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He comes even closer to me, closer and closer, until he’s blocking the moon and all the light of the world.

Until he’s all I see.

“How about I just kiss you back this time?”

Laughing with my whole heart, I go for another kiss on the night of my yet another birthday. The roses are still trapped between us and I’m still standing up on his feet.

The only difference is that these roses are fresh and velvety, instead of dying and rejected, and he’s kissing me back.

Oh and we’re kissing in our world.

A world we’ve built on love and dreams.

A world where he’s mine and I’m his.

Forever and ever.


People go through lives barely living.

They never go crazy.

They never crave something to the point of pain.

Their chest never hurts at the sight of someone.

They don’t write in diaries. They don’t collect dreams in their big, fat hobo. They don’t create new worlds. They don’t stare at the moon and they don’t climb up to the roof at midnight. They don’t jump in the water with their clothes on and they don’t fall in love with someone at first sight.

I could’ve been one of those people.

I could’ve lived a dull, ordinary life but she came along and changed everything.

Because of her I tasted the snow last winter. Because of her I read poetry in front of the fire one night.

Because of her I dance with her at midnight to the songs from her kickass playlist. And because of her, instead of running inside when it rains, I stand on my spot and let the drops drench me.

But most of all, because of her, I’m learning to dream. A thing people wonder about.

I’m learning to want and desire and crave.

I’m learning to live.

Because she’s a girl made of moon and magic. She’s a girl who has streaks of gold in her thick hair, red as fuck lips. And she’s a girl who glows in the moonlight.

A girl I’ve loved since the first time I saw her.

My beauty.

My Violet.

