Page 34 of Just Friends

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But he was never prepared for the type of connection he had with Rachel. Especially when he opened his eyes and saw hers staring right back at him.

It was always hot when women made eye contact during any sex act. It was a ride on cloud nine when Rachel bored a huge hole into his eyes while she fervently sucked his cock.

He couldn’t look away. It was like she dared him to break contact – and therefore her faith in him. She’s breaking some of her vow to do this. She wants to know it’s worth it. Worth it! What was worth more than having her tongue caress his sensitive flesh and dance upon his tip? To have her hand stroke whatever her mouth currently didn’t suck?

The only time she spoke to him was when she released him with a gasp and asked, “How’s that?”

Zack said the first thing to come to his mind. “Perfect.”

Spurred on by this high praise, Rachel slammed her mouth back onto him and went for it.

If Zack held onto any hope that he was going to make it through this and give her his first orgasm the way God intended (inside of her, naturally) that hope was dashed now. Rachel was too determined to finish him off to let him get away with anything but coming in her mouth.

The least he could do was warn her.

“Jesus fuck!”

Yeah, that was as good of a warning as she was going to get. She better be aware of his swelling girth, the heat in his thighs, and the precum slipping onto her tongue if she needed more warning than a cry of unbridled pleasure. Because Zack’s body was 100% done holding back.

Not many men are able to say that a single orgasm is the best, the most intense of his life while it happened. Not true for Zack. He soon joined an exclusive club of men who were confident in saying that one woman managed to completely ruin their lives with the most amazing orgasm they would ever experience.

It was because of how she looked at him when he came. Rachel never once flinched or released control over him. While Zack didn’t feel submissive, one thing was definitely clear – she was in complete control, and he could fuck off if he didn’t like it.

No fucking off for him. If anything, Zack was still hard after climax and ready to flip her over and finish this right. I need to be inside of her. Now.

But Rachel wasn’t finished with him. She shamelessly wiped the last trace of him from the corner of her mouth before hopping off the bed and grabbing her shirt.

“I think we should go back to town now,” she announced. “Unless you’re too worn out to hop on your bike and take me home.”

Zack had no idea what the hell had happened. He doubted he would know for a furiously long time.

Chapter 17

“Women really do make you go mental.” Zack sipped his drink before his current buzz could wear off. “I have absolutely no idea what’s going on with her.”

In the lounge chair beside him, Seth readjusted the umbrella protecting him from the sun. Zack didn’t give a shit. A man who spent so much time on a boat gained a healthy tan. I really should wear more sunscreen than I do. His mother was constantly chastising him, warning her youngest sun that his skin was going to be nothing but busted leather by the time he was his father’s age. It hadn’t done a damn thing to Uncle Roy, however, and that man was pushing seventy. Or is already seventy. I can’t remember.

“I’m the last one who should be giving you advice,” Seth said. “Between drinking this stuff and rolling on these waves… whoa…”

“Don’t get sick on my uncle’s boat.” Zack swung his legs over the side of the lounge chair and threatened to take the drink from his friend’s hand. “He’s cleaned up enough vomit over the years.”

“What was that about vomit?” Roy called from the bow of Retirement Fund.

“Nothing!” Zack shouted back. “Everything’s fine!”

Seth put his empty glass down and gave his friend a dire look. “I’m fine. Rethinking my decision to bring this cognac on board.”

“Not your fault you’re trying to class the place up.” Zack lowered his voice. “Between you and me, my uncle enjoys some finer things from when he was our age.”

Seth leveled his gaze at him. “I’m seven years older than you. Whose age, exactly?”

“Not the point.””

“Then what is the point?”

“The point is that I think I may have it bad for this woman.”

Seth flung himself back onto the lounge chair. He hit the bottom so hard that the umbrella above them destabilized and threatened to land on their heads.

“You’ve known her for like two weeks and you haven’t even slept with her.”

Zack fixed the umbrella with a huff. “You’re right. I haven’t slept with her. Maybe that’s the thing.”

“You haven’t slept with her, but she blew you.”

“Right. Forgot I told you that.”

Seth whipped off his sunglasses. “It’s the first thing you told me when I got out of my car!”

Zack wasn’t one to blush, but he wouldn’t stand for this misinformation. “I told you on the phone, not when you got out of your car.”


“Miss Tattle Talia over here…” Zack sank back down on the edge of his chair, hands rubbing between his legs as his elbows flexed against his knees – and his jaw set as if he were five and his nanny insisted he eat green beans. “What do you want from me? I’ve spent the past year listening to you go on about your girlfriend’s beautiful body.”

“I have not gone on about anything like that. You know I keep that shit private.”

“Riiiiight. I just get to look at her naked tits in your paintings.”

Seth shrugged. “She likes showing them off?”

No kidding. Zack swore he had seen Judith’s tits more than he had seen any of his ex-girlfriend’s. She was shameless in those tight white T-shirts. Not that Zack had any room to talk. He was first in line to paint some artistic nudity.

Even Rachel, if she would let him.

Jesus, listen to me. Next to what she had done to him in that bedroom, the only thing Zack could think about was the view of her body in that plain bra. Rachel may not have been a European supermodel or the latest it-girl in Hollywood in terms of physique, but there was a lot to be said for seeing an everyday woman baring even that much of her body to a man she trusted enough to see it.

Didn’t even get a nip slip yet here I am sobbing over her miraculous tits. What a loser.

“I would bet real money that Rachel still does it better than your pro girlfriend.”

Seth opened his arms wide. “Why are we talking about this? What is this? High school locker room?”

“I can only imagine what you were like in a high school locker room.”

“I was on the lacrosse team. I spent plenty of time in locker rooms with other jocks.”

“You a jock?”

“Yes, and thanks to my previous career, I’ve seen more pussy than the rest of my team combined.”

“How many of those pussies had mucus plugs and babies coming out of them, though?”

Seth was quick to reply. “Not as many as you may think.”

Roy sat down on another chair, a bottle of beer in his hand. His wild, white hair blew behind his head in the sea breeze, and his skinny legs spread wide as he leaned back and soaked up the sun without sunglasses on his beady blue eyes or a lick of sunscreen on his bronzed skin. “First vomiting, now babies popping out on my deck.”

“I know I’ve told you that Seth used to be a baby guy.”

“What the fuck?”

“Babies make the world go ‘round.” Roy held his bottle above his head. “Or so I’m told. Could never see the appeal for myself.”


Seth shrugged. “I’m so desensitized to pregnancy, childbirth, and all that shit babies do.”

“Which means you’re not going to have any, right?”

“Probably, at this rate.”

Zack often felt the same. He didn’t only idolize his uncle for his free-spirited lifestyle and laissez-faire attitude toward relationships, but for going against family protocol as the firstborn son. Not only did he refuse to get married and go into the family business, he also refused to have children in any way, shape, or form. That included adoption or letting Zack’s grandmother pay an unknown woman to carry a Feldman child to term. Luckily my father stepped up in more ways than one. Took over the family business and had three legitimate sons!

Zack wasn’t the fatherly type, either. He was fine with having nieces and nephews, maybe dating a woman with older kids once he reached a certain age, but he had never answered any call to fatherhood. Most of the other guys he talked to either said they had accepted their fates as future fathers or looked forward to it. More than one glibly said that he would do anything to stay on his family’s will and to shut his baby-crazy wife up. “That’s what the hefty personal bank accounts are for, Feldman,” they explained to him. “Fuck off for most of the year and let the wife and nannies take care of the little legacies.”

What a life.

Zack didn’t want to bail on people, though. He wanted to travel, he wanted the freedom to do as he pleased… but just because he had money didn’t mean he wanted to actually leave people hanging. That meant emotionally, too. His uncle had thoughts things through. He could have gone through the Marriage and Children Circus and then fucked off on his yacht, but he was above that. People had given Elroy Feldman a lot of shit, especially back in his day. Yet could anyone say that he had let anyone down in the end?
