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The kid had obviously gone over to his brother and had helped him with the bag, and they’d run together into the woods. At one point, the officer had found them and trailed them, and the big brother had knocked the little brother down and taken off after saying, “Tell him it was you. If I don’t take this bag to where it needs to go, I’m going to die.”

Which was exactly what the kid had done.


But it’d taken hours to get that information out of the kid, and now I had a headache for my troubles.

I was blaming that headache on the dumbest decision I’d ever made.

Going out into the night on my own instead of waiting on someone to help walk me out.

I’d been so caught up in how good the cooler night air felt on my face that at first, I hadn’t paid much attention to who was out there with me.

Instead, I tried to call Trick again, once again reaching his voicemail.

Son of a bitch.

“Trick,” I said softly. “That guy was here. The one on the message. He was here.”

I hadn’t realized that there was a figure in the shadows.

The same figure that I’d been calling Trick about.

Not until I’d stepped more fully toward my car did I hear it coming.

A scrape of gravel was my only indication that something was wrong.

Whirling around, I realized I wasn’t alone right along the same time that a fist came aimed straight at my face.

And for the second time in my life, I was almost beaten to death.

This time, though, it wasn’t Trick that saved me.

It was an officer that heard the commotion and came to investigate the crying sobs that he’d heard all the way from inside the building.


If having sex for money makes you a ho, does having sex for free make you a non-profit whoreganization?

-Text from Swayze to Trick


“You got ‘em?” I asked carefully.

Zach gave me a thumbs up. “Got ‘em.”

“Good,” I said as he transported the obviously drugged off their asses teenagers to a local hospital where he would drop them off in the emergency room.

“Fuckin’ nightmare,” Sin said as he shoved the black tee’s sleeves up to rest right under his elbow. “I can’t believe that we found them.”

“Me neither,” Lynn said. “This is a huge break. We need to find out which party they were at and…”

His phone started going crazy.

So did mine.

As did Sin’s and Laric’s.

Lynn was the first to pull his out.

“I have ten text messages from Six,” Lynn said, shaking his head as if he was laughing about the amount she sent him, and wasn’t really all that surprised.

“We probably don’t have any signal out here,” Sin said as he stared at his text messages.

I looked at my phone and saw I had two phone calls from Swayze, as well as two voicemails. One call from Hunt.

I was just placing my phone to my ear to listen to the voicemail when Lynn’s phone rang.

I listened to her voicemail and felt my stomach sink to my toes.

Just as I was about to head straight the fuck out of there, Lynn’s voice stopped me cold.

“Which hospital?” he asked, his body shuffling in place, a move that I rarely ever saw or heard Lynn do. He was just a calm, cool and collected kind of guy. He did not fidget. Not ever.

I turned and looked at him, somehow knowing that the ‘which hospital’ comment was made for my benefit.

Something happened to Swayze. It was a sick, gut wrenching feeling that I felt in the depth of my soul.

“We’ll be there,” he said softly.

“What’s going on?” I asked, feeling my heart rate accelerating by the second.

“Hunt just called,” Lynn said. “He’d been monitoring the police scanners when he heard that a lawyer was beat up at the police station.”

My stomach sank.

There was only one lawyer that I knew of at the police station tonight.

And that would be my lawyer.

“Which hospital?” I asked, seemingly calm on the outside, but on the inside, I was seething.

“The one in town,” Lynn said softly. “They tried moving her, but she has an obviously open fracture in her leg. They’re going to get her stable, and then life flight her out of here.”

I felt my stomach sink.

All the way down to the bottom of my toes.

I nodded once and began walking to my bike. That walk became a run the closer I got.

The drive through the quiet abandoned streets felt nothing like it would’ve normally felt.

There was a sense of urgency in my veins that was making me push faster and faster until I was damn near flying.

At one point I passed a cop. Hell, I was halfway down the road and around the bend when I saw the lights go on.

I knew without a shadow of a doubt that he wouldn’t catch me.
