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‘To George? I don’t remember. Oh, yes, I believe he told him he would have to cut down expenses in future; he’d have to reduce his allowance. George was very upset, got as red as a turkey cock. He spluttered and said he couldn’t possibly manage with less. My father said quite coolly that he’d have to. He said he’d better get his wife to help him economize. Rather a nasty dig, that—George has always been the economical one—saves and stints on every penny. Magdalene, I fancy, is a bit of a spender—she has extravagant tastes.’

Poirot said:

‘So that she, too, was annoyed?’

‘Yes. Besides, my father worded something else rather crudely—mentioned her as having lived with a naval officer. Of course he really meant her father, but it sounded rather dubious. Magdalene went scarlet. I don’t blame her.’

Poirot said:

‘Did your father mention his late wife, your mother?’

The red blood ran in waves up David’s temples. His hands clenched themselves on the table in front of him, trembling slightly.

He said in a low choked voice:

‘Yes, he did. He insulted her.’

Colonel Johnson said:

‘What did he say?’

David said abruptly:

‘I don’t remember. Just some slighting reference.’

Poirot said softly:

‘Your mother has been dead some years?’

David said shortly:

‘She died when I was a boy.’

‘She was not—perhaps—very happy in her life here?’

David gave a scornful laugh:

‘Who could be happy with a man like my father? My mother was a saint. She died a broken-hearted woman.’

Poirot went on:

‘Your father was, perhaps, distressed by her death?’

David said abruptly:

‘I don’t know. I left home.’

He paused and then said:

‘Perhaps you may not be aware of the fact that when I came on this visit I had not seen my father for nearly twenty years. So you see I can’t tell you very much about his habits or his enemies or what went on here.’

Colonel Johnson asked:

‘Did you know that your father kept a lot of valuable diamonds in the safe in his bedroom?’

David said indifferently:

‘Did he? Seems a foolish sort of thing to do.’
