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Happily nestling close to him, Dee laughed when he tucked his hand into her pocket.

‘Aha...all you really wanted to do was to keep your hand warm in my pocket,’ she teased him.

‘Wrong,’ Hugo corrected her huskily. ‘All I really want to do is to keep all of you warm in my bed, with my hands and my mouth. Has anyone ever made any kind of love to you, Dee? Has anyone ever touched you...kissed you...?’

‘Of course they have,’ she squeaked indignantly. Just because she was a virgin that didn’t mean she was totally sexually ignorant.

‘In my last year at school I went to loads of snogging parties...’

She could see the little puffs of white air appearing from Hugo’s mouth as his body gusted with laughter.

‘Oh, snogging parties... That wasn’t exactly the kind of kissing I meant. What I meant was, has anyone kissed you...intimately, caressed your body with their mouth, explored you with their hands and their tongue, made you...?’

Frantically Dee covered her ears, torn between excited shock and self-conscious chagrin that he had to explain to her so graphically just what he meant. She knew what he was describing, of course, had even wondered in her most private intimate moments just how it would feel to have a man, her man, make love to her in such a way, but she had never dreamed that she would walk down a public street whilst he, that man, teasingly described to her an act which she had assumed was something a man only did for a woman if she was very, very fortunate or very, very loved.

‘Do I take it that that’s a no?’ Hugo asked her, still laughing, but Dee could hear the rusty betraying note in his voice, and she could see the way he was looking at her. She might not be sexually experienced, but she was no fool. Hugo wanted to touch her, caress her, taste her, in the way he had just described, and unless she had got it wrong he wanted to do it very, very badly indeed and very, very now, in fact. Her heart started to thud. She felt dizzy with excitement and the euphoria-inducing realisation of her own female power.

‘Oh, it’s going to be so good for us,’ Hugo groaned as he drew her into the shadow of a convenient side street and swept her promptly and expertly into his arms. Not that Dee was attempting very much resistance, and she didn’t offer any either a few seconds later, when he slipped his hands inside her coat and wrapped his arms around her body so tightly she felt she could hardly breathe. Their kiss was everything that a first kiss should be—tender, exciting, passionate, their mouths eager and hungry, their bodies urgently hungry for the feel of the other. But even though Hugo had put his hands under her coat, a little to Dee’s surprise he made no attempt to do anything more than simply hold her.

‘I daren’t,’ he told her gruffly, his voice muffled between kisses as though he could read what she was thinking. ‘God knows I want to, but if I touch you now... Remember what I said to you this afternoon?’

‘About...about making babies...’ Dee responded shakily.

‘Don’t. Don’t even say it,’ Hugo groaned as he moved his body even closer to her own, swiftly unfastening his own coat. Dee could feel his hard arousal. Immediately her own body quickened, revealing a capacity for sexual responsiveness whic

h she had never guessed she possessed. The nature and the intensity of the ache raging through her shocked her, and yet it excited her as well.

Her fellow students’ lusty comments about sharing their beds and their bodies with Hugo slipped warningly into her mind, and instantly she was seized with such a strong surge of female determination and possessive jealousy at the thought of someone daring to try to take away her man that the primitiveness of her emotions bemused her.

‘What is it...? What’s wrong?’ Hugo asked her. He had buttoned up her coat and was smiling tenderly down at her as his hand cupped her face, and his forefinger firmly tilted her face up to his so that he could look into her eyes.

‘I was just thinking about something one of the other girls said and how jealous it was making me,’ Dee responded honestly.

‘What girl?’ Hugo asked her, puzzled. ‘There is no girl, and I promise you,’ he added, his voice dropping huskily, ‘I shall never give you any cause to be jealous. I would never, could never, do anything to hurt you. There is no other girl.’

‘No,’ Dee agreed, smiling up at him. But she still couldn’t resist murmuring mischievously, ‘Still, I’m glad that I don’t have a twin sister...’


She laughed and shook her head, refusing to explain. There was no way she would ever want to share Hugo with another woman, in bed or out of it. No way at all.


THEY HAD BEEN going out together for over a month before they finally made love, although Dee knew that no one who saw them together during those early weeks would have believed it.

Dee hadn’t said anything about either her running into Hugo or having dinner with him to any of her friends, but within a week, in the way that these things so often had of getting out, it seemed that everyone did know.

It was only later that Hugo actually admitted that he had let it be known that she was his.

‘I had to do it. Just in case anyone else started to make a play for you,’ he defended himself.

Dee shook her head, but by then she was too much in love, too deeply committed to him to protest very much. Those were heady days, exciting days, frustrating days too. Her doctor had warned her that it would be several weeks before she could rely completely on the efficiency of her birth control pill to prevent an unwanted pregnancy, and Hugo had announced very firmly that there was no way he wanted them to run that risk. He also wanted there to be nothing between them the first time they made love together. ‘And I mean nothing,’ he had repeated, with heavy sensual emphasis.

Both of them had family commitments which would take them home and away from each other over Christmas. Hugo was going north with his parents, to spend Christmas and the New Year with his grandfather.

‘A huge quarrelsome gathering of our clan—quite literally,’ he told Dee wryly. ‘My grandfather insists that we stick to tradition, despite the fact that Montpelier House is a huge great freezing barn of a place that’s impossible to heat. My parents will have a row on the journey up there because my mother won’t want to go, and another on the way back because my father won’t want to leave. It happens every year. My elder sister’s children will cause complete havoc and chaos, and my younger sister, who doesn’t have any, will get all high-minded and sanctimonious about the way she is bringing them up, insisting that she’s spoiling them, and then they’ll both turn on me when I tell them not to be such idiots... I promise you, it’s dreadful.’

‘It sounds wonderful,’ Dee told him enviously. She too would be spending Christmas with her own extended family. She and her father would be visiting the farm where he had been brought up and which was now farmed by his brother. Dee’s cousins would be there, and her aunts and uncles, and there was a good-sized group of them, but Dee and her father had always been a little on the outside of everything. Her father was something of an enigma to the rest of his family, and, whilst they loved him, they never seemed to feel totally at home or relaxed in his company, Dee had noticed, and that had rubbed off on her too.
