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“Sorry,” he moaned like a broken record.

“What do you think? This good enough?” I looked to Addy, who’d silently watched me break every finger this motherfucker had.

She reached behind her back and walked to where he was lying on the floor. Using the toe of her boot, she forced him from his side to his back.

In one quick motion, she was damn near straddling and slamming her dagger into the center of his chest. A loud gasp came from his mouth, eyes going wide as fucking saucers.

“Piece of shit,” she spewed, dragging the blade straight down the center of him until she got to his stomach.

It was beautiful, the way she immersed herself in her kills.

The movement was jerky, the tearing of flesh ten times louder in the bathroom. Blood stained his shirt and seeped from the wounds. His every breath now had an odd croak at the end as he died.

“You good, princess?”

“Peachy. Now let’s get the hell out of here.” She wiped her dagger clean on the untainted part of the man’s shirt and, then headed for the door, grabbing my hand on her way out.

Chapter Twenty-One

Viginti Unus

I shifted on the seat, opening my eyes to blinding sunlight. Calloused fingers gently massaged my scalp and petted my hair.

“Were there, princess.”

“And so are they,” Nyx added.


sp; Placing a hand on Zane’s denim-clad thigh, I pushed myself into a sitting position, rubbing the kink from my neck.

We’d been driving for who knows how long—the minivan faithfully chugging along.

“Did you sleep any?” I asked Zane.

“For a bit, I’m good.”

I looked at the seat in the back where Nyx, Cam, and Trix had been dozing. All were now wide awake.

“Check out the sign,” Maliki implored.

We all looked to the right, seeing a body similar to the one back at the school—all four limbs gone, including the head and chained to what would have been the Windmill city sign, blood still not all the way dry.

This one was female. Her breasts had been removed along with her appendages, leaving behind gaping holes that crows were already pecking at.

“Why do they do that?” I thought aloud.

“I think it’s a ritual,” Ace replied. “I remember reading about something like this at my Dad’s.”

“I told you those cult fuckers were strange,” Zane stated, grunting when I elbowed him.

“Maybe we shouldn’t drive all the way in,” Cam suggested.

“He’s right. If we need to draw back, we want to be able to do it cleanly. Pull over here,” Zane commanded, pointing to a spot a yard or two away from the Windmill sign.

Maliki did as instructed, killing the engine but not removing the keys form the ignition.

“Are we ready for this?” Trix inquired.
