Page 70 of Gemini

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“Hmm…well, I can’t tell you what it means, Mr. Short, but thank you for telling me.”

Mr. Short reached across the table and placed his hand over mine. “Anytime, Allison. You know I am always looking out for you. You’re like the daughter I never had.”

That wasn’t the first time he referred to me like that. It was sweet and I knew he was just as lonely as I had been for a long time.

Mr. Short then made a fist-like gesture with his hands. “And you can tell Frederic that if he ever breaks your heart, I’ll kick his ass military-style.”

I belted out laughing at his facetious threat and the fact that he called Cedric, Frederic. Well, Mr. Short was a former solider, after all. “Thanks, Mr. Short.”

I excused myself from the table and my smile turned to confusion as my thoughts drifted back to the phone call he said that Cedric received, after which, according to Mr. Short, he made the sign of the cross. I impulsively decided to text Cedric, asking how he was doing, just in case, something bad had happened.

Allison: How is everything?

Cedric: Great. I miss you.

Allison: Ok, just checking in.

Cedric: Later, sweetheart

Allison: Later xo

Okay, well that didn’t give me any clue. My curiosity was killing me, so I typed again.

Allison: Can I ask you a silly question?

Cedric: No such thing as a silly question…Shoot.

Allison: Are you religious?

Cedric: I am spiritual. Why?

Allison: Someone said they saw you make the sign of the cross in your car after you got off the phone outside the diner after dropping me off.

About a minute passed and no response. My heart started to pound and then he finally responded.

Cedric: It was a work call. Sometimes I do make the sign of the cross when I am asking for, you know, assistance from above on things. Nothing bad. Don’t worry. I guess Bettina taught me some things that stuck with me, even though I don’t go to church anymore.

Allison: Okay…see I told you it was silly. Sorry for bugging you. Glad everything is okay.

It still didn’t feel right, but I was probably just being paranoid. Trying to get my mind off of my insecurities, I focused on being a waitress for the rest of the afternoon, anxiously awaiting the end of my shift.



I had just left Allison at the door of the Stardust diner and already, I couldn’t wait until it was time to pick her up.

Fantasizing about finishing later where we left off this morning, I strolled to my car, feeling on top of the world as the morning sun beamed.

As I settled in, my cell phone rang and my heart dropped as I noticed the Chicago exchange. I picked up.

“This is Cedric.”

“Cedric…hi. It’s Elaine.”

My heart dropped further. “Elaine.” I could hardly breathe. “Hi.”

“Cedric, Ed and I were just wondering if you have made any progress. We haven’t heard from you. Have you found her?”
