Page 101 of Naked or Dead

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The fuck is that?

Is my sister having a meltdown again?

“Will?” I call and exit my bedroom then cross the hall into hers. “Willow, you okay?”

She’s not here, her bed is empty. I need to talk to her, to tell her that she’s not going to die alone. That’s the one silver lining that I can take from this, my sister won’t be alone in death.

My vision splits for a second and I see plastic walls, blood, Nokosi… Dad?

I shake my head and I’m back in Willow’s room again.

Fuck, this tumor is fucking fucked.

My head. Ugh.

I go back into the hall and sit on the top step as the plastic room flashes back into view again. I almost fall down the stairs trying to lean to avoid this weird room that seems to be spinning out of control yet not moving at all.

“Brain… please… stop.” I rub my temples and slide further down the stairs on my ass. So unattractive.

“WILLOW?” I shout but still no answer.

“What did you do?” Mom screams at me all of a sudden, and when I blink, I’m… in a red room faced with furniture I don’t recognize but then I also do. It’s familiar, a memory perhaps. “Oh my God… Oh my God… my baby, my sweet little girl.” She’s sobbing, holding something on the bed.

I shake my head and I’m back again, in my house in Westoria. WHAT THE FUCK?

It feels like I’m walking through syrup. My legs are lead.

I head to the kitchen, maybe she’s in there? But that’s empty too.

“I wouldn’t kill my sister, I love her,” Willow’s broken voice floats around me… or is that my voice?

Sometimes even I get confused.

“WILLOW?” I shout, opening the back door.

Mom grabs my arm and pulls me into a hallway. “We need to go,” she whispers, tears streaming down her face. “We have to get you somewhere safe. Somewhere they won’t find you.”

I pull against her. “What the fuck, Mom? Let me go. Where the hell are we?”

Falling to my knees, I’m back in my kitchen again, holding on to the door handle for dear life.

Jesus. I think I should go back to bed.


Dad? Was that my dad? Is he gonna appear too? Fuck me what a trip. What have I taken?

My body lurches backwards. I’m in a car, Mom is speeding down the highway, still sobbing.

“She was bad, Mom. She killed all those people. I had to.” My mouth is moving, and words are coming out but I’m not saying them right now.

Scenery blurs by, a mess of black and white patches fading out of existence.

“You could have called the police!” she shrieks at me. “We could have gotten her help!”

“She was in so much pain. They’d have locked her away for thirty years and then killed her anyway. She’s at peace now.”

I look down at my trembling hands and my tears fall onto them. Is this a memory? It feels familiar.

The pain I’m suddenly feeling feels all too familiar. Both mental and physical.

The car lurches to the left, through a metal barrier and down a steep road. I’m tossed around in the car. So much pain.

It hurts so bad.

I’m back in the kitchen again, still on my knees.

“WILLOW?” I yell, scared now. I need my sister to help me get through this.

I need my mom.

“I’m here, baby,” a warm hand touches my shoulder. Thank God. I turn and bury my face into her stomach. “I’m right here.”

“I don’t know what’s happening,” I whisper, crying now. I just want out of this nightmare.

She strokes my head. “You’re very sick, Lilith, but none of this is your fault.”

“I’m dying.”

“You are. But you always have been.”

I peek up at her and she helps me to my feet. Her eyes shine with tears too. She’s so beautiful, even when she’s crying.

“Help me,” I whisper, and she pulls me into her body. “Help me fight this.”

“Don’t fight it. Accept it. Remember. Let it in. Just relax and let it in.”

She kisses my eyelids and wipes away my tears with her thumbs.

When my eyes open, I’m standing in my garage which has been cleared of everything, is now covered in plastic, blood and… holy fuck I’m holding a gun and pointing it directly at Nokosi.

I click on the safety and lower it.

“What the fuck is happening? Is this real or am I having another weird dream?” I ask, murmuring the words. My mouth is so dry.

“Lilith?” Nokosi asks, his eyes swollen and red, his cheek still covered where I clawed him. “Please tell me that’s you?”

I glance from him to my father and mutter a curse. “This is a dream. It’s great to see you, Dad, but please go. Mom’s fucked with my head enough already, dragging me to cars and driving us off fucking cliffs.”
