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Janey. I always loved you. You were always my sister. And you were always right here. ”

He lifted her hand and placed it on his chest. Over his heart. She placed her other hand atop his. “I always loved you, Natches. ”

He nodded and rose to his feet. “I owe you, though,” he promised her.

“For what?” She stared back at him bemused.

“For hoping I have a daughter. ” His grin was rueful, but filled with laughter. “Chaya keeps throwing out hints. I bet I end up with a black-haired, green-eyed, wild-assed girl I don’t have a hope in hell of keeping up with. ”

“You should only be so lucky. ” She laughed.

At that, he grinned, then nodded. “Yeah. I should only be so lucky. But she might change her mind when I’m running all the boys off. ”

“She’ll love you. You’ll be a good dad, Natches. ”

“You’re damned right I will be. ” He nodded, determination filling his face now. “Now, you be good.

Make us money or I’m burning the place down. ”

But he grinned as he stepped through the door. And Janey sighed deeply. She ached from head to toe; she hated her cycle, but Alex had promised her a back rub.

She put the papers to the side. She didn’t need them. The lawyer didn’t need them. It was the gesture that mattered to her, because she and Natches both knew the papers weren’t legal. Not really. Because she hadn’t signed them herself.

Fuck it. She stuck them in the shredder and listened to them grind away. Hell, she enjoyed the fights with her brother, just as she enjoyed her confrontations with her lover.

Speaking of her lover . . . She stepped from the office into the dining room, where Rogue was directing the staff like a general, dressed in leather, long red gold curls spilling around her back.

“Faisal, you’re too damned good to be hiding in the kitchen. ” Rogue was arguing with Natches’s adopted son. “I need your ass out here helping me oversee everything if we’re going to pull off that four-day-a-week lunch crowd. ”

Faisal crossed his arms over his chest, a scowl on his face, and for a moment, just a moment, Janey could see the incredible influence her brother had on the young man.

“You are like a despot,” Faisal accused her, his black gaze flickering over her expression with a hint of anger. “You order. Order. Order. I don’t like your orders, Rogue. You do not ask. ”

“But, honey, if I ask, you tell me no,” she drawled before her expression firmed. “So I’m telling you. You are officially my assistant. Get used to it. ”

Faisal turned to Janey furiously, his black eyes snapping. “You do something with her. I like the kitchen. ”

“You hate the kitchen,” Rogue snapped as she turned to Janey. “Tell him he hates the kitchen, Janey. ”

“I’m leaving. ” Janey laughed. “You two can fight this one out on your own. ”

Rogue’s eyes narrowed as her lips twitched.

“Go. ” Rogue waved her away. “We’re good. ”

And they were. She smiled. Yeah, things were going to work out just fine. And Alex had promised her a back rub. She’d steal him from the carpenters and Cranston just long enough. And her smile grew brighter. Long enough to touch him, taste him, and get that back rub. Then he could go play sweaty male games with her brother and cousins.

First, he had fiancé things to take care of.

The diamond on her finger winked. The promise he had made to her filled her heart. Yeah, he owned her. And she owned him. And what was more, she realized as she left the office, she did deserve him.

Tall, proud, and dominant. She deserved every inch of him.

Stepping into the apartment she caught his eye. He looked at her, his grin slow, knowing. He looked around. Everyone was working, grumbling, laughing, and he slipped away from them.

They snuck from the apartment to his truck and back to their home. And spent hours touching, loving.

They didn’t have to do more. It wasn’t about the sex, or the very naughty intentions she knew their
