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“She already wants him,” Bruno muttered. “When I took her home the other night, she kept looking longingly at his bar, as if she wanted to see him walk out of it even though we’d left him at the restaurant with crazy pants.”

“Crazy pants?” Zach asked, confused.

“There is one fucking woman in this town that would literally be the death of him, and he managed to find her,” Bruno explained.

“Why didn’t you warn me?” I asked. “She came up to me while I was at the same bar that you were drinking at.”

“I’m not your mother,” Bruno said as he walked out.

I sighed and followed him out, making my way outside and then to the parking lot.

Bruno was right, though.

Ignacia was a ‘crazy pants.’

I’d met her initially when she greeted my move to this town. Then, I had a run in with her at the grocery store. I never expected her to come into my own bar. I should’ve realized that she wasn’t going to be what I wanted her to be, but the problem was when Ignacia had asked me out, Swayze had been rolling her trash can to the curb, and I’d said yes.

But it hadn’t been intentional or anything. I’d just been answering what I thought was a simple question. Not a ‘will you go out with me.’ But then Swayze had seen me standing with a woman, and her eyes had narrowed and a pissed off look had settled on her face.

Which led me to continuing to agree with it because I’d liked the look on her face.

That, and it might help if I had something to curb the turbulence inside of me when it came to Swayze Marrin.

God, I wanted to fuck her.

I wanted to brand her.

I wanted to make her mine in every single way possible.

Then I wanted to hurt her like she’d hurt me.

Logically, I knew that it wasn’t her fault. I knew that she hadn’t asked to have the shit beat out of her by her own father. I knew that it was a more of a right place, right time kind of thing. I knew that I hadn’t needed to intervene the way I had.

And, honestly, maybe I should apologize to her for killing her dad.


I stepped down off of the sidewalk and cut across the parking lot just in time for a Ford truck to come hauling ass my way. I had barely enough time to dive into the bushes before the truck barreled past me.

“What the fuck?” I growled, getting up onto my knees as I peered around the bush.

“You alive?”


“Yeah,” I hollered back. “Peachy.”

Just as I said that, they were there, all of the ‘MC’ coming to a halt in front of and beside me.

“Called it in, but the truck’s long gone,” Sin said as he hunkered down beside me.

“Plates are stolen,” Hunt said as he looked down at his phone. “Reported missing two hours ago from a gas station north of town.”

It was scary how fast Hunt could come up with information.

I looked at my arm and grimaced when I saw that I popped two stitches open.

“I think you gotta go back and take care of that,” Sin said with a grim tone. “We’ll go looking for the Ford.”

I sighed.

Normally I would leave it, but the doctor had said last night that I needed to be careful with these stitches because they were close to a nerve. And if I experienced any problems to seek medical attention swiftly.

Leaving me with no choice but to go.

I didn’t want to lose feeling in my fuckin’ hand.

Goddamn Ignacia.

“Gonna go look at the cameras,” Zach said, disappearing back into the restaurant.

I grumbled and moved to my bike. “Thanks, y’all.”

Then I drove myself back to the doctor.


Rocky Mountain oysters. The original sac lunch.

-Coffee Cup


“Ignacia strikes again,” Jayco said as he walked into my office.

“What?” I asked, coming alert at the mention of her name.

He showed me his phone, but the words were too small—who read with their font on the smallest setting?—and I didn’t have my glasses on because I’d broken them only an hour before.

“I can’t read that,” I grumbled. “My glasses broke.”

He moved closer and showed me his phone.

I blinked when I saw the video he was watching.

Then I was up and out of my chair.

“What the fuck?” I cried. “She’s not usually at that level yet!”

Okay, so when I said that Ignacia was ‘bad’ I really meant it.

In the other two cases, it was ‘thought’ that Ignacia had tried to run them down. In one instance, Ignacia had made contact with the man and broke his leg.

Only, it usually happened after they’d gone out on five or six dates.

When the man actually realized just how freakin’ crazy she was and tried to break things off, she struck.

The problem was, nobody could prove that it was her doing it. It was only suspected because Ignacia had threatened the other two men with it in the past.
