Page 46 of Gemini

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Who the fuck was this person?

Just then, Allison appeared after having called the police. “They’re on their way,” she cried, tears pouring from her eyes.

Just then, the drunk man pushed up from under me and managed to get up on his feet. He swung at me and I swung back hitting him. I ducked again missing his punches and pushed him down to the ground causing him to hit his head on the coffee table.

He sprung back up and charged toward me, smacking me down to the ground and hitting me as hard as he could in the chest.

I punched him in the face in return and immediately felt warm blood trickling down my hand.

Allison was screaming, “Stop, please just leave, Nate…please.”

Nate? She knew this guy? Who the fuck was Nate?

The last punch I threw at Nate, seemed to stop his resilience.

He was lying down on the floor for a few minutes and I wasn’t sure if he was injured from the punch or whether he just passed out from all the booze he drank.

I stood staring at him on the ground and then moved my stare toward Allison.

She had mascara running down her cheeks and was trembling. I wanted to go to her, but I had to keep my eyes on him in case he got up again.

A few more minutes passed with Nate lying on the ground.

Allison and I just stared down at him in shock.

The sound of distant police sirens got closer and closer by the second and then came the sounds of running footsteps from the hallway.

Three officers with guns drawn burst through the door.

“He’s there, officer. That’s the man who attacked me. His name is Nate Hutchinson. He is my ex-boyfriend. He is an alcoholic,” Allison said.

Wow. So, Allison actually dated this asshole. Up until now, I had no idea who this guy was.

While two officers lifted Nate off the floor, a third large man approached me for questioning.

“I’m Officer Derin with the Boston Police. I am going to have to ask you some questions,” he said.

“Sure, ask me anything.” I sat down on Allison’s sofa, only realizing now just how much my hand was bleeding.

“You may want to wrap that. Feel free to take care of it and come back here,” Officer Derin said pointing to my obvious wound.

I quickly got up and grabbed a wad of paper towel from the kitchen and temporarily wrapped my right hand tightly, noticing that one of the officers was now taking a groggy Nate away in handcuffs.

Allison was on the other side of the living room answering questions for the third cop and I could hear her sobbing.

I returned to Officer Derin and told him the story exactly as I saw it happen. He assured me that no charges would be filed against me for the injuries Nate sustained, since I was acting in self-defense.

When my questioning wrapped up, I looked over and saw Allison still tearfully relaying her side of the story to the officer. She nodded her head slowly and thanked the policeman for his help.

“We may need to call you in for additional questioning, depending on Mr. Hutchinson’s recall. I am hoping that is not necessary, though,” Officer Derin said.

“Thank you so much, officers, for your help,” Allison said as she shook hands with the two men.

I sat on the couch staring down at my bloody hand. Everything happened so fast and I felt like I was just starting to process it.

Allison closed the door after the policemen left and rushed over to where I was sitting on the couch.

“Cedric,” she said as fresh tears fell again.
