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“As if she would dare,” Elizabeth cut in. “The only one you don’t terrify is me, Lady Danbury.”

“Well, I’m going to give it my best attempt right now, Elizabeth Hotchkiss. I need to speak with you, and it’s urgent.”

“Yes,” Elizabeth said warily, perching on the edge of the sofa. “I feared as much. You’ve never called upon our cottage before.”

As Lady Danbury cleared her throat, Elizabeth let out a long exhale, waiting for the lecture she was sure to receive. Lady Danbury had an opinion on everything, and Elizabeth was certain that the events of the previous night were no exception. Since James was her nephew, she would surely take his side, and Elizabeth would be forced to endure a long list of his many positive attributes, punctuated by the occasional mention of Lady Danbury’s positive attributes.

“You,” Lady D said dramatically, pointing her finger in Elizabeth’s direction, “did not attend my masquerade ball last night.”

Elizabeth’s jaw dropped. “That’s what you wanted to ask me about?”

“I’m most displeased. You”—she jabbed her finger in Caroline’s direction—“I saw. The pumpkin, yes? A most barbaric fruit.”

“I believe it’s a vegetable,” Caroline murmured.

“Nonsense, it’s a fruit. If it has seeds in the fleshy bit, it’s a fruit. Where did you learn your biology, girl?”

“It’s a gourd,” Elizabeth ground out. “May we leave it at that?”

Lady Danbury waved her hand dismissively. “Whatever it is, it doesn’t grow in England. Therefore I have no use for it.”

Elizabeth felt herself begin to slouch. Lady Danbury was exhausting.

The countess in question whipped her head around to face her. “I’m not through with you, Elizabeth.”

Elizabeth would have groaned, had she had time before Lady D sharply added, “And sit up straight.”

Elizabeth stood.

“Now, then,” Lady Danbury continued, “I worked very hard to convince you to attend my party. I obtained a costume for you—a very becoming costume, I might add—and you repay me by not even paying your respects in the receiving line? I was most insulted. Most—”


Lady Danbury looked up in time to see Lucas and Jane run screaming down the hall. “What are they doing to my cat?” she demanded.

Elizabeth craned her neck. “I’m not certain if they are chasing Malcolm or if he is chasing them.”

Caroline perked up. “I’d be happy to go and investigate.”

Elizabeth let one of her hands land heavily on Caroline’s arm. “Please,” she said too sweetly, “stay.”

“Elizabeth,” Lady Danbury barked, “are you going to answer me?”

Elizabeth blinked in confusion. “Had you asked me a question?”

“Where were you? Why did you not attend?”

“I…I…” Elizabeth floundered for words. She certainly couldn’t tell the truth—that she’d been out being seduced by her nephew.


Knock knock knock.

Elizabeth shot out of the room like a bullet. “Must answer the door,” she called out over her shoulder.

“You’ll not escape me, Lizzie Hotchkiss!” she heard Lady Danbury yell. She also thought she heard Caroline mutter the word “traitor” under her breath, but by then Elizabeth was already consumed with worry that it might be James standing on the other side of the heavy oak door.

She took a deep breath. If he was there, there was nothing she could do about it. She swung open the door.
