Page 88 of Miss Fix-It

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All right.

I’d paid someone to, but it was basically the same thing.

Wasn’t it?

“Go down,” Brantley said from the staircase. “And get a drink, then.”

I laughed as Ellie scooted past me to the fridge.

He looked at me. “One day,” he said. “One day, we will be child free.”

“Eighteen years and five months,” I responded.

“Shit,” he muttered. “Shoulda thought of that.”

“Before or after you threw me over the sofa?” I wrapped my arms around his waist and looked up at him.

He settled his arms around my shoulders and pursed his lips. “I wasn’t thinking straight when I threw you over it, so…”

I buried my face in his chest and laughed. “Can I have my cookies now?”

He kissed the top of my head, laughing, too. “Sure thing, baby.”

He released me, still laughing.

A lot of things had changed since I’d met the Coopers.

The ring on my finger? That had changed. So had the fact my uterus was incubating a tiny human being. So had my name—I wasn’t Kawi anymore, I was Mommy.

The one thing that hadn’t?

Brantley still laughed.

Every day.

Sometimes with me. Sometimes at me. But, always because of me.

If I’d have known how everything would change when I walked through the door, I probably never would have. My family quadrupled overnight. Christmas got bigger and more expensive, and responsibility rained on me.

I’d come into this house to fix bedrooms.

What I’d done was fix a family.

And, I’d never been so damn happy.

Well…Maybe when I got my cookies.

The End
