Page 42 of Gemini

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Allison: Merry Christmas, Cedric. Where are you?

Cedric: At my brother’s in New Hampshire. How about you?

Allison: I just got home from dinner with my friend Danny.

Danny? Is she dating him? Fuck. And then as if she could read my mind…

Allison: Danny and his boyfriend live over by Fenway Park.


Cedric: Ah, I see. Was it a good time?

Allison: Yes, it was. What is everyone doing over there?

Cedric: Watching It’s a Wonderful Life down in the basement. That movie kind of depresses me.

Allison: Oh my God…me too. My mother loved it though.

Cedric: I’m sorry.

Allison: Sorry for what? It is depressing.?

Cedric: I know, I mean, I am sorry that your mom is not with you tonight.

Allison: Thanks. Me too.?

I knew what I had to do next.

Cedric: Allison, how late will you be up?

Allison: Pretty late…why?

Cedric: My mom asked me to drop off a gift for you that she forgot to give you last Thursday…on my way home tonight if you were around.

Allison: I’ll be around. Sure. That is so nice of her.

Cedric: Great. I’ll probably leave here in about twenty minutes, so I’ll be there sometime after ten.

Allison: Sounds good. I’ll see you soon.

Cedric: Ok…see you soon.

My heart was pounding out of my chest. I was going to see her tonight. What a Christmas this was turning out to be.

I immediately went to the bathroom, grabbing the first toothbrush I saw not knowing whose it was and brushed my teeth. I wet my hair back and stared at myself in the mirror. I’ve looked better, but if I had known I would be seeing Allison, I might have dressed differently. I was wearing a maroon button down shirt, rolled up at the sleeves and dark jeans. I hadn’t shaved for a couple of days, but it would have to do.

I ran down the stairs and pulled my mother aside letting her know my plans. She gave me her keys and I ran out to the driveway, took the wrapped present out of her glove compartment and transferred it to the passenger seat in my car.

I went back in the house, returning the keys, putting on my black North Face parka and hugged and kissed each of my family members goodnight.

Caleb patted me strongly on the shoulder, since he was the only one who knew how difficult the situation with Allison really was for me.

I felt bad leaving early, but my mother was practically shoving me out the door when she found out I was going to take her up on that idea.

I got in my car and blasted the heat because it was freezing out. I put on some smooth jazz and tried to relax as I pulled out of my brother’s driveway.

As I sped south down I-93, I thought about what I would say to her when I saw her. I needed to tell her how I felt about her without scaring her off. I hoped that she would invite me to stay beyond just handing her the gift, so that I had the chance to talk to her for once.
