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“I’ll show you later,” he promised. “God help me, if I don’t show you later, I’ll be dead before the month is out.”

“A whole month?”

A month? Was he insane? He was going to have to get a special license. “A week. Definitely a week.”

“I see.”

“No, you don’t. But you will.”

Elizabeth coughed and blushed. “Whatever it is you’re talking about,” she mumbled, “I have a feeling it’s rather naughty.”

He lifted her hand to his lips. “You’re still a virgin, Elizabeth. And I’m frustrated as hell.”

“Oh! I…” She smiled sheepishly. “Thank you.”

“I’d tell you it was no trouble at all,” he said, taking her arm, “except that would be a blatant lie.”

“And I suppose,” she added mischievously, “that you would also be lying if you said it was your pleasure.”

“That would be a huge lie. Of proportions immense.”

She laughed.

“If you don’t start according me the proper respect,” he muttered, “I may have to toss you in the lake along with me.”

“Surely you can take a bit of teasing.”

“I rather think I’ve taken all the teasing my body can stand already this evening.”

She let out another peal of giggles. “I’m sorry,” she gasped. “I don’t mean to laugh at you, but—”

“Yes, you do.” He tried not to grin, but he wasn’t successful.

“All right, yes, I do, but it’s only because—” She stopped walking and reached up to touch his beloved face. “It’s only because you make me so happy and free. I cannot remember the last time I felt so able to simply laugh.”

“What about when you’re with your family?” he asked. “I know you adore them.”

“I do. But even when we are laughing and joking and having the loveliest of times, there is always a cloud hanging over me, constantly reminding me that it all could be taken away. That it all would be taken away the moment I found myself unable to support them.”

“You will never have to worry about that again,” he said, his voice a fierce vow. “Never.”

“Oh, James,” she said wistfully. “You’re very sweet to say so, but I don’t see how you can—”

“You’ll have to trust me,” he interrupted. “I have a few tricks up my sleeve. Besides, I thought you said that when you were with me that pesky gray cloud disappeared.”

“When I’m with you I forget about my worries, but that doesn’t mean they’re gone.”

He patted her hand. “I may surprise you yet, Elizabeth Hotchkiss.”

They walked toward the house in companionable silence. As they drew near, the sounds of the party grew louder—music, mixed with chatter, and the occasional roar of raucous laughter.

“It sounds like quite a crush,” Elizabeth commented.

“Lady Danbury would accept no less,” James replied. He glanced at the stately stone mansion, which had come into view. Guests had spilled out onto the lawn, and he knew he was going to have to make his exit immediately.

“Elizabeth,” he said, “I must leave now, but I will call upon you tomorrow.”

“No, please let’s stay.” She smiled up at him, her dark blue eyes heartbreakingly huge. “We’ve never danced.”
