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The only thing I found that snagged my interest was a stack of business cards in his neatly sorted sock drawer. They were black, with the name Hellion Club printed in red, and Jin's name underneath. I took one of the cards, then gathered my clothes and headed for the shower.

Thankfully, it didn't wake the snorer. I just wasn't up to dealing with a stranger right now. I needed to get home, send Jack my report, then grab some rest, because I was feeling shakier than a newborn pup.

The rain had cleared away during the night, and the morning was one of those crisp, sunshine-filled ones that Melbourne often got in winter. It was still cold enough to freeze the balls off a dog, but at least the sun was out.

I gently closed the door, then did up my coat as I padded barefoot down the steps. At the gate, I stopped long enough to put on my shoes, then headed for my car.

I'd barely gone two house blocks when a hand wrapped itself around my arm. I reacted instinctively, kicking backwards at the heated presence I could feel behind me.

Then realized who that presence was.

Quinn. He released my arm and jumped out of the way of my kick. I turned around. He was dressed in black from head to foot, a shadow that looked out of place in the brightness of the morning. Just seeing him again had my hormones stirring - though with a whole lot less vigor than normal. Weird. "What the hell are you doing here?"

"I was about to ask you the same thing." His warm voice was edged with displeasure.

I snorted softly. "I'm dressed in last night's party clothes, and I'm coming out of a house not my own. You do the math."

"Oh, I get the equation, I'm just wondering whether it's for your own pleasure or for the Directorate."

"If you're not going to answer my questions, why the hell should I answer yours?" Especially when my answer would only result in having grief flung my way. Quinn might have decided he had to be in the race to win the race, but that didn't mean he was at all happy about me taking other partners. Especially when those other partners were complete strangers.

I spun on my heel and walked away before he could answer. I didn't need this crap now. I just wanted to get home.

"Riley, wait." He touched my arm again, but his grip was gentler this time, less demanding.

I paused and looked at him. "What?"

He tugged me around to face him, then looked intently into my eyes. "Are you all right?"

I tried to shake free of his grip but it tightened imperceptibly. "Of course I'm all right. Let me go."

He didn't. "You look drained."

Something resembling fear slithered through me. "What?"

"I said you looked - "

"I know what you said, but what the hell did you mean?"

"It means someone has been feeding off you."

That feeling of fear intensified. "As in vampire type feeding?"

He nodded, and with his free hand, touch my chin and gently guided my head from one side to the other. "No bite marks evident there. What about elsewhere?"

Everywhere, babe. I pulled free from his grip and stepped back. "The man I was with was not a vampire."

He frowned. "You sure of that?"

"He was human."

The expression on his face suggested he wasn't believing. "You remember the time in the plane, when you all but forced yourself onto me?"

I crossed my arms. "You didn't put up much of a fight, believe me."

"No. But I took too much blood, remember?"

Like I could forget? "So?"
