Page 60 of Gemini

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I laughed. “Ok, maybe not. Maybe I would have you right here next to me and with the way I am feeling right now, that would be really dangerous.

“How are you feeling, Cedric?” Allison whispered.

I paused and gave her the honest answe


“I am feeling like I want to devour you.”



I was pathetic. One simple statement from this man and my underwear was drenched.

I gulped and was sure I turned red. “You want to devour me?”

“Yes,” he whispered. “Is that okay?”

His eyes were glowing. I wondered exactly what that meant and my body reacted to the possibilities.

I nodded in agreement silently into the web cam, closed my eyes and sighed, feeling by body temperature rise.

“I can’t wait for Friday, Allison, but we never have to do anything you are not ready for…but as soon as you tell me you want it—”

I interrupted. “I want it, Cedric. I want you…all of you.”

I can’t believe I just said that out loud. It was the first time my thoughts escaped my head and it was like I vomited them right out of my mouth.

Cedric closed his eyes and let out a long slow breath and nodded slowly. “You have no idea how much I want you, Allison. God, from the moment I first laid eyes on you...”

We started into each other’s eyes at a loss for words. Cedric smiled and had me really wishing I could jump through that screen.

“Cedric, I remember the first time I saw you too, feeling connected to you.”

He shook his head and let out a deep breath. “I wanted to kiss you so badly that night in my car.”

“Why didn’t you?” I asked.

“I should say it was because I had a girlfriend, but that wasn’t exactly it. I just didn’t have the guts that night. It would have seemed too random. We had just met.”

“And the night in Callie’s room?” I asked.

“I was definitely planning to drive you home that night and was dying to kiss you…but you ran, remember?”

“Yes.” I laughed. “I thought you had a girlfriend. It was a self-protective mechanism.”

Cedric laughed heartily showing off his beautiful white teeth, which seemed even whiter on the web cam.

I didn’t mean to, but I yawned.

“Sweetheart, it’s late for you. I know you need to work early tomorrow. Can we please do this again tomorrow night?” Cedric asked.

I loved when he called me sweetheart.

“Absolutely.” I smiled. “Same time?”

“I am not exactly sure of my schedule tomorrow. So, I’ll text you during the afternoon and let you know what time to log on. Sound good?”
