Page 106 of Gemini

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My mother was calling from the backyard and when we lingered, she burst through the sliding glass doors. “Didn’t you guys hear me, the pig is—Allison!”

My mother ran over to Allison, wiping her hands on an apron and hugged her.

Allison returned the hug. “Hi Bettina, sorry to barge in, I wanted to come by and say hello.”

My mother gazed at her. “Honey, don’t be silly. The door is always open here. I hope you’ll stay and join us for the pig roast? I absolutely insist.”

Allison looked like she was thinking about it, then while looking straight over at me said, “Yes, that’d be nice.”

She was staying.

As awkward as this was going to be, I could get through anything, as long she didn’t run from me again.

The five of us: Mom, Caleb, Stephanie, Allison and myself walked out to the yard.

Allison immediately snuck behind Callie, who turned around and squealed louder than ever at the sight of her long lost friend.

“Allison! Allison!” she yelled jumping up and down. I guess she hadn’t forgotten Allison after all.

“Callie, I missed you so much,” Allison said as she hugged my sister.

I wanted to hug Allison, too…so badly.

Stephanie was looking over at Allison and Callie, then gauging my reaction. “So, she works with your sister?” she asked.

“Yeah…yup…she does.” I said flatly, immediately picking up my beer and taking a swig.

Stephanie was looking Allison up and down as she sipped her white wine.

My mother waved everyone over to the table where a dozen side dishes flanked the gigantic roast pig, which had now been carefully sliced into individual pieces of savory pork, garnished with herbs. Thankfully for Denise and Stephanie, the head had been discarded. As good as it looked, I had lost my appetite the second Allison walked through the door.

Stephanie sat next to me while Allison was diagonally across the table from us, next to Callie. I watched as Allison carefully tucked a napkin into the front of Callie’s shirt and carefully placed slices of pork and sides onto my sister’s plate. God, she was so good with her and Callie looked so happy to have Allison back.

Allison glanced over at me, catching me watching her. I didn’t even try to pretend like I wasn’t and kept my gaze on her. To my surprise, she gave me a slight smile, which I returned. My fists were clenched into balls of frustration under the table.

Everyone was unusually quiet throughout the meal until my mother broke the silence. “Allison, when did you get back into town, honey?”

“Last night. I called Bright Horizons about getting reassigned to Callie, but haven’t heard back yet. I’ll keep on them until they get back to me.”

She didn’t offer any information on where she had returned from and even though I wondered so badly where she had been and what she was doing these past few months, I couldn’t bring it up right then and there.

I nearly spit out my food when Stephanie decided to ask Allison a question. “So, Allison, how long have you worked with Callie?”

Allison seemed startled before answering. “I had worked with her about six months before I took a leave of absence. We get along really well, don’t we Callie?” Allison turned to Callie who still had her head face down in her food and then laughed nervously.

Stephanie nodded. “That’s so nice.”

You could cut the tension in the air with a knife as everyone continued to eat, with only my mother and her friends at the far end of the table making small talk amongst themselves.

After about fifteen minutes, after Callie had cleaned her plate and left the table, Allison excused herself and walked into the house alone.

Stephanie had been trying to engage me in a conversation about her law firm’s upcoming yearly banquet that she wanted me to attend, but the corner of my eyes were all too aware of Allison’s absence and my brother Caleb’s swift exit to follow her.



I had to get out of there and take a breather, so I locked myself in Bettina’s bathroom as a million thoughts ran through my mind.
