Page 109 of Gemini

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“Where have you been for the past three months…did you leave town?” Cedric asked as his fingers kneaded the skin on my waist gently.

“God, Cedric, I have so much to tell you.” After a brief pause, I said, “I was in Chicago with Ed and Elaine.”

The kneading stopped and he shook his head in disbelief. “What?”

“I’m sorry. I told them not to tell you. It was just supposed to be a quick visit to meet them, but then we bonded and I decided to stay and help out with Ed and we got really close and well, it’s like they’re second parents or something to me now.”

Cedric moved back in shock. “Holy crap, Allison. How could I have not known this?”

“It’s my fault for keeping it from you. They wanted me to tell you. I just needed time to deal with this alone, Cedric. It was all too much too fast after the truth came out. But Elaine and Ed, especially Ed, helped me see things clearer. So much else happened out there. I really want to tell you everything later tonight or whenever you can get away from here, but we can’t stay in here like this much longer.”

Cedric pulled my mouth into his and sucked on my bottom lip slow and hard, then released it slowly. “I can’t let you go, Allison.”

I brought his head back toward me for another kiss and our tongues collided into one another.

I pulled back, panting and said, “We should go back outside before someone comes looking for us.”

Cedric shook his head and pulled me back into him, sucking on my neck hungrily, his erection pressing firmly against me as he moaned over my skin. “No.”

“No?” I asked looking up at him.

“No…just a few more minutes,” he said, his eyes turning darker with the strongest sense of desire I had yet to experience from him.

“I missed you so much, Cedric.”

Cedric breathed heavily on my neck, “I need to feel you…now.”

Upon hearing him say that, my knees got weak as if my legs were going to collapse and my moist underwear felt like it was going to disintegrate on my body.

I opened my mouth against his as our bodies pressed together and felt his hand move under my dress as he abruptly slipped his fingers inside me. Cedric moaned into my mouth as I moved down over his hand.

With the sound of dishes clanking getting louder in the kitchen, he pulled his fingers out of me. “I am sorry, sweetheart…I’ve just missed you so much. I got carried away.

He held me close as I put my head on his chest and could feel his rapid heart beating against my ear.

“Cedric, we have to leave this room.”

“Okay, but I need to see you tonight. Promise me. I’ll text you and come pick you up.”

I nodded. “Yes.”

Cedric kissed me desperately one last time. “You leave first. I have to go to the bathroom and take care of this,” he said pointing down to his bulging crotch.

“Okay.” I laughed. He was not kidding. He could not go out like that.

I started to walk out when he stopped me and grabbed both of my hands and kissed them over and over softly.

“Bye,” I whispered, slipping out the door.



It look longer than expected to get rid of the hard-on. I was so turned on and that wasn’t going to change anytime soon.

Five minutes of focusing intently on images from that Sarah McLaughlin ani

mal abuse public service announcement finally did the trick.
