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It was then when he knew exactly what he wanted. Without unlocking their gazes, he reached out, slapped his hand blindly around the nightstand until he found a wrap, tucked it between his teeth and tore it open.

As he brought it down to roll it on, she snagged it from his fingers, and did it for him. Even better, she did it slowly while caressing him, even palming his heavy, aching balls for a few seconds.

“Stella,” he pushed from his throat. “Baby.”

She said nothing. Her lips were parted, her breathing ragged. And he knew she wouldn’t be quiet for long. The noises she made when he fucked her drove him nuts. Loud. Soft. Whimpers. Cries. Screams. Curses. He loved it all.

But there was nothing like driving into and having her buck beneath him as she called out his name. To feel her nails digging deep, her lips along his skin, her teeth leaving marks.

Best fucking thing in the world.

But as she grabbed his dick and held it still, rose to her knees and positioned herself, he had a feeling her riding his cock where he could watch her every move, every expression, would come in at a close second.

Though, he hadn’t had her ass yet.

Not yet.

That could end up being one of his top three.

However, he wasn’t in a rush and could wait until she was ready. They had plenty of time for that. If it was up to him, they’d have forever.

Not to take her ass, but for the two of them.

He was ready to claim her at the table. He wanted no other woman in his bed. No other woman to be standing by his side. He didn’t want to make breakfast for anyone else but her.

She was his.

He was hers.

He just needed to settle a few things with her before he took it to the executive committee.

The biggest one being her cooperation.

The next being, getting things clear about what the two of them expected from each other for the future.

One thing he wanted, she’d already had and lost.

And if she said no to his request, he wasn’t sure if that would be a breaking point for him. It might be, but he couldn’t imagine having kids with anyone else.

That meant Stella needed to agree or he might not get everything he wanted. He wouldn’t get everything in the vision he’d created for himself.

He’d need to make sure he could live with that. So, they would have to have that conversation.

But not right now.

Right now, Stella was pumping his dick with her hand while she tucked the throbbing head between those plump, slick lips of hers and began lowering herself down.

Again, way too fucking slowly.

But when that warm, smooth glove surrounded him, squeezed him, rippled around him, he didn’t care that she was taking her time, going slow. He was just happy it was her.

The woman who got under his skin the moment he saw her in Crazy Pete’s.

It had never been like that with anybody else. Just Stella.

If any other woman had resisted him like she did, he would’ve just shrugged and walked away. To him, snatch was snatch.

But Stella was in no way just snatch.

Never would be.

“Trip,” she breathed, her hands planted on his chest. “You with me?”

He almost laughed because it was something he normally asked her. But what she was doing to him made laughing impossible.

She was riding his dick slow and steady. Every time she hit bottom, she rocked forward and back, her body bowing, her expression showing nothing but ecstasy. His might be showing the same.

But he didn’t care, he wanted her to see how he was with her. How much he enjoyed being inside her, with her, around her.

The weight she was giving him from her palms planted on his chest lifted, and she brushed them over his nipples, making the tips harden like hers.

Crazy but true, women hardly ever paid attention to his nipples. Also crazy but true, when they did, he found he liked that attention.

But he never asked for it. Just like he didn’t now.

Instead, every play she did with his, he mirrored on hers. Even though her mouth was slack as she continued to ride him slowly, he caught when her eyes flared and the corners of her lips tipped up slightly.

Whatever she gave him, he’d give it right back.

Whether it was the lightest touch or the most painful twist. A hard pinch or her fingers feathering along his skin.

The game quickly stopped when she fell to his chest, sucking one of his nipples into her mouth.

His chest rose and a groan rolled deep from his belly before he could stop it.

His fingers buried into her hair as she worked one nipple and then the other. Flicking and then scoring each one with her teeth.




His balls were pulled tight and it wouldn’t take much more for him to blow. And he wanted her to come at least once more before he did.
