he said.

“He’s really special,” I said. It was true. Bruce was everyone’s friend, the kind of guy who accepted you without question. He’d welcomes me into their life with wide open arms.

“He is,” Bear said. “There haven’t been a lot of men like him in my life. He’s been my one true friend, the only person I would trust with anything.”

“It’s good to have a friend like that,” I said, thinking of Marie.

“It is,” he said. “I actually think he’ll be thrilled. He loves kids. He loves you. It really couldn’t be more perfect.”

He pulled my hand up to his lips, brushing his warm lips across my fingers. I beamed over at him, my heart bursting with joy.

This is my life, I thought.

My wonderful, beautiful life….

Owning Beauty Preview Chapter 2


I woke up with my arms wrapped around Chloe, her head lying peacefully on my chest, her long black waves covering half of her beautiful face. I bent my head, inhaling the sweet scent of her hair, just like I’d done everyday for the last week.

I’d insisted she move in with me, partly just so I could smell her hair every single morning for the rest of my life and partly because I couldn’t bear to be away from her.

I’d become addicted to her.

I loved everything about her. The way she smelled, the way she laughed, the way she talked, the way she moved…the way she moved on the end of my cock.

The thought of it made me hard instantly. Or, maybe I’d woken up that way. Either way, it was suddenly all I could think of and I was filled with pure need. A need that could only be fulfilled by her body.

I was still trying to wrap my head around all of this. In my usual manner, I was obsessed with why.

Why I reacted so strongly to her.

Why I continued to need her more than I needed air.

Why it was her, and only her, that could make me feel this way.

There were so many reasons, all of them perfectly valid, but I couldn’t help but contemplate the pure craziness of it all. It had all gone so fast, even for me, the king of fast decisions and even faster deals.

I’d learned to strike while the iron was hot, but my feelings for Chloe had even made my head spin a little.

I didn’t mind it, though, it made everything that much more exciting.

I was in awe of the fact that she’d gone along with everything. She’d had every opportunity, and probably every reason, to slap my face and demand that I never come near her again.

But she hadn’t. She’d been a little scared, at first, I’d seen it in her eyes.

But she’d also been brave. Braver than any other woman I’d let in before.

I know I’m a lot to handle. I’m not like other men. I have these needs that consume me, it’s like an aching inside of me that won’t go away unless I…well, you’ve seen it. You’ve seen how I get.

I can’t help it.

And yes, I’ve tried. I’ve tried to suppress the rage, the darkness, as Chloe calls it, and you know, it works for a hot minute. But all I’m doing in those instances is shoving it down, letting it build up until the need is even stronger and hotter and I just…explode.

It’s best to let the steam out a little at a time, you know?

I can control it better that way. It doesn’t get out of hand.

Not like before.

I was still filled with regret and shame for the way I’d acted because she’d lied about having dinner with Levi. Fucking Levi. He’d been trying to sabotage every relationship I had since Zoe had become infatuated with me.

It wasn’t my fault, but I’d been paying the price ever since.

Well, okay, maybe it was my fault a little, but it was a long time ago and he should have gotten over it by now.

But none of that mattered any more. Levi wasn’t a problem for me, he never was. I just didn’t want him anywhere near Chloe, because Chloe wasn’t just any woman.

She was the woman.

She was different from all those other women I’d dated. That’s why I’d lost my shit so badly. In retrospect, I should have gone over to Levi’s place and taken care of things like a man, taken out my rage on his face. Instead, my emotions had gotten all mixed up and I’d taken it out on Chloe’s beautiful, perfect ass instead.

I’d never fucked up like that before and I’d never felt as horrible as I still did about it. I would never make that mistake again.

She’d graciously forgiven me, but I knew I’d spend the rest of my life making it up to her. She deserved nothing but the best out of life and I intended to give it to her.

Starting with this raging cock between my legs.

I inhaled again, drinking in the scent of her like a sweet ambrosia, before moving my shoulder slightly in hopes that she would stir.

It worked.

She moaned, her eyelids fluttering before she graced me with those sparkling green lights of pure love.

“Good morning, Beauty,” I said, my voice husky with desire for her.

“Morning, babe,” she said, her sleepy whisper only making me harder.

“I’m so glad you’re awake,” I growled.

“You are? Why?” she asked, pushing her hair out of her face.

“So I can do this,” I growled, gently rolling her on her back as I rolled on top of her, my aching, hungry cock sinking into her warm, sweet softness easily.

I moaned, closing my eyes, the wave of delicious relief washing over me as I felt her thighs wrap around my hips.

I rocked into her, over and over, wrapping my arms around her writhing body, melting into her sweet pussy as I pulled her as close as I could, my tongue diving between her lips, the pure love bursting through me and exploding out of my cock, causing my entire body to shudder with violent, perfect pleasure.


“Bruce’s truck is still at his cabin,” I yelled over the shower door. “He must not be on the slopes yet. I’m going to go over and say hello to him.” Chloe was bending down and washing her leg, her soapy silhouette visible through the steamy glass, tempting me to take her again.

Later, I thought, we have the rest of our lives together.

“I’ll be out in a few minutes,” she called.

I walked out of the bathroom with a smile on my face. I stood at the large windows of the great room, gazing out at the picturesque view of the Hudson Valley. It never failed to take my breath away and this morning was no exception. I was envious of Bruce getting to enjoy this every single day.

He’d put in his dues, that was

for sure, and he deserved to live amongst such beauty. I was glad I could provide a place for him to get away from everything after all the shit he’d gone through.

His old job as the District Attorney had weighed hard on him. The cases were rough and the work load was unbearable. He’d gone into that job a completely different man than he was when he’d come out. He’d been out of the game for two years now and I was happy to see that Mother Nature was having the effect we’d hope it would have. He was quickly returning to his happy, easy-going self.

I couldn’t wait to see his face when I told him I was going to be a father.

Turning away from the view, I put on my boots and jacket and walked outside, breathing in the cold, fresh, morning air.

Bruce preferred to live in the smaller cabin on the property, even though it wasn’t nearly as nice as the main cabin. But he insisted it was much easier to clean and more comfortable for him, so I didn’t argue.

I trudged through the snow, walking down the slippery trail that led from one cabin to the other. His beaten up red Ford truck was parked in the driveway and I looked up at the small log cabin, surprised there wasn’t smoke coming from the chimney. The only heat in there was from the wood-stove and it was usually the first thing he lit in the morning.

He probably slept in, I thought.

I knocked on the door and waited a few beats before trying the knob.

It was locked.

That’s weird, I thought. Bruce never locked the door. I knocked again, waiting a few minutes before I pulled my keys from my pocket and unlocked the door, slowly opening it and calling out.

“Hey Bruce, it’s me,” I called.

Silence. Darkness.

I flipped the light switch and waited.

“Bruce!” I called his name again.


I walked into the bedroom and saw him lying in bed, faced away from me.

“You’re still in bed? You must have really tied one over last night,” I said, walking around the bed.
