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“I was at a fundraising event tonight,” Swayze mumbled around a bite of burger. “The mean one over there delivered kegs. Which, might I add, was dropped on my foot.” She lifted her leg up to show me her foot, and I winced. It was black and blue.

“How’d that happen?” I asked, resisting the urge to reach forward and pull her foot into my hand and rub it.

“One of the men that was helping carry the kegs in dropped it. On my foot.” She went back to eating her hamburger.

Hunt tried to reach for one of her fries, and she hissed at him, spraying bits of ketchup at him in the process.

“Don’t,” she glared at him hard, “touch my fries.”

He held up his hand. “Sorry, sorry.”

“You should be,” she grumbled.

“Do you want to introduce us?” Hunt asked, looking at me for an introduction.

I shrugged. “Not necessarily.”

Swayze snorted, but didn’t comment.

“My name is Hunt McJimpsey.” Hunt placed his hand over his chest. “That” —he pointed at Zach— “is Zach Caruso. We’re all a part of the Souls Chapel Revenants MC.”

Hunt patted his chest where his patches lay. Or they would’ve lain had the cut he was wearing been right side out.

“Your vest thingy is inside out,” Swayze mumbled, looking over at me once and eyeing my chest before going back to her food.

“Shit,” Hunt said as he took the cut off, righted it, and then put it back on. “I put it on in the dark.”

“Huh,” Swayze hummed.

“Food,” I said, sitting back when Crockett came walking over with her arms full of baskets of burgers and fries.

Zach sat back, arms no longer crossed, and allowed his gaze to drag across Crockett, who I just now realized was in short shorts that resembled pajama shorts and a tank top.

“I like the outfit,” Hunt quipped.

“I was in bed when she practically begged me to cook her a burger,” Crockett grumbled. “You can’t complain about my clothes if you’re not really even supposed to be here.”

“No complaints on my end, honey,” Hunt teased.

Zach grunted something that had Crockett flushing—whether it was in embarrassment or pleasure, I didn’t know.

“Thank you,” I said to Crockett. “I appreciate it.”

“You’re welcome,” she said as she turned around.

That’s when Zach started to softly laugh beside me.

“What?” Hunt asked, picking up a fry and popping it into his mouth.

He gestured toward Crockett.

I turned to look and felt a smile growing on my lips.

Her butt had a caricature of a smooshed cat on the ass, as if she’d sat on it.

It was cute, that was for sure.

The grumbly, pissy girl beside me, however, held my attention.

With her sexy legs, juicy ass, and succulent hips.

God, I wanted to…

“How’s your sister doing?” owner of said sexy legs asked, popping a fry into her mouth.

“Good,” I answered, picking up the ketchup bottle and drowning my fries in it.

“There are two types of people in this world,” Hunt said. “Those who dip their fries into ketchup, and psychopaths like you who put the ketchup on their fries.”

“Interesting,” I said as I picked up one of my fries, ketchup smearing my fingers.

“Psycho,” Hunt murmured under his breath.

Swayze finished her food and then got up and walked her trash to the trash can.

Her dress had ridden up slightly and was tucked into what I now saw was a gun holster.

“Your dress is tucked into your holster,” Crockett called.

“I know,” Swayze replied. “It was dragging along the ground, and I have to return it to a friend tomorrow. I don’t want to get it dirty if I can manage it.”

“I can’t believe you carried to a high-society function.” Crockett laughed as she worked on another order behind the counter. “I bet all those bitches and assholes would’ve had a coronary if they’d known.”

“Maybe.” Swayze shrugged. “But I don’t care. If I was gonna be shot, it’d be at one of those events. They’re so mean to everyone.”

“Mean to you?” Crockett asked as she walked over with a bowl of ice cream and a chocolate brownie and set it in front of Swayze’s seat.

“Yum,” Hunt said, taking a massive bite of his burger. “You have any more of those?”

“Last one.” Crockett didn’t look apologetic in the least. “Sorry, Charlie.”

“Hunt. Not Charlie,” Hunt corrected her.

“It’s a saying,” Crockett said, her eyes flicking toward Zach, who was quietly eating his food and hadn’t said a word.

“I know,” Hunt said. “I was just teasing you.”

Crockett walked back behind the counter and started to wash some dishes while Swayze walked back to her spot. She sat down and started to eat her food, all the while Hunt gave her moon eyes.

“You know,” Hunt said. “Though it really bothers me that you’re eating the last brownie, I think you might be breaking Trick’s heart more. He’s a chocolate lover.”

“He is?” Swayze asked. “That’s interesting. So am I.”
