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God, she had to be in a lot of pain.

They were doing something to her leg.

Something that made me want to vomit.

I turned my entire body so that I was no longer in the line of sight of that leg, and found myself blinking at seeing a very large redheaded man standing with his back against the wall.

“Who’re you?” I found myself asking.

He had blood on his shirt, his hands tucked behind his back, and he was wearing a blank expression.

“That’s one of the men that found your girlfriend on the ground outside the police station,” Miguel’s voice sounded from across the room.

I peeled my eyes away from the redheaded man to look at Miguel who hadn’t breached the door.

My eyes flicked back to the man.

“Bryan Sadler,” Miguel continued. “He was leaving, heading to take a prisoner to his new home for the next six months, when he heard a commotion in the parking lot. He put the prisoner in his van, and then went to investigate. Found her like that. Called for me when I was heading out to check out the same thing.”

Suspicion formed in my gut.

I’d spent twelve years honing skills that would tell me whether I needed to watch out for myself because I was in danger—whether it be by another prisoner or a prison guard—and my senses were screaming when it came to this man.


Luckily, I was saved from having to say anything by a rather large doctor that finished whatever he was doing at the base of the bed, near Swayze’s leg.

“I think,” the doctor said, “we have her where we need her. Her leg’s as stable as I can make it. All bleeding is temporarily stopped. It’s time for her to go.”

Good, because I didn’t want her anywhere near that man anymore.

Something was off, and I needed to know what.

But for now, there were other, more important things that I needed to do. Those important things being making sure that the woman that I loved was okay.

The big nurse that I’d shoved out of the way earlier shoved me back. “Move. We need to get her to the ambulance.”

I backed up, moving slightly, but the hand holding mine refused to let me go.

I looked down at Swayze again to find her still looking at me.

The look that passed between us was clear.

She didn’t want me to let her go.

And, if I was being truthful, I didn’t want to let her go, either.


The idea of letting her go made faint shivers of panic spark to life inside of me.

“I’ll stay out of the way,” I said, moving toward the front but keeping hold of her hand.

The nurse rolled her eyes at me but chose not to say anything.

Which was good because she’d be wasting her breath.

When we arrived outside, it was to see all but one ambulance gone, the crowd smaller, and my entire MC there waiting.

Lynn was now once again talking to Miguel.

After a careful inspection, the only one missing was Trouper, who would be the one flying us where we needed to go.

When we arrived outside, I could almost pretend that Swayze wasn’t as hurt as she was due to the lack of light.

Sadly, when we got into the back of the ambulance, it was to be reminded once again how bad she was.

There wasn’t a single spot on her that didn’t look bad.

Zach climbed into the bus on my side and shoved me until I was all the way in the corner. “Let go of her hand. I’m pretty sure that it’s broken. You can touch her face, though.”

I let go of her hand like it was on fire.

She whimpered, and I immediately felt badly.

“I’m sorry, baby,” I apologized, gut wrenching. “I didn’t know that it was hurt.”

That’s when she started crying, and I wanted to pull her into my arms and hug her to me, but I wasn’t sure where exactly to touch on her that would be acceptable.

In the end, I bent over and rested my head on the gurney next to hers and talked to her quietly.

The doors banged closed, and a paramedic that looked like he belonged on the ambulance looked at Zach tightly. As if he didn’t want him there.

I noticed the look but chose to ignore it.

Something had happened to my girl, and honestly, I wasn’t sure that she wasn’t still in danger. Not only was Zach here because he could help if shit hit the fan when it came to Swayze’s life, but also, he would be able to help if someone tried to kill her again.

Leaving the two to figure out their differences on their own, I told Swayze about what had happened earlier that night, about saving the two girls who’d been left stranded on the side of an old country road.

I made sure to keep my voice quiet so that only she could hear, and little by little she settled down until she was no longer crying.
