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She ordered me another drink.

I went to the can and came back, and she and I talked about something else, something I can’t recall, but I’m pretty sure it was irrelevant.

And then I remember nothing.

Absolutely nothing.

“Did you roofie me last night?” I ask her while Aiden stares at me with a face he usually only points at our mother. My voice sounds slurred.

The room is moving.

“For heaven’s sake, put some clothes on, Austin,” Mom says. “You missed the family brunch. We wondered what happened to you.”

“You roofie me, Sienna?” I ask again, leaning toward the girl.

She looks at me with shock. “You’ve got to be kidding me,” she says, clutching the blankets to her chest.

“Aiden, fuck. She drugged me. I have no memory of this shit. I saw her on the beach yesterday, minutes too late to interrupt your wedding and then ran into her last night. Had a drink with her, figured I’d keep her from lookin’ for your honeymoon suite…”

“And you said nothin’?” Aiden’s pissed; I can’t blame him.

“No, because she didn’t ruin your wedding day and wasn’t going to, if I had my way.”

He scowls at me, then storms out, slamming the door. My mother shoots me a disappointed look and folds her arms.

“Out,” I tell Sienna. “I don’t wanna see your face.”


“You fucking bitch. You roofied me, didn’t you? You gave me something…”

“Everyone’s wrong about you,” Sienna hisses, pulling the sheet around her as she storms toward the bathroom past my mother. “You’re just as much of an asshole as your brother. It’s obvious who you both take after.” She glares at my mother before slamming the bathroom door.

My mother rolls her eyes. “Why didn’t I wait to quit drinking until after this wedding?”

“I’m going to a doctor and if there’s Rohypnol or any shit like that in my system I’m having you fucking charged,” I yell this at the bathroom door.

Did I have sex with her? I’m naked, but I don’t fucking remember.


I’m heading for the revolving door of the hotel with my suitcase late that afternoon when I see a bunch from the wedding in the lobby at the front counter with Ally, Sonia, and Stacy from the office.

“Shuttle for the Carmichael guests to the airport is leaving in fifteen. Feel free to board out front,” a hotel employee says.

I see a passenger van pulled up outside the revolving doors.

Meryl’s fiancé lifts her suitcase and his, eyeballing me with what’s probably a warning. I’m happy to see his face looks almost as fucked as mine.

Meryl approaches me and her man scowls. “Merry?”

“Wait here, Nate. Austin, can I talk to you?” Meryl asks. “Just quick.”

“Fuck that,” I snap and turn my back on her.

Fuck this shit. I’ll take a cab. No way am I getting in a van with all these people.

I push my way through the revolving doors and walk down the street to find a cab.

I’m catching my flight to New York. And while I didn’t want to go there, maybe this is better. My brother is pissed, I didn’t see him again before I left. My sister came to my room right after Sienna stormed out, telling me she’d talk to me later once I calmed down, and I had to listen to Adele ream me out while I was packing. A minute into my defense, Adele said she believed me but wanted to continue to rant about Sienna and Roger even being there and turned it into a “How could Mom let it happen?” My father strolled in and interrupted Adele, talking business and giving me orders about the New York office while my head was still spinning. I’ve already stopped in to see the resort doctor and told him to take a blood and piss test to find out if Sienna drugged me. She had to have. He took a hair sample, too, as he said newer date rape drugs can be easier to detect that way. I paid this doctor extra to expedite the results to me in New York and then as I was leaving the doctor’s office, my mother tried to get me to come talk to Roger about my suspicions about the drugs.

I took a pass.

“I’ll deal with this shit when I get the results. Right now, I just need everyone to leave me be.”

Memories are still murky, but I’ve gotten a few visual flashes and I’m pretty sure I did fuck Sienna. Or rather, she fucked me while I was on my back. She just climbed on and did her thing and I’m disgusted at that notion.

I send Aiden a text before I leave.

I swear to you I had no clear recollection past sitting down beside her at a bar last night and having a drink but things are starting to come back. If she drugged me, I’ll know about it in a couple days. As far as I’m concerned I was date raped, Aid. I swear I’d never fucking do that to you. I went and did a blood and piss test and they took a hair sample to find out what’s in my system. I’m heading to NY. I’ll text when I have the results. Ok?
