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“Yeah, I think she might have mentioned that…”

He chuckled with exasperation. “Should have stayed on top of that shit. Whole engine’s gotta go. Now, this being an old clunker, she might want to consider just getting a new car altogether.”

I sighed. “I don’t think she’s not going to be able to take that option.”

“Yeah, well, I’ll tell you what I tell everybody when I see an impending mess as bad as this one: tough shit. I’ll try and pull some strings because it’s you, but even if I found a used, compatible engine that wasn’t going to absolutely crucify her bank account, this thing’s gonna die from something else. I give it half a year… maybe a year, tops.”

“So, it’s either spend thousands on an engine and buy some time, or spend at least that on a newer vehicle. Either way, she’s out of pocket a substantial little sum.”

“Sure looks that way, bro.”

“Alright, Kevin. Thanks for everything you’ve done. I’ll talk to her, and we’ll sort it all out.”

“Later, dude.”

I hung up the line angrily.

As soon as the problem had happened, I’d known that it was going to take a miracle to fix it. Unfortunately, having her come back around had apparently filled the miracle quota for today.

I was still trying to figure out what to do when Clara came into view. She was climbing the wide steps outside, ducking into the union building and scanning for me. As she spotted me in the seating area, she stomped towards me with a look of clear, overwhelming stress painted across her face.

“What’s the problem?” I asked.

Clara slumped down in the chair to my side. “Just… unreasonable teachers,” she muttered. “Couldn’t they just consult each other on the homework front? Instead of bombarding us with it, all at once?”

“Pretty sure that’s not how it works,” I chuckled lightly.

“Guess not,” Clara muttered before pulling herself to an upright, seated position. “Alright, so, have you heard from your guy yet?”

My face immediately fell.

“Yeah, that’s what I thought,” she groaned, slumping back into the cushions. “Goddammit! Why is this turning out to be such a bullshit day? Everything’s been going downhill since I saw you last…”

“Well, what can I do to make it up to you?” I asked her. “Surely there’s something…”

She caught my eye and chuckled. “Maybe not tonight. I’m going to be buried under assignments for the next day or two anyway…”

“Oh, you’ve got plenty of time before then,” I smiled. “You seem stressed. Just give me an hour or two of your time to help you unwind, yeah? Wouldn’t you enjoy that?”

Clara glanced over mischievously.

“Well… I suppose that could work for me.”

I made sure that it did...

Two hours later, after an incredible simultaneous orgasm that left us both completely spent. We were laying together in bed. She and I were just the way I liked us best – grinning together, drained from great sex, without a stitch of clothing on us.

I was already on my back again, and my lover was curled up against my chest. Absentmindedly, my fingers played with the hair on the back of her head.

“God, Dalton, that was just as incredible as before,” she murmured softly.

“Oh yeah? Satisfied, love?”

“Am I ever…”

With a satisfied groan, I glanced over at my alarm clock.

“Huh. It’s later than I thought.”

“Is it?” She asked, lifting her head.

“Yeah, it’s already half past five.”

“Half past five, huh…” Clara murmured. “That’s strange, I feel like there’s something important that I’ve forgotten, something like…”

Her eyes widened.

“Oh no. Oh fuck. No. Please no.”

“What? What is it?”

Clara was leaping up from the bed, clearly frazzled. I didn’t like how stressed she was getting, all of a sudden.

“Oh god, it’s work,” Clara finally groaned.

“Work?” I asked. “Wait… you didn’t…?”

She’d forgotten to contact her boss.

“Yeah…” She held her face in her hands. “I can’t believe it. I completely fucking forgot to email Arnold last night, when I came home… and I stayed up talking to Natalie. I was supposed to be there over an hour ago.”

Clara dove for her phone and practically went catatonic when she saw her notifications. “Oh shit. Oh shit, I’m in trouble…”

“I’m sure it’ll be fine,” I told her. “Look, just apologize to him, and everything will be okay.”

“That’s not how this works,” Clara lashed out. “Look, my car’s a mess that’s apparently broken down, now I’ve been totally distracted from my job, and for what? Sex?”

I didn’t like where this was going.

“Clara, look. I’m sorry. I’ll help you.”

“I don’t want your help,” she muttered.

“Be that as it may… I know that you’ve had a rough time of things lately. Between the car thing, your job, school, our parents suddenly marrying, your feelings for me…”

She glanced at me with irritation. “No, go on,” she snarled. “Please. Feel free to rack up additional ways that my life is fucking up right now. Really. I want to hear them.”

I rose from the bed, and she didn’t move.

“Clara. Don’t shut me out.”

“I’m not shutting you out,” she grunted.

“You are. Look at you.”

She looked down. Her arms were crossed, her stance was defensive, and she looked ready to absolutely come unglued at me.

Clara stayed like that for a moment… and I was afraid that she’d only snap harder.

Instead, she began to relax.

“Look, I’m sorry, Dalton,” she whispered as I came over to hold her close. “You’re right. There’s been a lot on my plate the last couple of weeks. I didn’t mean to try and take it out on you. It’s just that… I don’t know what I’m going to do.”

“I know,” I murmured, rubbing her shoulders as she remained pinned against me. “I understand. This has been a lot for you lately.” Pulling back, I lifted her chin with my finger. “But here’s the thing – I’m going to be right there with you, all the way.”

She nodded softly.

“Listen. First thing’s first. We can fix your car. My guy tells me that he can maybe find a used engine to plug into it. I can cover that.”

Clara’s eyes widened.

“No. I can’t let you do that.”

“Look, you need a car, and I have a ton of money,” I shrugged. “What’s a few thousand dollars to me right now? Sure, it’s a lot of money, but I’m not going to miss it. I’d rather see you mobile and happy.”

“Still… I’ll find a way to pay you back.”

“Chiefly unnecessary,” I responded.

“Doesn’t matter,” Clara shook her head. “I can’t expect you to make that kind of sacrifice for me, even if you want to and you have the money.”

“Fine. Point conceded,” I reassured her. “As for the rest… school is going to suck, and our parents being married is going to suck too. Those, I can’t really help you out with. But you’ll have my support for as long as you want it…”

“I appreciate that,” Clara whispered, nestling her cheek into my chest. “But what about work?”

“You’re going to have to suck that one up,” I answered. “Make the call. Figure out what you have to do to keep yourself on the payroll. That privilege of yours that you mentioned before is probably gone by now, though.”

“Yeah…” She muttered. “Definitely.”
