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“You wanted to see me, huh?” Dalton chuckled, although his eyes told me that he was pleased to hear this. “Come on over, then. The bed’s warm. Hope you don’t mind a little Meerkat Manor.”

“You’re watching Meerkat Manor?” I asked, amused. I didn’t really know that much about the show. From what I recalled, it dramatized the lives of a pack of meerkats in the Serengeti.

“Totally. This is my jam when I need a pick-me-up,” Dalton smiled. He kicked out across the huge bed, his back up against the wall. I settled down beside him, keeping just enough distance between us.

“This is so plush,” I thought aloud as I got comfortable on his bedding.

“Memory foam,” he chuckled.

“You’ve got a rental house, expensive TVs, and memory foam mattresses? What kind of crazy inheritance do you have?”

Dalton coughed involuntarily.

“Oh, I just have a big bank account, thanks to eight back-to-back years in the Marines,” he answered. “I mean, yeah, I probably splurged a little much, but I figured I’d treat myself now and get it all out of the way.”

“I see that,” I replied, looking around briefly.

The computer in the corner didn’t look particularly impressive, and besides some nice furniture and the televisions, it seemed like everything else was just here to fill the space attractively. Even the vehicles outside weren’t too crazy, although I was guessing now that the car probably belonged to his roommate.

“So, what do you wanna do?” Dalton asked, peering at me from the corner of his eye.

“I dunno,” I answered truthfully.

There was no way that I’d come here to fuck him, especially with the complication between us… but here I was, seated beside him in the most comfortable bed I’d ever beheld. We were watching some nature show together, the silence between us already starting to crackle with desire.

“Well, I’m fine with us just continuing to watch this for the moment,” he shrugged, letting the next episode queue up.

“Okay. That sounds good.”

The show continued on, and I found myself questioning what I’d hoped to get out of the night. This was my first time in his home, and I was here in his bed… pretending that I didn’t want his strong, handsome arms around me.

But we haven’t been seeing each other for long, I tried to reason to myself. And then there’s the matter of our parents… no reason to fuck THAT up.

No matter what, my logic couldn’t stand up against the feverous craving that was building up inside me… the yearning need to take things further.

Although he thought he was being coy, I could tell that he was watching me more than the show. His eyes kept subtly tracing my body, and I knew that he was itching to pull me up against him.

“I’m glad you came,” he quietly told me.

“You know, I’m glad that I came, too,” I nodded. My lips started to betray me when they continued: “I’ve been dying to see you.”

“Is that so?” He subtly dragged the words out.

I nodded. “Yeah. It’s been on my mind all weekend. That’s why I didn’t understand earlier… I just wanted to be around you again.”

“You’ve been on mine too,” he confessed, pulling me a little closer. “And there’s something I’ve been wanting to do that entire time…”

“Oh yeah?” I asked, feeling my cheeks go flush with pleasure. “What might that… be…?”

I let the words drift as he tenderly gazed into my eyes, leaning forward. He pulled me into a deep, passionate kiss that felt as if it was setting off every last nerve ending across my skin, and my arms wrapped around his neck as he pushed me down into his comfortable bed…

Chapter 9

Kissing Clara again proved to me that the sensations I felt the first time weren’t just some fluke. I felt alive when my lips were on hers, in a way that I hadn’t experienced before… not with previous girlfriends, flings, or one-night stands.

It was real.

The moment that I realized this, pulling her down into the bed with me, I felt significantly both better and worse about not telling her about the proposal. I wanted to get everything out of this that I could, regardless of what our parents did or didn’t do.

Yeah, it was selfish. But guess what?

You might have noticed that I’m actually kind of a selfish guy.

I didn’t push any further moves on her that night. Time wasn’t on my side; there was no way I was going to scare her off before she found out about the impending wedding.

We simply enjoyed ourselves together, keeping all of our clothes on and basking in their collective warmth and the emotion of our bodies. I tasted her mouth, nipping her bottom lip between my teeth and sliding my tongue along hers, biting at her earlobe...

When daylight streamed through the crack in my curtains, pouring along my face, I realized that we had fallen asleep together. Clara was nestled up against me, her ass pushed into my hips as I woke up spooning her.

I realized that I was nursing one hell of a morning erection. Oh, what I would have given to rip her jeans off and plow that rock-hard pillar of demand straight into her wet, willing pussy…

Instead, I struggled to will that bad son of a bitch down, focusing on how angelic she looked in the semi-darkness. Her chest was slowly rising and falling with her deep slumber, and with every exhalation came a very subtle, almost inaudible groan of air.

Tenderness overcame me. Feeling the pressure of her sleeping body, and the delicate sound of her breathing… it was all casting a spell over me.

I feared that I was falling in love with her.

Fate be damned, I can’t let this girl become too important to me, I thought to myself. But it was no use. As it just so happened, I loved every stupid little fucking thing about Clara Campbell.

She didn’t come willingly into my presence, and she clearly wasn’t going to put up with any shit from me. To someone used to effortless pussy on a platter, whenever I wanted it… I reveled in the unexpected challenge.

Besides that, she was diligent, clever, and rather intelligent. As we’d talked into the night, she’d told me about the stresses and complications of her banquet server job; I’d related a few old war stories to her from my days in the service.

It had been an eye-opening night for the two of us, and when we did slowly drift to sleep, we had great, big, stupid smiles on our faces. We had peered into each other, learned about one another, and were only pushed closer together by what we had learned.

From one perspective, that was scary.

From another… it was empowering.

Either way, I couldn’t just watch her sleep all day, no matter how much I really wanted to. Reluctantly, I nudged her awake.

“C’mon, sleepyhead. Time to get up.”

Clara looked up at me groggily, stifling a yawn. As she slowly came to, alertness gripped her.

“Wait – Dalton? Where am I?”

“My bed,” I replied with amusement.

“What? I fell asleep here? What time is it?”

“I don’t know,” I answered, growing slightly annoyed now. “My phone’s on the charger. Why, is something wrong?”

Clara rolled onto her back and fished her phone out of her pocket. Flicking it on, the time blared brightly into the room, temporarily distorting my vision.

“Hey, could you give me a little warning next time, love?” I asked with aggravation, shielding my eyes with a hand.

“Oh fuck, I was supposed to pick my work shifts last night!” She grumbled loudly. “Great. I completely fucking forgot about that, and now all the good ones are taken… I can’t believe this happened…”

“Clara, look, it’s not a big deal,” I muttered. “Just pick them later. You want to grab a bite to eat or something?”

She jumped up from my bed, grabbing her keys and wallet up off the floor. “I’ve gotta get going,” my guest unceremoniously muttered as an afterthought.

Before I could respond, she was darting out the door and down the hallway.

Well, that’s fucking great, I growled inwardly.

I wasn’t going to let her bullshit cloud up my day, so I climbed up and locked the front door, noticing that her car wasn’t out front. Wow, she left in a REAL hurry there, I bitterly thought to myself. Traipsing back towards my room, I swiftly made my bed before turning on the faucet and stepping into the piping-hot shower.

What the fuck was THAT all about?

I wasn’t a fan of taking long showers. By the time I’d rinsed the traces of oil and grease out of my hair, scrubbed my entire body down, and begun toweling off, I was still plenty furious with her. The wound was fresh, but it was also irritating that I’d let her damage my typically bulletproof ego.
