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He’s still dressed for work but has taken off the tie and he’s not in his blazer.

Meryl blushes instantly and a little squeak comes out of her. Austin tilts his head at her and smiles.

Oh wow. Meryl has a crush on Austin?

Not a shock. He’s very, very good looking. And she’s a manager at the new call center in Manila and there’s a team that will be taking over billing, so she’s probably worked with him and his team while she’s been here in training.

“What’s shakin’ Meryl, Carly?” Austin asks.

“Everything,” I answer, but I’m giving Ally a dirty look.

Austin laughs, good naturedly.

She looks at me quizzically.

“Austin here is waiting for someone, so I figure he can join us while he does.” She smiles. She looks like she’s up to something.

“You’re not waiting for your brother by some chance, are you?” I ask hesitantly.

“I am, in fact,” Austin replies. “This was, uh, why I had to cancel.” He’s totally bull shitting me. Well, maybe he’s here to meet with Aiden but there’s no way that was planned ahead. This plan came together when Aiden told him not to take me out. I just don’t know why. Does he think I’m not good enough for his brother?

“Please tell me you have several brothers?” Ally tries.

Austin shakes his head. “Just Aiden.”

I shoot daggers at Ally with my eyes. Her eyes go wide, and she winces and mouths sorry to me.

Austin catches it.

“Why?” His eyes bounce between us.

“Nothing, nothing. All good.” I straighten my napkin across my lap.

The server comes over and takes our drink orders.

“Alphahole at 10:00,” Ally whispers to me.





“Go. Do not stay and have a drink,” Ally whispers to Austin, making him look at her with confusion. “Ally and Aiden had a thing earlier. It’ll be awkward. Skedaddle. Hi Aiden!” She switches tones without missing a beat. “We were just keeping your brother company till you got here. Your table’s probably ready. Where’s the hostess?” Ally has just blurted that out so fast that Austin’s looking shell-shocked. Aiden looks unaffected. His eyes move over me and then Meryl, then he’s looking at Ally again. Then his brother.

“Have a good evening, girls,” Austin says. “Dinner’s on Carmichael Consulting tonight. I’ll tell your server to send my table the bill.” He winks.

“Thanks,” Meryl says shyly, face brighter pink than even Ally’s hair.

“Awesome. What’s our limit?” Ally asks.

Austin gives her a sly grin. “Don’t get me in shit if my father looks over my expense reports. And make sure all three of you show up on time for work tomorrow.” He wags his finger.

I’m trying not to look at Aiden. I fail.

It doesn’t matter, because he’s not looking at me. It’s like I’m not even here.
